HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972 Ordinance No. 032I I I I NTIODUCED AS A llLL IV COUNCILMAN SOtWAI IV AUTHORllY OIDINANCE NO. 32 , SERIES OF 1912 - AN OIDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 6, CHAPTER 4, TITLE V OF THE 1969 E.M.C., ENTITLED, 'SICK LEAVE: ACCIUAL; QUALIFICATIONS' IV REDEFINING AND BROADENING THE TERM 'IETllEMENT' AS USED THEIEIN. WHEREAS, the loan:I of Ccner Service Comml•lonen of the City of Englewood has reviewed the pnwlslons of the Offlclal City Code Nlatlng to SIC?lc l.8cwe Accrual and Convenion thereof upon retirement; cnl WHEIEAS, at Its NgUlar meeting of September, 1972, said Board has recommended a certain -llll•mt to the City Councll; and WHEREAS, the City Councll having rwl.wed said Ncomrnendatlon and amendment concun ....._,th and ---the --· NOW, THBEFOIE, IE IT OIDAINED IV THE CllY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLOIADO, AS FOLLOWS: ATTEST: Section I. hit U-Ctlon 0») of Section 5-4-6 ol the Offlclal City Code is hereby amended to Nad•follows: 5-t-6 Sick t....; Accrual; Qaallflcatlonl; Conversion t»> Upon retirement of any City Employee pu,.,ant to the provisions of Chapter 9, Section 2. Tltle V ol this Code, Colcndo It.vised ·Statutes 1963, Chapter 139, Article 49 (Polle.a.n's Wl......t), Colcndo Rwlsed Statutes 1963, Chapter 139, Artlcle 50 (FINrnen's ltetlwt), C11 mnended, or Tltle 42, U.S.C.A. (Social Security Act), said employee may convert a maximum of nine hundred sixty (960) houn or one thoulCllld five hundNd forty-faur and five-tenths (1,544.5) houn for the FIN Depcwhaaent of sick leave far a retirement bonus on the basis of sixteen (16) haun of slclc leave to eight (8) haun ol bonus pay and forty-eight (48) houn of sick leav. to twenty-four (24) houn of boru pay for the Fire Department. That all Qdlnanc• or parts of Onllnances In conflict herewith ant hereby exprealy ..,.1 •. ••Nduced, NaCl In full and pa111d on flnt Nading on the 6th day of Novenmer, 1972. Mtlllhed •a 1111 for• Qdln.-ce on the 9th~ of November, 1972. t..d by tltle cnl p•ed onflnal Nading on the 20th day of Novenmer, 1972. Mtlllhed by 'tltle • Qdlnance No. 32, Serles ol 1972, on the 22nd day of November, 1972. . . Mayor .-. I, K-' Noll••..-, do hereby certify that the aDow and fcngolng Is a true, accurate and ~lete copy ol the Qdlrwtce, p•1d on flnal Nading cnl publllhed by tltle as Ordinance No. 32, s.rlelol 1972. ~,(.~ ex cifflcfo CffiOeik-Tntmuntr