HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 Ordinance No. 012334 Introduced a• a Bill by Councilman Lay. BY Aot'llORITY ORDillAllCB llO. 12, &DIBS OP 1970 All ORDDIAllCB AMBMDDIG SBC'l'IOB 6.7-15 Bll'l'I'l'LBD •VftBUB'S PRBPBRBllCB, SUB- SBCl'I<m (b) PDICJDS OP SBRVICB• OP '1'llB llUBICIPAL CODB OP '1'llB CITY OP BRGLBllOOD, COLOJIADO, llY CCJm'OMillU SAID ORDDIAllCB TO '1'llB PROVISIOB8 OP All'l'ICLB XII, SBC'l'IOB 14 I OOllSTI'IVl'IOB OP 'ftlB 8'1'A'1'B OP COLORADO. BB IT ORDAIIDD BY '1'llB COUBCIL OP '1'llB CI'l'Y OP B&GLBllOOD, COLORAD01 Section 1. '!bat Section 6.7-15 (b) of th• Municipal Code of the City of BDcJlarood i• hereby •ended to read a• followa1 Section 6. 7-15 (b) -nu9P8 OP SIRV!CB 'fh• .. riod• of War for which point• are added includes The Period of the Spaniah-Allerican Warr th• Period of th• Phillipin• Inaurrectionr the Period from April 6. 1917 to Jlov...,_r 11, 1918. both inaluaiver th• Period from Decaber 7, 1941 to April 21. 1952. both incluaiver th• period of any war in which the United State• -Y h•r-fter engage. 'lh• Azmed Pore•• above referred to are the United State• Army, the united Stat• •avy, the united Stat•• Air Poree, and the United State• Marine Corps1 and ahall include tboae who aerved in the united Statea Coaat Guard durin9 the period cc enciDCJ Dec.-ber 7, 1941 and endiDCJ April 28, 1952, both date• inclusive, and any future war in which aaid Guard •hall be actively en9a9ed. Introduced, read in full and pa••ed on firat readin9 on the 20th day of April, 1970. Publiahed a• a Bill for an Ordinance on the 23rd day of April, 1970. Read by title and paaaed on final readiDCJ on the 4th day of May, 1970. Publi•hed by title •• Ordinance llO. 12, Seri•• of 1970, on the 7th day of May, 1970. ~~~ 'llAYOR Af 188'1'1 I. Stephen A. Lyon. do hereby certify that the above and for99oin9 ia a true, accarate and ccmplet• copy of an Ordinance pa••ed on final readin9 and published by title u Ordinance llO. 12. Seri•• of 1970. A'1"1'88'1' I I ' I .