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DrlDU::ID AS A BILL BY COCllCiuall ....
OaDDIUK:B IK>. 18 , SBUBS OP 1972
ml'lTLBD, •AllJMLS AllD IQIL•, MID mlaCTDC TllB SAllB WITH AllBHDllBlfl'S •
lectiaD 1. '!'bat Article I, Title XI, 0.pter 11, Sectiona 1 through 12 incluaive of the
'69 1.•.c. an hereby repealed and reenacted to r•d a• follows:
11-11-11 DBPDITIO•
Aa aaed berein, unlu• tbe context cl•rly indicate• otberwiae, the following
wo~ and Jlbra ... ahall have the following -.iin99:
The owner• and reaidenta of lands that are
·~1 Sbelter• Any pr..Uu deaignated by the City for the purpose of boarding
and caring for any uial •...-anded under the proviaiona of thia ordinance or any other ordinance
or law of the St.ate of Colorado.
·~1 Warden• The person or peraona -.powered by the City to enforce the
pzori.aioaa of tbia ordinance.
•at La~ aball ~ off the premi.H• of the owner and not under control by
l•ab, cord, cbalD or rviH not under the •-•di.ate control or auperviaion of the keeper,
or any _.,loyM, Mr.At or • her of the t 1iate faaily of th• keeper or of the owner of an
...,10JM, Hnant or •11nber of the 1-diate faaily of the owner.
•!!Sa• Any animal of tbe canine apeci• regardle•• of •ex.
•rtnance Director• Director of Finance, ex officio City ClerkJI'reasurer.
•Bobby Breedltr• Any person wbo, outaide of bia regular courae of employaent is
bree1ing dogs or .Uiving to ilnpron docJ• tbrouC)h controlled propagation thua achieving carefully
dnind qualitie• and traita.
•owaer• •ball ~ any person owning, k .. pinq or harboring a dog or dogs •
... •taint• A dog ia under reatraint within the -.iing of this ordinance if
be ia OODtrolled, or at •bee1•, be81de a peraon and obedient to that person's ca.ands, or is
within a vehicle that ia being driven or parked on a public atreet or is within the property
llaita of ita owner or keeper.
"Viciou 0ov• A dog that without provocation bite• or attacka humans or other
ant-la, or in a vicioua or terrorizing manner approachea any pereon in an apparent attitude
of attack.
It aball be unlawful for th• owner of any dog to keep or -intain any such dog
anlua it aball have been •ccinated by a licenud veterinary aurgeon with anti-rabies vaccine
within 12 llODtba preceding the date on which the dog i• kept or •intained, and every dog within
tbe City aball at all t1-• have a current rabi• ta9 a• provided by the Department of Health,
or a 8'1bdiviaion of auch department. Any dog, when taken fraa the owner'• pr-ises, must wear
a collar to micb a current rabie• vaccination ta9 i• affixed, and auch tag ahall not be trans-
fezable to any other dog.
11-11-31 DOG8 A'I Laa::B -PDIIBITBD
It mall be anlawful for any penon owning, poaaeaaion or keeping custodial or
npenUory authority or control onr any dog to pemit, cauH or auffer auch animal to run at
luge within the City aa defined in Section 11-11-1.
Ca) Any dog or doga found running at larqe •ball be taken by the Animal Warden
and t~ in the 8belter deaipated a• the City Animal Shelter and there confined in a b·-· ---~ for a period of not l••• than •ix (6) daya, and •Y therafter be disposed of in
a b1W9ne Maner if not claimed by their owner•. DoCJ• not cla1-d by their owners before the
apimtion of •ix (6) daya •Y be diapoHd of at the diacretion of the Animal warden, except
aa bereinafter prc:wided.
(b) The Animal Marden •Y tran•f•r title of any dog held at the Animal Shelter
to tbe loci.ty for tbe Prnention of Cruelty to Animals after the legal detention period has
upind and nc:b dog ba• not bHn claimed by it• owner.
(c) llben dog• are found running at large and their ownership is known to the
AD!al llarden •cb clop need not be fapnunded, but •uch officer •Y cite the owners of such
doga to appear in court to &n8Wer charge• of the violation of thi• ordinance.
(d) 1-diately upon illp>unclinq docJ•, the Animal Marden ahall make every
poeaible, na..,,,.bl• effort to notify the ownen of •uch docJ• •o illpounded, and info:m such
wn of t:be candlitian8 mereby they -Y regain cumtody of much dog•. If ownership is not
dftem•Nble by t:be Alaiaal Marden, the the llarden mu•t pomt a deacription of the impounded
antwl in thne CGD8Picaoua place• not later than thr• (3) days after illpounding the animal.
(e) Any animal, other than a dog, found running at large within the City limits
•Y be •apnvna.ct or d18poMd of accorclinl) to law when •uch action is required either to protect
tbe aa••l or to pzotect tbe re•identa of t:be City. The owner of any animal so impounded •Y
reclaia 8ucb an••l upon pa,_nt of all C09ta and charge• incurred by the City for impounding
and •lnteallnce of 8ucb ant•l.
It 8ball be unlawful for any owner or keeper of any dog or dogs to pe:mit such
dog or doga by loud and par•18tent, habitual baning, howling or yelping to disturb any person
or neigbbodaaod, and the ._ 18 hereby declared to be a public nuiunce. It shall not be
nece••EY for the pazpo8e of thia .w..ction to identify and de•cribe the dog or dogs which
are barking, bowlincJ or yelpincJ, pmvided only that it 8ball be 8hown who has possession,
care, cutody or cantrol of Mid dog or dog•.
ll-ll-61 •DIDD!lm 11:>• THUi '1'Bm DOGS C:. PBllISBS -LXCDISE REQUIREllElrl'S
l1o bauaebold, place or prmi-•Y have more than three (3) dogs over six (6)
11GDtb8 of age without fint bari.ng procurnd a City Robby Breeder's Licen .. as hereinafter
proridecl. A City Hobby Breeder'• LicenH 8ball not: be required where the place or premises
an carnntly Ucen..S a• a pet ebop or boarclinl) kennel, purwant to Sections 66-30-1 et seq.,
c.a.a. '63,
An application to -intain a bobby breeder'• operation shall be •de upon foms
9V1'PlW by t:be Dil:ector of Pinance, and 8ball contain a •tat•rnt of the naae of the applicant,
tbe acldnu and location of the bobby breeder'• operation, together with the express con•ent
fRm adjoining land wn or re•ident• tbat they bave no objection to the issuance of •id
licen•, and 8ucb additional infomation a• •Y be required by the Director concerning the
Jlb7aical facilitiee and equipment, u in th• judgment of the Director will enable him to pass
1ll'Oft tbe qaalificatione of the applicant and pr..Ue•. The application ahall be accompanied
by pa,_.at of • fH in the amount of Pifty ($50.00) Dollar•.
11-11-81 LJCl•SI I88UMIC'B -RD1BlfAL
(a) In the event tbat the Director approve• the application and deteraines that
tbe applicant 18 qualified to engage in a hobby brMder'• operation, the Director shall issue
a licen• to t:be applicant, ..tlich llcenH 8ball be prcminently di•played in the location the
applicant •intaine hie operation.
(b) Upon iaeuance of the City Bcbby BrHder'• LicenH the licensee •Y carry on
a liaited bree4ing pzograa, but -y not: -intain 110re tban five (5) dogs over six (6) months
of age, nor 110re than twenty (20) puppie• welped and trauferred in any twelve (12) month period.
(c) The Robby Breeder'• Licenae under the provi•ions of this ordinance shall
expire on tbe 3let day of Dec 11 her •ch yMr. Bach licenH 8ball be renewed during the month
of Dec her •ch year. SUcb appl1cation8 for rene.l mall be -de to the Director in writing,
on fo!W8 preacribed by the Director, mall contain much infomation a• will enable hia to
detemtne if the applicant 18 qaalified to cantinue to hold a licmee, and 8hall be accaapanied
by a ~l fM of 'l'Wnty Pive ($25.00) Dollar•.
11-11-91 BO•Y BmDD OPDNrIOR
Oprator'• Dutiee.
(1) Sftry pereon liceneed under thb ordinance to operate as a hobby breeder shall:
(a) llaintain the premiaea and facilitie• in a 8anitary condition.
(b) Provide adequate ventilation for the facilities used for animals.
(c) Prori.de adequate nutrition for and h\m&ne care and treatment of all
clop an&ler bi• can and control.
11-11-lOs ltJGlft CJ/I ~RY -Il8PBC'f IOllS
It 8ball be lawful for the Anial Marden or any employee of the City who •Y be
cbaqed with the duty of aldncJ inepectione of prem..ee liceneed under this ordinance, or any
_,10!99 of the coanty or di8trict h•lth department to enter upon the pr.aiaes licensed under
thia ordlmnce and to inapec:t the .._ and inepect any record8 required to be kept by this
cmHmnce or regulation8 -ct• purwant thereto. I
The Director •Y withhold, deny, revoke or temporarily suspend for a period not
to exceed one (1) year any licenu issued or applied for in accordance with the provisions of
tbia ordinance upon findbMJ that licenHe baa been guilty of the following:
(a) The licen••• baa been convicted of two (2) violations of Section 11-11-4
within a twlft (12) manth period.
(b) The •terial lliutated in the application for a license or an application
of na ... 1 thenof.
(c) 'lbe violation of any public h•lth law of the state, and failure to caaply
with any at.ate act or hNlth requir1m1nt relative to the hlmUle tr•t.ent of dogs.
(d) Failure to •intain sanitary conditiona and the proper diapoAl of animal
..--as •Y be reqaired by the Colorado State Department of Heal.th pursuant to 0.pter 66
c.a.s. • 63, or any ._....nta thereto.
(a) l1o one 8ball keep, pomwa or harbor a vicious dog within the City. It
8ball be tb• duty of the ~l llarden or his agents to impound such ant•l, and if impoundlmlt
mnnot be •de with •f•ty to the Anial tlarden or other citizens, the animal •Y be destroyed
witboat notice to the owner, keeper, or PG9•••or.
(b) DOCJa -intained as guard dogs or placed in an enclosed area for the protection
of .,_... or pEaperty aball not be included under this Mction so long as they ~in confined
to a specific area under CG11Plete and abeolute control. All pn.1... on which guard dogs are
lriept mast CQD9Picuoaaly po9t all entrances to the pnmiaea stating that guard dogs are maintained
Gil tbe pre-t ....
11-11-131 POI .. Im DOGS UllLMl1'UL
It 8ball be unlawful for any person to poison any dog or dogs or to distribute
poban in any •NMr ~taoever with the intent of poisoning any dog or dogs.
11-11-141 PIDldf ICll f1' PIGll'l'S
It 8ball be unlawful for any person to cause, instigate or encourage any animal
to fl41at with another of its own apeciea or with another of a different species. It shall be
malavfal to •intain any place "1ere any antwla are pemitted tO fight for exhibition, for
•gar or for eport.
Section 2. That Article II, Title XI, Chapter 11, Sections 21 through 28 of the
'69 s.•.c. are hereby repealed and the following provisions are enacted in their place:
11-11-211 LIYB8'10CX1 .-DG AT IAaaB
It aball be unlawful for tbe owner or any person in charge of any livestock
Jmawi.Dgly to caw or peadt aucb liftatock to CJR• or run at large within the City. All
aadl antwls shall be taken by the Animal Warden and tapoundecl and disposed of as provided by
Rate law.
11-11-221 ABUDCll llll'f C. AllIMLS
It shall be unlawful for any person to abandon any animals, or to cause such to
be dam.
11-11-231 ausun m AllDaLS
It .._11 be unlawful for any person to over drive, overload, drive when over-
lmdec1, ~rk, torture, ct.prift of neces•ry auatenance, cruelly beat, mutilate, or kill
..Sl-ly, or to cany in any vehicle or otberviM tzanaport in a cruel and inhuman •nner,
any antwl, or to caw any of th•M acts to be ctoae. It shall be unlawful for any person
baring cbaqe or caatody of any animal to fail to provide it with proper food, drink and
pmtection fRm tbe watber, or to caw any of tbeae acts to be done.
11-11-241 11>1.BftDG Bim>S
It shall be unlawful for any person within the City to, at any time, frighten,
aboot at, wound, kill, take, capture, ensnare, net,trap or in any other mnner molest or injure
any bird, fowl, or wter fowl1 or in any mnner .,lest or injure the nest. eggs, or young of
any aucb bird, fowl, or wter fowl.
It 8ball be unlawful for any penon to po9aeaa, display, sell or give aw.y dyed,
colozed, or in any •Y artificially treated baby chicks, ducklings, fowls, rabbits, or any
antwla aa pets, playthings, noveltiu or gifts.
It 8ball be unlawful for any person to exhibit any stud horse or bull or other
antwl lridecently. It shall be unlawful for any person to let any •le animal to any f811lle
antwl anl-the --be done in acme plaoe wholly enclosed and out of public view.
ll-ll-271 SOOU>GJCAL n.rrl
(a) llo pereon 8ball baEbor, .. intain, keep or ••11 or offer for sale any wild
•nt•l, vlld bi.Ed, mmtlc pet, polaanou or dangeEOU• reptile, anake or insect without first
obta•nt,. a llOOlogic:al pemlt frm tbe City of Englewood. In ianing such pemits the City
8ball Mt:ab118b MIClb naeoaabl• ml• and EegUlatl.ona and fw •• are necessary and proper for
tbe ale aontzol and --GIL tnt of the afort tntioned ant•la, birda and reptiles.
(b) '!'be pmviaiana of thia aect:ion ahall not apply to: (1) a bona fide publicly
or pdwtely ome4 aoological 119rk1 (2) a publicly owm4 ant•l pound1 (3) a veterinary hospital;
or (4) a baaa fide ~rcb inatitutian uaing pet ant•l• for a scientific research.
Introduced, read in full and iia•aed on fl.rat r•ding on the 17th day of April, 1972.
Publiabed •• a Bill for an ordinance on the 20th day of April, 1972.
-d by title and Jla•Hd on final reading on th• 15th day of May , 1972.
Pabliabed by title •• Ordinance No. 18 , Series of 1972 on the 18th day of
.. , , 1972.
.. officio City~Clerk
I, , do hereby certify that the above and foregoing
la a true, accurate and C011Plet.e copy of an Ordinance, iia••ed on final r•din9 and published by
title •• Ordlmnce llo. 18 , Seri•• of 1972.
ex officio City Clerk