HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972 Ordinance No. 030I I I INTIODUaD AS A llLL IV COONCILMAN SOtWAI IV AUTHOllTY OIDINANa NO. !!._, SEllES OF 1972 AN OIDINANCE FIXING THE TAX LEVY IN MILLS UPON EACH DOLLAR Of THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF ALL TAXABLE PIOPE11Y WITHIN THE CTY OF ENGLEWC>a>, COL.ORADO, FOR THE YEAR 1973. WHEIEAS, It Is the •ty ol the City Councll of the City of Englewood, Colorado, under the 0-W of •Id City and Statu'9I of the SW. of Colorado, to lllCllce the annual levy for Oty purposes for the par 1972 clue and payable In 1973; and WHEREAS, It Is neceumy wan addltlanal tpeelal levy to maintain the Flremens' Pension Fund at a .......-.. level; and WHEIEAS, the City Councll t. cluly conalcleNd the eltlmated valuatlon of all of the taxable prapelty within the City cnl the n11ds of the City far •ch ol said levle1, cnt has determined that the levlm • ._.lnafter let forth en Dl'GNf' cnt wl•. NOW, THEIEFOIE, IE IT ORDAINED IV THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLOIADO: Section I. That tt... be and th... Is heNlry levlecl for the year 1972, due and payable as ..., ... by the Stalutel In the,_. 1973, a tax ol l.95 mlll1 on the dollar for the General Fund of the City ol fnll•aad, ColClftldo. Section 2. That lh... be and there 11 heNlry levled far the year 1972, due and payable as ...,.._. by the Slalut• In the year 1973, a tax of .51 of a ·•ll on the dollar for the Flremens' P .. lon Fund ol the City ol fnll9WGad, Colorado. . . Section 3. That thet. be and t'-e Is heNby I.vied for the year 1972, due and payable In the ,_.1973, a tax of 1.50 .alls on the dollar far the Publlc lnmrovement Fund. Section 4. That there be and there 11 heNby I.vied for the year 1972, due and payable as ...,,_.by the Stalutes In the year 1973, a tax of .01 of a mlll on the dollar for the Water Fund for the purpo1e of DGYlft9ftt ol bonded lndebteclne• and lnteNst theNOn. Section 5. That •ch and ev.., levy heNlnabove •t forth shall be levled upon each dollar ol the -•111d valuatlan ol all tamble property within the corporate llmlts of the City of &tglewood, Colorado, and the •Id lev'-lhall be certified • by the law ...,ired. 11111..,c:ed, Nacl In full and palled an first Nading on the 23id day of October, 1972. r..blllhed as a 1111 for an Qdlnance on the 26th day of October, 1972 • ._.. by tltle and p1111ed on flnal rmdlng on the 6th day of November, 1972. rubllthed by tltle as OnUnance No. 30, Serl• of 1972, on the 9th day of November, 1972. ~~* Mayor AnEST; I, Karl Noll••....-, do....., certify that the above and for.going Is a true, accurate and COlilplel. copy ol the Onllncn:e, p•1d on Rnal l'9Cllllng and publlshed by tltle as Ordinance No. 30, s.r. of 1972. ~"'~8 " ex Offlclo -clty-Clertc~Trec11&1rer