HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 Ordinance No. 009Introduced a• a Bill by councilllan Lay. BY AUTllORift' ORDillAllCB m. 9, SDIBS 01' 1970 All ORDIJINICB AU'dlORIZim AllD RA'fil'Yim CBR'l'AD BllBRGBRCY PURCBASBS POR TBB BIQl,JnlOQD 8-utILift, AllD DBCLAllDIG All mltamcY. llHBP.BAS, Section 116 of th• Charter of th• City of Bnglewood provides that no capital illprov•ant, coating in mm••• of ,1,000.00 •hall be contracted for, except upon th• bui• of apecificationa properly •umitted and approved for which coapetitive bida have been adverti•ed for and received, except that when council dean• the aame expedient, contract• for public woru or illprov•anta -Y be negotiated, provided that contract• for *ich no acmpetitive bida have been requeated ahall be invalid unlea• wepted by ordinance which •hall declare th• reaaon for exception to the oametitive bidting requir•mt, and WHBP.BAS, th• ... t Di9eater to th• Allen Pilter Plant waa found to be going aour and that i atiate repair• are nec .. aary to place th• Digester back into proper operation at th• earli••t po••ibl• date, and •BUAS, ocmpetitive biddiDCJ for th• equi1•ent and work to acc01Dpliah this parpoae wa• held on a •elective baaia and adverti•ellellt• for aaid work were not made, •d W&BIUIAS, th• qmtatiou aecured for th• .. thane pwap were in the amount of f4,914 and ,3,389 both from Ra•h BncJineering, south llorwalk, Connecticut and on the ~t• from York BnginMrift9, f15,700, and Robert Dougan conatruction, f13,900, and WHBltBAS, th• -tt•r now havin9 been fully preaented to council, it is COUDCil'• intent and d .. ir• fully to approve and ratify the authbrization for the perfonu1nc• of aaid work and to authorize th• payment of aaid auma to aaid parties • .,., NBDPOU, BB U ORDADIBD BY '1'llB CI'l'Y COURCIL OP '1'BB CI'l'Y OP BRGLBMOOD, cor.oaADO a• followaa Section 1. l'Or the reuon• ••t forth hereinabove, council hereby determine• that there are good, aufficient and expedient reaaon• to have the hereinabove deacribed work perfozmed without th• adverti••ent of aaid work and Council doe• hereby fully approve and ratify the contract• for the performance of auch work as set forth below: Robert Dougan conatruction 1550 South Pearl Denver, COlorado Bn9inMred Prodac:ta •uh Sngin-ring 1204 W.at Cedar Denver, colorado ( .. than• ga• compreaaor) $13,900 $ 3,314 Section 2. 'fh• Director of Finance i• hereby authorized to pay the above mentioned partlea In th• 1mOunta ••t forth aubject to any change order• approved by th• City ... nacrer. Sfil!on 3. 'lb• City council hereby declare• that an -•rgency exiats neceaai- tating thedlate enactllent of thi• ordinance to pr•••rve the public health, aafety and welfare, by r-aon of which thi• ordinance ahall becoaae effective ilmnediately upon it• final paaaage. Introdac:ed, read in full and paaaed on firat reading on the 13th day of April, 1970. Read by title and paaaed on final reading on the 20th day of April, 1970. Publi•hed in full aa Ordinance Ro. 9, Serie• of 1970, on the 23rd day of April, 1970. a11as'f1 ~~,~~rd- . -. I, Stephen A. Lyon, ex officio City Clerk-Treaaurer, do hereby certify that the above and foregoin9 i• a true, accurate and caaplete copy of an Ordinance paaaed on final reading and publiahed in full aa Ordinance llo. 9, Serie• of 1970. A'l"l'B8Ta I