HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 Ordinance No. 015Introduced •• a Bill by councilman Brown BY AU'l'llORI'l'Y ORDillARCB BO. 15, SBRIBS OP 1971 All ON>IllAllCB RBPBALIBG MID RBBBAC'l'IBG SBC'l'IOB 3 I CllAPTBR 3 OP 'l'I'l'LB v I I 69 B.11.C., Blft'I'ILBD, •VB'l'BJtA88' PRBPBRBJl:B•, PRCWmIBG FOR '1'BB GRAll'l'IRG OF PRBPBIUDl:B IB BllPIDDIBll'l' Alm RBTBll'l'IOB TO VB'l'BRABI MID BS'l'MLISBIRG AR Bfti'BC'l'IVB DATB 'l'BBRBOP. 1fllBRBAS, effective July 1, 1971, Section• 13 and 14 of Article XII of the conatitution of th• State of Colorado will be repealed by operation of lavr and 11BBRBAS, Section• 13, 14, and 15 of Article XII as contained in Bou•• Concurrent Reaolution llO. 1019 were aubmitted and approved by the qualified elector• of th• State of Colorado at the General Election held BOvellber 4, 19691 and 1111BRBAS, .._ f&'OYlalon• tla••••I ..a. .t:o .-.r. :ci .. 1 :.:8etviae<or: meEit .,., .. OE 91tF ... .eey Oii political •ubdlvl•ion of the State, includinq any •unicipality chartered or to be chartered under Article xx of the State conatitution. llOlf, 'l'llBRBl'ORB, BB Ilf c:m>AIBBD BY '1'BB CI'l'Y COUllCIL OF THE CITY OF BBGLBllOCI>, COLORADO, aa follOW81 Section 1. '1'hat effective July 1, 1971, Section 3, Chapter 3, Title v, '69 s.11.c., entitled, •veteran•' Preference•, i• hereby repealed and in lieu thereof the following proviaiona are enacted: 5-3-3. Veteran•' Preference (a) (1) 'l'h• paaaing grade on each competitive examination •hall be the aame for each candidate for appointment or 911ployment in the career Service System of the City of Bnglewood. (2) Five (5) point• ahall be added to the passinq grade of each candidate on each such examination, except any promotional examination, who is separated under honorable condition• and who, other than for training purpoaea, (i) aerved in any branch of the armed forces of the united Stat•• during any period of any declared or any undeclared war or other armed hostilities aqainst an armed foreign enemy, or (ii) aerved on active duty in any branch in any campaign or expedition for which a campaiqn badqe i• authorized. (3) Ten (10) point• ahall be added to the paaainq grade of any candidate of each such examination, except any promotional examination, who has so served, other than for training purpoaea, and who, because of disability incurred in the line of duty, is receivinq monetary compenaation or diaability retired benefits by reason of public lawa adminiatered by the Department of Defense or th• Veteran• Adminiatration, or any successor thereto. (4) Five (5) points shall be added to the passing grade of any candidate of each such examination, except any promotional examination, who is the unremarried widow of any peraon who was or who would have been entitled to additional points under Paragraph 2 or 3 of this subsection, or of any peraon who died durinq auch service or as a reault of service-connected cause while on active duty in any auch branch, other than for traininq purposes. (5) Bo more than a total of ten (10) points shall be added to the paaaing qrade of any such candidate pursuant to thi• aubaection (a). (b) '1'h• certificate of the Department of Defense or of the veterans Adlliniatration, or any aucceaaor thereto, shall be conclusive proof of service under honorable condition• or of disability or death incurred in the line of duty during auch aervice. (c) (1) When a reduction in the work force of the City of Bnglewood become• necessary becauae of lack of work or curtailment of funda, employee• not eliqible for added points under aubaection (a) of this section shall be separated before thoae ao entitled who have the same or more service in the employment of the City, countinq both military service for which auch point• are added and such employment with the City. (2) In the ca•• of such a person eliqible for added points who ha• completed twenty (20) or more years of active military aervice, no military aervice shall be counted in determininq lenqth of 1ervice in respect to such retention riqhta. In the caae of auch a peraon who has completed leas than twenty (20) year• of aucb mlitary -rvi.~ .-no more ·i:han ten _ (10). ·year.& of aervice ander •ubMO~ion {a) ~:(2) (i): and Cii) shall be counted ~A~raining 1uch lenqth of service for such retention riqhts. I I ii I ·II (d) 'fh• Board of career Service commi••ioner• of the City of Enqle- wood •hall i11pleaent the provi•ion• of thi• •action to assure that all persons entitled to added point• and preference in examinations and retention shall enjoy their full privileq•• and rights granted by this section. (•) Any examination which is a promotional examination, but which i• al.o open to per•on• other than employees for whom such appointment would be a prOllOtion, •hall be con•idered a promotional examination for the purposes of thi• •ection. (f) Any other provi•ion of this ••ction to the contrary notwith- •tanding, no per.on •hall be entitled to the addition of points under this aection for more than one appointment or employment within the career Service Sy•t-of the City of Bn9lewood. (g) 'fhi• •ection •hall be in full force and effect on and after July 1, 1971 and •hall grant Veteran•' Preference to all persona who have ••rved in th• armed fore•• of the United Stat•• from the Spanish-American war a• of April 21, 1898, and any other declared or undeclared war, conflict, •Jl9a9ement, expedition, or campaign for which a campaign badge baa been author- ized, and who ... t the requirement• of ••rvice or di•ability,.or both, as provided in thi• •ection. Introduced, read in full and pa•••d on fir•t readinq on the 19th day of April, 1971. Publi•hed a• a Bill for an Ordinance on the 21st day of April, 1971. Read by title and passed on final reading on the 3rd day of May, 1971. Publi•hed by title as Ordinance Ro. 15, Series of 1971, on the 5th day of May, 1971. l_h~~ ~iiB&t'a I, Stephen A. Lyon, do hereby certify that the above and foregoinq is a true, accurate and complete copy of an Ordinance, passed on~al readinq and publi•hed by title a• Ordinance Ro. 15, Serie• of 1971.