HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972 Ordinance No. 006llft'aODUC8D A8 A BILL BY COUllCIUIAll IJllORI'IT. ft AUIWlft OltDDIAllCS .,. 6, •mu• or 1972 All ODlllAllCS MIMDDIG CllAPl'D8 22.5-5•(10) AllD 22.8 or 'l'llB CCllPl..-&IVB ZOll- DQ om>DIAllCS, OllDlllAllCS .,. 26, SDI•• or 1163, ...,l!'LID, ·PRIVA'l'B OPP-S'l'RBft PAllllH ftAllDAW IOll mmmur. --·, n DCaWDQ 'l'llB RBQUIU orP-SftBBT PAll•IM amm••_.,. POR SITICID<:r U91ft AllD fOa CIUUft OR VISITOR PARKIBG, Am>DD'u1mma ..... .. , ...-ollS, BS IT ORMlllSD 8Y BS Clft COUllCIL OP '1'118 Cift OP .., Erooo, COl.olt!UX)1 l!gtioa l. !'bat ebapter 22.5-5a(10) of the CDllprebenaiv• zoning Ordinance ~i•w llo. 26, &eri•• of 1963, i• hereby •ended to rea• aa followaa 22.s-sac10>. •••Huiial u•• (1) llpplt f••ily dw!llipa •••• a.D (2) apaeta per .. cb dwelling unit. (11) lpltipl• !J"'ly l:ftltf'··;.8fficiency, one or b«> bedroom unit• •••• one a Ont--1/2.>. apace• per .. cb dwelling unit.· nar-or more bedroom unlta.,,; •• a.o (2) apace• per each dwelling Wlit. Sacb parkin9 •ball be deai.,..ated and identified •• parking for oc:capant• of th• buildin9 only. Gut•t• or Viaitora.; •• fiv• or 110r• dwelling unita •••• one (1) apace for tach five unite. 8'acb parkin9 aball be deai9n19ted and identified a• temporary parking for tb• aH of peat• or viaitor• of the occupant• of tb• baildin9 only. l!gtiop 2. !bat Cbapter 22 .8 of th! CDllpreben•ive Zoning Ordinance, Ordinince llO. 26, Itri•• of 1963, i• hereby •ended by adding tbe following d1fiaitiona1 22.a. ptJipiiiona 31'1! or Ji•itor Off-•f'!!t ParJ5tna.• An off-atreet parking apace pEOvi r t1•1orary aH o pt•t• o~or viaitor• to occupant• or tenanta of tb• baildin9, whether for aocial, buaine•• or profeaaionaJ. rtaaona. ••ffii~nit•, A chMlliftCJ unit conaiating of one room and in- cluding a; kltcben, hallway, cloaeta and dining alcove directly off of tb• principal roo11, provided aacb dining alcove doe• not exceed 125 aq. ft. in arta. Introduced, read in fall and paaatd on firat reading on tbe 20th day of Dec811ber, 1971. Pabliabed aa a Bill for an Ordinance on tb• 23rd day of December, 1971. Read by title and paaaed on final r,.din9 on tb• 7th day of February, 1972. Pabliabtd by title •• Ordinance llO. 6, Itri•• of 1972 on the 10th day of Ptbraary, 1972. Atteat1 ·' ~'8":) -off!Clo Clty-Cler'k-'l'rta•ar•r I, Sttpben A. Lyon, do btreby certify that tb• above and foregoing ia a true, accurate and cat111l•t• copy of an ordinance, paaatd on final reading and pabliab!d by title aa Ordinance llo. 6, Seri•• of 1972. ~~.,~~ ex officio City Cler1'-Treaa'1rer ------ I ~.