HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 Ordinance No. 011n AU'IBalft om»lllNICS m. 11, aua or lt71 • I I < • I f • • MW, a •:lority of tile taxpayiDg elector• of th• City of llnglewood. CDlor8do, woting on tb• .-•tion at an election beretofor• held in Aid City. by tllelr wote approwed aad aatboriud tb• City COWil of •id City to erect a ey8tem of w~rk• for fir• and dolleatic parpoeea, tb• --to be owned and -at:ed by tbe City1 and 1 mu, tb• City did erect and "er aince ·•id time ha• owned, ~at:ed and •int.ained a ayatem of wterworb for •id parpo••: and 1 •l'.W, it i• we••ry to -tend and t 1rove the water ay•t-in order to aapply tbe City and tbe inhabit.ante th••f with a proper and adequate •-ly of wter1 and 1 -U, ..... la .. FPOQllt Of f2,200,000, af~ public llotice Of •le, ba99 II•• •Id and 1Narded to CODt1-tal llliaoia •tional Bank and !'rut ~ of c:laiaa90 and Aaaociat:ea, tbe bi9beat aad be•t bidder for caab at not lHil tlaan par and accraed int:er•t, •id •1• beinl in all reapect• by th••• .. oc•••iD9a bereby ratified aad approwed1 .. D omaDmD. nm Clft COUllCIL or .. Clft or BmLBWOOD, COLORADO• aection 1. !bat for tb• parpoM of providin9 fund• with which to ateml and !:!:°" tbe micipal wter 8Y•tea of tbe City of Snvlewood, in ozder to .... ~ tbe City and ita inbabit.anta with a proper and adequate aupply of wter, tile City aball i••• ita 9eneral obli99tion nevotiable coupon bond• in tbe priDcipal a.oant of f2,200,000, •ell to be deai9Mted •aeneral Obligation •t9r lllp&o••••'t 80Dd, aeri• 1971•. !be...._.. •ball be dated April 1, 1971, .... 11 •uiat of 4'0 bonda in tbe denolll.nation of f5,000 •ch, n•-Mred 1 to 440, iaclui,,., aball bear inter•t payable on April 1, 1972, and •em-annually t:bs•fter on tbe lat day of April and th• lat day of October each year. a• ewW8D'Oed by inter•t coapou attached to •id bonda, and aball mature aerially on April 1. aa followaa IP?-t Mtpritv iats•t aat• f H,000 1972 3.50 105,000 1973 3.50 110,000 1974 3.50 115,000 1975 3.50 120,000 1976 3.50 130,000 1977 3.50 135,000 1978 4.00 145,000 1979 4.00 150,000 1980 4.00 160,000 1981 4.40 170,000 1982 4.40 175,000 1983 4.40 185,000 1984 4.70 195,000 1985 4.70 210,000 1986 4.80 80IMI• of thi• lam -tarilMJ on or before April 1, 1981. •hall not be red••·ble prior to tbeir reapectiv• •tarity dat:ea. Bond• •taring in th• year• 1182 a.I tber•fter are red•••bl• prior to •tarity at th• option of the City. in llwer• n~iml order, on April 1, 1981, and on any intereat payment date thereafter, apon payvent of par, accraed in~•t and a pre.iua of l" of principal •. llotioe of aucb prior redevption aball be 9i•en by publication once in a 1-1 n•apaper pabliabed in -.1~ C01or8do, not more than forty (40) Dor 1w than thirty (30) day• prior to tbe red1 .. tion date, and by -iling a aon of tbe llotice of a.devptlon by firat clau Vnit:ed 8tat•• mail, poatag• pr- paid, to tbe ori9inal purcbaMr, or ita •---r. '!be llOtice aball apecify tile plaae and date of redevption, tbe w•t and n•ftber• of th• bond• called and tbat frca and af~ aucb date, inter•t on all bond• called for rede111ption .._11 cea• • .. id bond• and tbe inter•t ~-att.acbed thereto •hall be payable in lawfal llODeY of tbe united atate• of lllerim, at tb• l'ir•t sational Bank of -.1.-a•. ...1.-od, COlorado, or at the continent.al Illinoi• •tional Bank and ftUt Ca.pany of Cbia.90, Chia.90, IlliDoia, at tbe option of the holder. !be bond• aball be •i..-S with the facaiail• aignatare of the Mayor of tbe Ci-, with a facaillile of tbe -1 of tb• City affixed thereto, and at teated and OCNDterai989C1 by th• .... aal •i9Mtare of th• Director of Pinance. ex-officio City Clerk-trea._.er of tbe City. 9le int9rMt ~-attached to uid bond• aball -.r tm facaiaile •itutare of the Director of Finance. and when iaaued •• aforwW •• part of .. id boada, aball be tbe bindin9 obligation• of th• City acooEding to tbeir ivport. 8hoa1d any officer "91GN anaal or facaiail• aignatur• ... ••r• on •id bond• or tbe int:ereat ~ attached thereto c•••• to be auch offioer before cleli•ery of the bond• to the parcbaMr. auch -nual or facaivil• •i9D8tare aball nevertbele .. be .. lid and aufficient for all purpo•••· I I 'I I Seot1on 2. 'ftMlt the bond• and the 1ntereat coupons attached thereto aa.11 be 1n aubatant1allr the tollow1ng tor.1 SftB C. COUllADO (PON ot Bond) nrao S'l'A'l'BS OP AmICA Cift fl' BlllLBVOCI> COUlft'r OP ARAPAHOE RWAL cm.IGA'IIOJI VABR DIPROV"' .. ,.... ..... PJ'-BOllD SBRDS 1971 .,_ $5,·000 !be C1tr ot Bnglewood. 1n the Countr ot Arapahoe. and State of Colorado. aolmowledpa 1taelt indebted and berebr prcmiaea to par to the bearer hereot the pr1no1pal •• ot nva !BOUSAm DOLLARS cm tibe lat dar of April. 19_. •1th 1ntereat thereon at the rate ot ---- per oentum ( •> per annum. parable on ... ,~Pl'll~r""""ll'1-.-1..ij•t•1r-.-ana~~iiil~.,.._"""!!u~~ ... ~ .. ~11·1 tbereatter on thi lat dar ot April and the lat cla7 of October. •oh r•r. both pr1no1p&l and interest being papble in lawtul :. W7 ot the 1Jn1ted State• ot Amer1oa. at the ftrat llat1onal Bank of Bnglewood • .... >•wood• ColOl'ado. or at tbe Continental Illinol• Rational Bank and '!rust Ca11p'11J of Obloqo. 1n Cb1oaao. I111no1a. at the option of the holder, upon p&'e9elltat1an and aurrender of aald eoapona and thl• Bond aa the7 aeverall7 ..., .. clue. Banda of th!• 1••• aturlng on or betore April 1. 1981, shall not be Nde 111r ble prior to their reapeoti ft a tur1 tr da tea. Bond• • turing in the ,_... 1982 and tbeN&fter are ~ble prior to •tur1tr at the option of the CiQ • 1n 1nwl'M m1 rioal order. on April 1. 1981. and on interest par-nt elate• tbeN&tter. upon pa,..nt ot par. aoorued lntereat and a pre•iwa of 1-ot pr1no1pal. 'lhl• Band 1• l••ued bJ tbe Cltr Counoll ot the C1'1 ot Englewood, ColONClo. tor the Plll'POM of pl'OYiding tunda With nlob to extend and lllprove ._ ... 1oipal •ter •r•tea of the c1tr. 1n Ol'der to auppl7 the Citr and 1te 1nba1dtanta with a proper and adequate auppJ.7 ot •ter. under the author1t7 of and 1n tull oontomltr with the Conat1tut1on and I.aw• of the State ot Colorado, ta. Cbarter ot •ld C1'1. and punuant to an OJldlnanoe dul.7 adopted, published ad mde a law of •id C1tr prior to the 1aauanoe ot '1i• Bond. It 1• MNbJ oertified and reolted that all the require•nta ot law •w been dul7 OOllPlied with bJ the proper ott1oere ot the C1tr in the issuance ot Ala llon&IJ that the total debt of the C1tr. 1nolud1ng that of th1e Bond, doe• not meed &111 llldt ot lndebtedne•• PN•Oribed br the Constitution or Law ot ._ State of Colol'ado or the Charter ot the C1trJ and that prov1eion ... -.n made tor the l•YJ and oolleot1on of an annual tax on all the taxable Pl'GP9~ 1n tbe C1tr autt1o1ent to par the lntereat on and principal ot this 8aDdl ..... the -beow due. 9.-t\111 faith and oredlt of the C1tr ot Bnglewood, Colorado, are •nbl pledpd tor the punotual ...,_nt ot the prlnoi~ of and interest on till• Band. D BIYDIOlll vmacw. the C1tr Couno11 ot the Citr of Bnglewood, ColONdo. la• oaued till• Band to be aipMtd •1th the taoaildle signature ot the llQor ot the C1'1. -led with a taoelldl• ot the seal of the Cit,, atteated and ooanteraipMtd bJ the anual elgnature ot the Director ot Pinance, u-ott1o1o Citr Clerk and Tlaaaurer. and tbe interest ooupona attached hereto to be aipMtd wltb tba taoa11d.le eignature ot the D1reotor ot Pinance, as of tbe lat dQ ot April. 1971. (•ACSDJA DAL) (Paoe1111le Sign& ture) lllYOR AllAHD OD COUWiWIGmD1 (Pom ot Interest Coupon) Jlo. •----April On the lat ctar ot October. 19 • unl.eee the bond to which th1a coupon 1• attaohed. 1t red .... ble. ha• been oall'id tor prior redeapt1on, the Cit, of -.1-ood. 1n the Countr of Arapahoe. State of Colorado. will pa7 to the bearer the •mount abown hereon 1n lawtul 11oae7 of the Uftlted States ot America, at the ftrat auoaal !lank of a.lewood, Bngl-ood, Colorado. or at the Continental ll11no1• ational Bink and 'll'uat c-..nr ot Cbioqo, 1n Cbioago, I111noia, at the optima ot the bolder, being interest then due on lt• General Obligation water rwttco•••nt Bond. Serl•• 1911. dated April 1. 1911. bearing Jlo. Seotion 3. When •id bond• haft been dulJ euouted. the Director of JP1nanoe i• berebJ direoted to deliver the bonda to the purchaser thereof on NM1pt ot the -rc;-•d purohaae pr1oe there tor. '!'he prooeeda ot the bonds 8ball be ued on1J or the purpoae of extendinl and 111pl'OY1ng the mnic1pal •ter •r•tiem of •id C1tr and tor paring the ooeta and expenaea incurred 1Do1dental to the 1aauanoe ot bond• and tor no other purpoae whatever • .. 1tber tbe parob&Mr or aaid bond• nor the aubaequent holder ot a117 ot thea aball be reapana1ble tor tbe appl1oat1on or diapoaal b7 the Cit)', or any ot 1ta ottioera, ot UV of the fund• deriftd tram the aale thereof. Seotion •. ~ the purpoae of pa7ing the interest accruing on aaid llaDd• PNllP'17 •• the -thereatter beocmea due and providing tor the alts.ate PQmnt and Nde11Ption of •id bond•• there aball be levied upon all ot tbe taxable propel'tJ•in the Cit)', in addition to all other taxes. direct -1 taD• 1n •ob of tbe rears 1911 to 1985, 1noluain. autticient to pa7 t:be 1Dt:ereat cm and pl'1noipa1 ot the bond• aa the -became due and papble, NapeotiwlJ. leot1cm 5. Said taxea, when oolleoted, aball be deposited in a apeolal land to be lmOllft aa •citr ot Bnslewood, General Obligation water Illpron- _, llaad ....S, 1971•, and the prooeeda derived tram •id taxes shall be applied .ii '° tbe PQmnt of neoeaa&17 ooata and expenaea of operating and •inta1n1ng ._ •tier ar•tem and to the PQmnt ot tbe 1nteNat and principal ot the water Jl+&'o••••nt llaada authorised herein, and tor no other purpose whatsoever, until t:be lndebteclm•• ao oontNoted purauant to th1• Ol'd1nanoe, both principal and 1nteNat, aball law been tul.17 paid, aatiatied and discharged. Rotb1ng herein ocmtained aball be ao oonatruect aa to prewnt the C1'7 tram appl71ng a117 other tunda or rewnuea that mQ be 1n the Cit7 tl'ea•Ul"J and available tor that purpoae to the parmnt of aaid interest and prinoipal, aa the • ._ reapeotivel7 aoorue or •ture, and upon auoh ~nt, the le97 or levie• herein provided •7 tbeNUpGD to that extent be dild.n1ab9d. Section 6. '1'IMt •--herein provided to pa7 the interest on aaid bonds, and to d1•oba1Se the pl'1noipal thereof when due, are bereb7 appropriated tor that purpoae, and aald uaounta tor •ob 7ear aball alao be included 1n the annual bad•t and approprtat1on Ordinanoe and bllla to be adopted and passed by the Cit)' Coano11 of •1d QitJ 1n •oh 1•r, reapeotiv.17, until •id Bonds have been tul.11 paid, aatilfted and d1aoharpct. Seotian T. llotwithatan41ng the foregoing provisions tor tax levies, tbe Cit7 heNb7 further oOftDUlta and ._.... to establish, •inta1n, collect and ~oroe a aohedule ot rates. tee•. toll• and charges tor connection to and aae or the •ter aptem of the Cit7. wbiob aobedule ahall ~ autticient to assure tbat the NftllUe tbereb7 produced, together •1th 8ft7 other tunda which •1 be lawtul.11 aY&ilable, and the proceed• ot general ad valorea taxes, shall pa7 all N&aon&ble ooeta and expenaea ot operating and •lntalning the water s7stea and to pQ the 1nteNat and principal ot the General Obligation W&ter IllproveMnt Bonda, herein authorised, prcmptl7 as the -become due and paJ&ble, respeotivel7. Seotion 8. It ahall be the dutr ot the Citr Council ot said CitJ, .... 117, at the ti.. and in the •nner proyided b7 law tor le97ing other Ciey t:aua, it auob action aball be neoe••l7 to etteotuate the provision• ot this Ord1mnoe, to rat!J) and 0&1'17 out th• proytaiona hereof with reference to the 1•911111 and oolleotion of taxe•J and the CitJ aball le.,, oertif7 and collect auob taaa 1n the anner proYided bJ law tor tbe purpoee of creating a tund tor the pqmnt of the ooata and expenaea or operating and •1ntaining the •ter a7atem, and the parment ot the principal ot the bonds and interest thereon, and auob taxea 1'ben collected aball be kept tor and applied on17 tor such purpose, aa •Ninabow apeoit1ed. Section 9. '!hat it ~ one or more aeotiona or parts ot this Ordinance aball be ad.Judpd unentoro•ble or inY&lid. auoh Jud-nt shall not attect, illpair or 1n•lidate tbe remaining pl'OYia1ona of thia Ordinance, it being the intention that the •r1oua proviaiana hereof are severable. Seotion 10. All ordinanoea or parts thereof in conflict with this Ord1nanoe are heNb7 repealed. Section 11. Uter aaid bonda are laauect, thia Ordinance shall be and .-.-1n irrepealabl• mlt11.•id bond~. and the 1ntereat thereon shall have been ftl111 paid, aatiatied and diaoMrpcl. Section 12. 'l'h1• Ordinance. 1 1d1atel7 on ita final passage, shall be Noorded 1n the Book ot Ordinano•• kept tor that purpose, authenticated by the atpatuNa ot the i1a7or and D1reotor of ftnanoe, ex-officio Cit)' Clerk, and alall be pabliabed aa required b7 law. Seoticm 13. 'l'h1• ord1nanoe aball take etteot thirey (30) da7S after publ1oat1on following final paaaap. Intl'oduoect. read 1n tull and paaaed on tint reading on the 15th day ot lllrob, 1971. Publiabed aa a Bill tor an Ordinance on the 17th da7 ot March, 1971. Read b7 title amt .puMit on final reading on the 5th day ot April, 1971. I I I Publlabed 1n tull •• Ol'dtnanoe llo. 11, Series ot 1971, on the 7th dQ of April, 1971. &k~ l*lG' Aiii1Slf1 • I, Stephen A. i.on, do bereb7 oert11) that the above and foregoing 1• a true, aocnarate and ocmplete o~ ot an Ol'dlnanoe, paaaed on t1nal reading and publlahed b7 title •• Ordinance Jlo. 11, Series ot 1971. ..