HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972 Ordinance No. 020II ·I ImaoDOCZL• AS A am. BY c:omlCILllUI LAY BY AU'l'llOltlTY Om>ma.cB m. 20 , SBRIBS <:I 1972 All Om>DallCB Almll>DIG CllAPIBR 9, TITLE III, OP THB '69 E.M.C., THE "UNIFORI PLtlmDla CXl>B,• 1970 IDITIOM, BY COUOlllDIG SAm •tJMD'Oml PLOllBING CODE" WlTll CBRrU. JmQUiltlllmlS or TBB DBPARrllDrl' or HOOSDIG AllD URBAN DEVELOPMENT • .. ms, the City Council of tbe City of Englewood did by Ordinance No. 42, Series of 1971 adopt tbe •Ubifom Plmbing Code,• 1970 B4ition1 and .. ms, tbe Department of Ha.aaing and Urban Develq:ment ha• indicated that financial • cle to tbe Plmbing Code are required in order that tb• City would be eli9ible for HUD aaai8tance • .. , TBBiiBl'Ol8, BB IT OmAIMID BY Tll8 cm COUllCIL or THB CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, aa followaz Sect1Gn 1. That Section 40l(c) of the "Unifom Plmabin9 Code,• 1970 Edition, is hereby aW!ded to r•d a• followaz Sec. 40l(c) Aboft~round Piping Within Builclinqa Soil and wate pipinCJ for a c!raina9e ayatea within a buildin9 shall be of not 1... than Hnice wight cast iron, galvanised wmljJbt iron, galvanized open hearth iron, galvani-4 steel, atainlua steel pipincJ grade 409, Schedules G and H, lead, brass, copper pipe or of coarer tube. Plaatic piping bearing the -ddnga 1181'-lllV -Y be used only in one and ho atory dwellings. Section 2. That Section 317(•) of the "Unifoza Plumbing Code," 1970 Edition, is hereby ••ndecl to read a• followa 1 Sec. 317 TrenchinCJ, Bxcavation and Backfill <•> tlater Hrvicu pipea or any underground wter pipes shall not be run or laid in tbe --trench with non-Mtalic building, aewr or draina9e pipin9, except -pzcwided in tbi• ""ion. Th• wter service pipe •Y be placed in the .... trench with such building drain atad buildinq .... r, provided both of the followin9 conditions are met: The bottcm of the wter Hrvice pipe, at all points, shall be at l••t twelve (12) inchea above the top of the aewer line. The wter service pipe shall be placed on a solid shelf excavated at one aide of th• ca•on trench. Section 3. That Section 1008(b) of th• •unifom PlWlbing Code," 1970 Edition, is be~ •-ncled to read a• followaz Sec. 1008 Installation, Inspection and Teatinq (b) tlater Hrvice pipe• or any under9round wter pipes, shall not be run or laid in tbe --trench with non-Mtalic buildincJ aewer or drainage pipin9, except as pzovidecl in this eection. The wter Hrvice pipe -Y be placed in the .... trench with such bullcling drain and building .....r, prari.ded both of the following conditions are met: The bottca of the •ter service pipe, at all points, shall be at l•at twelve (12) inch•• above the top of the sewer line. The wter Hrvice pipe •hall be placed on a solid shelf excavated at one aide of the ccman trench. Section 4. That Section 1108 of the •tJnifom PlUllbin9 Code," 1970 Edition, is hereby • •'"""-" to read aa followaz Sec. 1108 Sewer and Water Pipe• llon--talic baildinq .... r or drainaqe piping shall not be run or laid in tbe -trench with •ter Hrvice pipes or any underground wter pipes unless both of the following requir•••nta are -tz The bottcm of the wter piping at all point• •hall be at least twelve (12) inch•• above the top of the nwr piping. The wter piping shall rest on a solid shelf on one side of the ca•on trench. Section 5. That all ordinance• or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are -uly repealed. Introduced, read in full and paaaed on first r•ding on the 5th day of June, 1972. Publi.W •• a Bill for an Ordinance on the 8th day of June, 1972 • ._d by title and paa•d on final reading on the 19th day of June , 1972. Published by title •• Ordinance No. ~' Series of 1972 on the 22nd day of June , 1972. ~~· ·Mayor Atte.ts ~IV.~- a officio City Clerk-'l'reaaurer X, Jtarl P. llollenberger, do hereby certify that the above and foreqoing is a true, accurate aD4 CG11Pleta copy of an Ordinance, ia•aed on final reading and publi8hed by title as Ordinance llo. 20 , Seri• of 1972. ~>\/~ ex officio City Clerk-Treasurer I I I