HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 Ordinance No. 027ml'IUO: ID AS A BILL BY COUllCIUIUI BIOOI. BY AU?ll>lllTY Om>DIUICB m. 27, SBUBS OP 1971 All 011>DMKZ JB11D,LI1G um llDPC'TIE SBCTIOll 3, caprsa 3 or TITLB 1, '69 E.M.c., Blll'ITUm, "CX>JllOaA'l'B mr,• I AMO PJIWIODI; I01t T• ADOPl'IOll °' "T• MRK" I OR LOGO, AS TIS COlllOaA'l'B SZAL OPT• CITY OP BllmDIOOD, COU>MDO, MID amATDG A NBW SECTION THBRB- 'IO, mrrrnao, "CITY .... WJSJSAS, it i• cu•tallary for a city to have a coEpOrate ... 1 as a representa- tion of the character of that city, and WJSllBAS, the City Council of the City of BncJlewood 4eella it desirable to alter and update the City'• •eal • .. , TmaBPO•, -rr o.-DBD BY T• CITY COWICIL or THB CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COIDMDO, a• follOW8s Section 1. That Section 3, Chapter 3 of Title I, '69 B.M.D., entitled, "Cmporate Seal•, i8 hereby repealed and in lieu thereof the followinq provisions are enacteds 1-3-3. City llark A Cii:y mark, or logo, i• hereby ••tabli•bed u a graphic repreHntation of the bi•tory ad character of the City of Bnglewood. "Englewood" mean• "wooded place•, and depicts an oui8 of tree•. It i•, therefore, appropriate that the City's mark be a repreHDtation of a tree within a circle of green in accordance with the followings A tr• growa and blom8 with brancbe• and leave•. In much the .w manner a city branches out with •treet• and blocm8 with indu•try and bame•. The circle repruenu cmler and protection. Juat u a city i• never per- . feet or ca11plete, an illperfect and inca11plete •s• i• contained in the mark. The color green confirm life. A Mnual of graphic •tandarda, wbicb incorporates the mark and typical application8 thereof, i• to be -intained in the official files of the Office of the City Clerk. Section 2. That Chapter 3 of Title I, '69 s.11.c. i8 hereby '98J1(1ed by adding a new 89Ction to be nWlbered 1-3-4, vbicb Hction r...S. u follOW8s 1-3-4. Corporate Seal The corporate seal of the City •ball be an impres- •ion of the City mark u bereinbefore de.cribect. Intro4ace4, read in full and pu8ed on f ir•t reading on the 16th day of Aagaat, 1971. Publi8be4 u a Bill for an Ordinance on tb9 18tb day of Augu•t, 1971. a.ad by title and pu8ed on final rea4in9 on the 7th day of September, 1971. Publi.W by title •• Ordinance llo. 27, Serie• of 1971 on tbe 15th day of Septellber, 1971. l~, .. yor Attests I, Stephen A. Lyon, do hereby certify that the above and foregoinq is a tzue, accurate and CC111plete copy of an ordinance, pa••ed on final ~cUnq and pub- li.W by title u Ordinance llo. 27, Serie• of 1971.