HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972 Ordinance No. 021I I I Drramto' a+ A8 A Bl:LL BY OOmK:IUIUI DHOJtlTY BY Mrrll>IUTY 011>DIUK'B m. 21 , &BltIBS "' 1972 u omuaKZ GMmDG TO 'l'llB NJCBISOll, TOPm & SAmA n MIUfAY CDIPANY, ftN1'B OP COLOMDO, A PBmu'l' '1'0 CDIS'l'ma MID llAD'l'ADI A RAIL SPUR THR:>UGH THE C1'1'Y OP Nn"'OOD, COIDMDO, A lmHICIPAL C0901tM'IOl1, MID DBCIARIR:; AN DER.llBEY. tC>W, THBJml"OJIB, BE lT OR>ADIBD BY THE CITY OOUMCIL OP THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, aa follOW8s Section 1. Upon the conditions hereinafter .. t forth there i• hereby granted to the Atchieaa, Topeka & 8anta Pe Rail..ay ~y, Bcm9time• hereinafter referred to as "Railway", a penait to canatmct, operate and -intain a rail spur across certain hereinafter described zaad9, streets and pzoperty in the City of Englewood, Colorado, Scm9time• hereinafter referred to aa •BDglMfOOd•, to-wits A ltri.p of land 10 fHt wide on both aide• of a center line deacribed as follows: Beginning at a point an the ••t line of South Windemere 80.8 feet Southwest of the llortb li.ne of the South 1/2 of the South 1/2 of th• Horth 1/2 of the llortb 1/2 of Sec:ti.oa 9, Townahip 5 South, lmMJ• 68 W.st1 thence Southwesterly along the arc of a 15° curve to the left to intersection with the West R.o.w. li.ne of South Windemere. Section 2. The for990incJ riC)ht, penait and licenae i• 9ranted only upon the following mrpnaa tema and oanditlana, to-wits A. All ritbta hereunder aball be exercised in aucb M"Dar a• to cause the l•• poulble inconftlli.ence to those entitled to ..U Ull of the streets or avenues involved, and the l••t poealbl• obstruction to travel in and along aid atrMta or avenues. To t.bia end, the •il..ay shall, wherever poealble, al..aye lMve open at l••t one-half of roads, street• or avenues adjacent to or cmuincJ the excavati.oaa and oonatEUC:tion work of the Railway and 8ball take all poealble precautiona to prevent accident• and injuries in CCIUl9Ct1an with any of ita work along the avmuea and atreeta hereinabove ..ationed. In DO evmt, durincJ the proce .. of conatruction and laying of said rail spur, or the •intemnce thereof, shall any public or private street, alley or right-of-wy be obstructed to travel for a ... continuoua period of more than foar (4) daya. DurlDcJ the conatruction and •intemnce of Kid rail spur, there eball at DO time be stored or left on the surface of the streets, alleys or other rigbts-of-..ay of the City of Englewood any pipe, -terials or equip- .ant uae4 in coaatruction and -intenance of •id conduit for a period of more than two (2) we•k• at any ane location before putting the --to use. a. It 8ball be nece-ey for the Rlil•y, in the couru of conatructinq aid rail apur, to protect the Englewood utility •ina inatalled within the above described riC)ht-of-..y. Th• ..ater line •ball be uncovered, cleaned and encased in concrete in a •nner prescribed by the Department of Utilities. Pzotectian of utility •ins will confom to the •thod detailed by the railway ....,...nt.ea. Cc:lllplete plane including •l.,,.tions and 9ftde•, will be required of the applicant for approval by the City. c. All exmvation and COD8truction, inatallation and -intenance work which the Rail..ay shall undertake pursuant to this penait, shall be subject to inspection by a CWJ11"9tent and qualified Inspector who •ball represent the City, and the Rail- ..ay agrees to CClllPlY vi.th all reasonable requeats thereof in the performance of •id work. All such wodt aball be performd ao aa not to interfere with, or damage any utility li.nea owned by the City or private utiliti•• existing within such street. After each excavation, the street shall be refilled; the upper e inches of the fill shall conaiat of 6 inches of good quality CCllllllllcted gravel base course and 2 inc:b .. of ••llbaltic ccncnte aurfacing, surfacing to apply where existing surfacing 1a disturbed. All of the afore•id work shall be free from settlement arising oat o~ any excavation and performed within the Uait• of the trench excavation. D. Atchison, Topeka & &ult& Pe Railw.y C'alpany, ita eucceaaora and assigns shall at all U... aw and keep bamlua the •id City of Englewood and its City Council and other off icen and mplor-• from any and all damage• that •Y in any manner ariM f rcm the qranting of this penait and the exerciM of any rights granted bezwandar1 proyi.ded, however, tbat the •ilw.y, its aucceaaora and assigns, shall ~ be eo held liable unlu• given full opportunity to defend any such claims. Section 3. llotbing herein ahall be conatmed a• granting to Atchison, Topeka & Santa Pe •il~ c,..ny any rigbta other than the pemit herein expreuly defined and set forth, nor 8ball anything in tbia ozdimnce be coutmed a• granting an acluive privilege to Atchison, Toi'eJra 5 &anta Pe aail•y Cmptny, it being undentood that the right of Englewood to qrant the UM of ita roada, atreeta, avenuea, all.ya and other public righta-of-w.y to others for public and priwte puzpoaM la fully r-rved to Bnqlewoocl conaiatent, however, with the full exercise of the rigbta granted by thi• pemit. Section 4. A copy of thla Ordinance, •iC)D94 by the llayor and City Clerk-'rreasurer of the City of Bnglewoocl, Colorado, ahall be nfficient n14ence of th• pemit herein qranted. The acceptance of thi• perait by re110lution by the Rail•Y, a copy of which shall be duly certified to by the Clerk of the City of Bnqlewoocl, Colorado ahall be conclusive evidence of the acceptance by t:be aail•y of all the term and conditiona of thi• ordinance, and the Railway aazw to perfom aucb term and conditions. Section 5. It i• expreaaly undentood and agned that the qrantinq and acceptance of thia pemit la and ahall be without prejudice to any riqht• or obliqation of the Atchison, Ta&lelra " 8anta Pe Rail•y Catpany, or the City of Bnqlewoocl, Colorado, or any inhabitants thereof. Section 6. All other pmviaic:ma of thla Ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding, cU.8aM of this trackage by the Rail•Y will reault in the abandownt of any and all rights granted bueunder. Section 7. In the opinion of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, this Ordimnce u necu•zy for the preMnation of public property, health, peace or safety in that the Atc:bi80D, '1'opelra 5 lanta Pe lail•y Cmptny i• urgently in need of the riqht-of-wy herein panted for th• conatruction of th• rail •par herein Mt forth, and this Ordinance shall take effect apan publication followinq final i-••99· Introduced, r•d in full and pa••ed on fir•t reading on the 5th day of June, 1972. Publiabed a• a Bill for an Ordinance on the 8th day of June, 1972. -d by title and paaaed on final rading on the 19th day of June , 1972. Publiabed by title a• Ordinance Ho. 21, Serie• of 1972 on the 22nd day of June , 1972. ~~· llayor A~s "'~-VI'~'\. a off icio City ClerkJf reaaurer I , Karl F . llollenbergrer, do hereby certify that the above and foregoinq is a true, accurate and C011Pl•te copy of an Ordimnce, paaaed on final reading and publlahed by title as Ordinance llo. 21 , Seri•• of 1972. ~/\/u CJ '"R'\ a officio City Clerk-'rreasurer I I