HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 Ordinance No. 030IWl'IDIJOll ¥1 • AS A BD.L BY OOWK:IUIMI ltRBILDI; 1 BY Atml)JllTY om>IllAllCZ m. 30, DltDS or 1971 All ~ AISIDIE TlTl.B IX (LICSRSBS Am nmaTS) or Tm '69 B.11.C., BY ADDING A -ClaPISll wwwro, mflTl.BD CllAP1'BJl 8, •JOl,ICB AllD rI• ALAJll sYSTBMS•, ESTABLISHING sn ..... AllD CIOm'll>LS roll POLICZ UD l'IB ALAJll ISVICBS, Pll>BIBI'l'DIG THB OONHBcrION OW MID mvICa TO PmLIC P~ TBLBPll>U TamlK LillBS, Am> ISQUIRDIG THE LICENSING Tm...O•. Section 1. That the 1969 Bnglewood Municipal Code ia hereby wnded by addinq a new chapter to Title IX, being Chapter 8, Article III, Title IX, which new chapter rellda aa followaa 9-1. Police and l'ire Alara SXatw Pag!o!! -Tbe purpoae of thi• Chapter i• to eatabliah atandards and controls of tbo9e varioua type• of Intruaion, Bold-up, l'ire, and other -rgency siqnals from Police and l'ire Alara Device• that require -rcJeDCY reapanM, inveatiqation and safe- guarding of property or life at the location of an event reported by and a siqnal trans- aitted, telephoned, radioed or otbezviM relayed to the police, fire or other desiqnated ...--m ... icationa repreaentative department by an Alara Device or by any person, actinq in reaponM to a aignal actuated by an Alana Device. 9-8-2. L!gialative Intent Tbe Council hereby declare• that the legialative intent of this Chapter is to apply it• proviaiona to any buaineaa, fim, corporation, or other coaaercial entity engaged in the buaine•• of owninq, operating, -intaining, inatallinq or selling -rgency Alara Device or Devicea, a Dial Alara Device or Devicea, or a system of Police and/or l'ire Alara Device• or Dial Alara Device• 4eaignated to summon police and/or the fire department to any location in reaponae to a aiqnal or other trans- aiaaion generated or produced by auch deviaea. 9-8-J. Definitions For the purposes of this article, the following definitions shall apply: (a) -gencx Alara Device -Any device which,when actuated by a criminal act or other -rvency requiring police and/or fire department reaponae, transmits a pre- recor4ecl -•-ge or other aiqnal by telephone, radio or other -an• to a Central Alarm Station or directly to the Police-l'ire Cc••unicationa Center, or produces an audible or viaaal aignal 4eaigned to notify peraon• within audible or viaible range of the sigrial. (b) Bold-up Alara -Any -rgency Alara Device actuated by hold-up or robbery at a apecif ic location1 or actuated by a victia of a hold-up or robbery at a specific location. (c) Direct Alara -Any ._rgency Alara Device connected directly by leased teleDbone wire• froa a apecific location to the Police-l'ire COllllWlications Center. (d) Central Alara Station -Any facility operated by a private firm that owns or i ..... a ayat-of any ._rgency Alara Devicea, which facility ia manned at all time• by trained operator• aployed to receive, record and validate alarm siqnals and to relay infmmation about auch validated aignala to the Police-l'ire C01mU11ications Center when appropriate. (e) Dial Alara -Any ._rgency Alam Device which ia a telephone device or telepbane attaclment, that autollatically or electronically .. 1ecta a telephone line connected to a Central Alara Station or Police-Pire Ca1111inicationa Center reproduces a pre-recorde4 ••sage to report a criainal act or other -rgency requiring police or fire departaent reapon ... (f) Alara Installation -Any ._rgency Alana Device or aggregation of Emergency Alara Device• inatalled on or within a aingle buildin9 or on or within more than one building or area adjacently located on a cc:i on aite, at a apecific location. (9) %ntruaion -Any entry into an area or building equipped with one or more ~ Alam device• by any peraon or abject wboae entry actuate• a Police Alarm Device. Ch) Perllittee -Any buaineaa, fina, corporation, or other cc:mnercial entity that ia engaged in the bu•ine•• of owning, operating, -intaining, inatallinq or Mlling -rgency Alara Device or Devicea, a Dial Alam Device or Devices or a system of Police and/or l'ire Alara Device• or Dial Alara Devicea1 which buaineaa, firm, corporation or other <> 1rcial entity ia, a• owner, operator, maintenance service, inata.ll.er or Mller of .. id device, device• or ay•t-of device•, aubject to the permit requir1 1nta of thi• Chapter. I I- I I I . I (i) PalM Bold3 Alam -Any •ignal actuated by a Bold-up Alarm to which the police re8p0Dd, wbicb i• not the re8Ult of a bold-up robbery. (j) !gpuyhor -The Supervisor of Coe 1 anication•. (k) Police-Pin Ocner.micatiana Center -The police and/or fire communications facilitie• an4 other enclosure• bou8incJ privately or publicly owned equipnent or facili- tie• Mrving the police or fire cc...unication• operation•. 9-8-t. Pendt !!cpired Xt 8ball be unlawful to operate, -intain, in8tall or •ell Emergency Alarm Devices vitboat firK abtain.ing a pendt therefore. Bxcept u hereinafter provided, it shall be unlawful for any buaiw•, fira, corporation or other ~ ercial entity to operate, main- tain, iDatall or Mll ~ency Alara Device or Device•, a Dial Alam Device or Devices or 8y8tea of -zgency Alam Device• or Dial Alam Device• u defined by the terms of this Chapter. 9-8-5. Supervi80r Authorised to Grant a Perait 'Iba Supervisor 18 hereby authorised to grant a revocable license or permit to any buaine••• fira, corporation, or other o arcial entity authorizing said business, firm, corporation or other N 1rcial entity to do buaine•• in the City of Englewood by perform- ing any or all of the following functionaa (1) own, (2) operate, (3) maintain, (4) install, or (5) Mll -qency Alara Device or Devices, a Dial Alam Device or Devices or a System of ~ency Alara Device• or Dial Alara Device•. 9 8-6. Application Por Perait Any buaine••• fin, corporation or other cc1n1rcial entity that is engaged in the baaine8• of owning, operating, -intaining, in•talling or Hlling an Bmergency Alarm O.Vice or Device•, a Dial Alara Device or Device•, or a System of Emergency Alarm Devices or Dial Alam Device• aball aubait in writing an application for Hid pemit to the Super- viaor. Such application aball contain specific provi•iona relating to testing procedures1 to the akill an4 caepetency of the applicant to be a peraittee1 to the quality, efficiency, an4 effectiveneaa of the ~ency Alara Device or Device•, Bold-up Alarms, Dial Alarms or Alua Xnatal1ation owned or to be operated, -intained, in8talled or sold by the applicant1 an4 to aacb other information u the SUpervisor 8ball find reaaonably neces•ary to effec- tuate ·the parpoee of tbia Chapter. 9-8-7. Pendttee PH A peraitt:oe under this Chapter shall pay an annual fee of Tventy-Pive Dollars (f25.00) to the Director of l'inance, ex officio City Clerk-'l'rea•urer of the City of Snglnoocl • l!!p!n!ion or a.vocation of Perait A licenae or permit i•aued under thi• Chapter -Y be w•pended or revoked by the Supeniaor after notice and bearing thereon for the violation of any of the provisions of tbia Chapter or of any regulation or regulationa u promilgated by the Supervisor pur- suant to tbia Chapter. General Pmviaiana Liaitation. llo -rgency Device which tran-ita a pre-recorded messaqe or other aignal du.ctly to the Police-Pire Cc anication• Center 8ball be connected to or be per- llittect to uu a public pr1-ry trunk line of the City. 9-8-10. Pa1M Bold-up Alaraa Cb!rp!. Any uur of •ervice• or equipment furn::.•bed by a peaaittee under this Chapter abal.l pay to the City a char9e of Fifty Dollars t$50.00) for each of every False Bold-up Alarm8 to which the police re8DODd. 9-8-11. a. ... of Location If the location of either or both the police and fire COllllWlications facilities abould be changed at any time, peraittees under thi• Chapter •hall not charqe or attempt to charge the City of Snglewoo4 with any resulting coet of llOVinCJ Bmerqency Alarm Systems or any part thereof. 9-8-12. Xnatallation and Maintenance Co•t• All coata an4 recurring charge• a• the re.ult of in•tallation and maintenance of •yatem8 peraitted by thi• Chapter in the Police-Pire COllllUllications Center shall be borne by the peraittee. • 9-8-13. In -6lition to any other r1ral!y provided by law, the Superviaor may, whenever he aball have knowledge of the uae of any cabinet, device or attaclment, or telephone terminal -* 011J9ratecl or -intained in accordance with the provi•iona of thi• Chapter, or contrary to regalationa pmmllpt.ed pur8UADt to thi• Chapter, after ~ice and bearing, order the r •al of the aw fraa the Pol1ce4ire ~ 1°icationa Center and it •hall be unlawful to 419Clb97 auc:h cmter. 9-8-14. ltul.e• and l!!gulationa The Saperviaor -y pramal.pte r .. 80Gable rule• and nvuJ.atiou that may be ne- ceeauy for the purpoM• of unring the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of ~ Alana Devicea, Bold-up AlaDl8, Dial Alum and Alarm Iutallationa awned, operatecl, -intained, inatalled, or aold by a pemittee under thi• Chapter1 and of ad- lliniatering and enforcing the provi•iona of tbi• Chapter. Copies of said Rules and a.galationa aball be on file in the Office of tbe Director of l'inance ex officio City Clerk-Treuarer. 9-8-15. !p!cial Prcwi8iona (a) Central AlaDI Stationa SX!tw -The Superviaor is hereby authorized to preacribe tbe location and tbe •0 ner of in8tallation of a private or a regular business tel...,.._ liDe inatalled .in the Police-l'ire C:: :micationa Center froa a Central Alana station for the upre•• purpou of providincJ direct telephone cc1 unications between a pemtttee and the Police..Pire O= unicationa Center to report a police and/or fire alarm. 9-16. Di.net Alara !J!tw The SUpervi8or i• h9reby authorised to preKribe tbe location and the manner of installation of all cminet•, acceesorie•, connectiona and equipment of an approved Direct Alara SY8~ within the Police..Pire Cc anicatiOD8 Center for tbe purpose of pro- ri4incJ a Di.net Alam SY8tea, where the vi•ible and audible •ignals therefrom may be readily wn and beard by police and/or fire c: unicationa personnel. 9-8-17. Dial Alam 8Y!t!m '!'be &upervisor i• h9reby authorised to pre8Cribe the location and the manner of inatallation of all connectiOD8 and equipment of a private secondary telephone line within tbe Police-l'ire Ca •nicationa Center for the purpoM of providing a Dial Alarm System. (a) The 8upervi8or i• hereby authorised to detemine whether ..,.ce for Dial A1ara SY8tw i• available within tbe Police-Pire c::mn:micationa Center. 9-8-18. bc!etiom (a) llone of the provisiona of thi8 Chapter •hall apply to a Police Alarm Device or O.Vice• inatalled in a 110tor fthicle or trailer. (b) llone of the provi•iona of tbia Chapter 8hall apply to any of those Direct Uam 8yatw vbich an currently in•talled within the ui•tincJ police or fire facilities antil 81ICh 0 :mication faciliti•• are required to be pby8ically llCWed or relocated. (c) llone of tbe pemit or licensing provisiona of this Chapter shall apply to any buaineaa f irll, corporation or other commercial entity which i• regulated by the Public utiliti•• Cc i••ion of the State of Colorado. 9-8-19. SiCJnal• orisinatinCJ ouuide Corporate Liaiu 'l'he prcwi8iona of thi• Chapter 8hall apply to all -rgency Alarm Devices whose signal originates outside the corporate liaita of the City of Englewood, provided that .. id •ignal terwinatea within the Bnglewood Police..Pir• ~ unication8 Center. 9-8-20. Severabilitx U any part or part8 of thi• Chapter are for any reason held to be invalid, such dec:i8ion shall not affect the validity of the re11aining portion8 of this Chapter. Introduced, read in full and passed on fir•t reading on the 20th day of September, 1971. Publi.W u a Bill for an Ordinance on the 22nd day of Septelllber, 1971. 11 ~ I ~ ! I I I Jtea4 by title and paaMd on final re..Sing on the day of , 1971. Pabliabed by title •• Ordinance Ho. 30, Serie• of 1971 on the day of , 1971. / Mayor Attaata I, Stephen A. Lyon, do hereby certify that the above and foreqoinq is a true, accurate an4 eo11pleta copy of an ordinance, paaaed on final re..Sing and published ~tle as Ordinance llo. 30, Serie• of 1971.