HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 Ordinance No. 016Introduced •• a Bill by councilman Brown. BY AOtB>U'l'Y ORDillAllCB BO. 16, SlllUBS OP 1970 All OJU>DAllCB MIMDDIG •!BB lml>IL 'l'RAPPIC CODB,• CBAP'l'BR 25.1 BRTI'l'LBD •fttAPP1c AllD IDl'Oa ,,...,.... °' Bm·.llUBICIPAL CODB OP '1'BB CITY OP BRGLBllOOD, BY AIJDim A m SBC'l'IC:. '1'BBRB'1'0 RB9'1RICTIRG PARKDIG OP SPBCIAL *>BILI BQUIPMBll'l', 'l'RAILBRS, 'l'mX!IC8, AllD COllllRICIAL VBllICLBS WI'l'BDI AllY mmmTIALLY ZOllBD Am OP TBB CITY OP PmL'1100D. . BB IT ORDAillBD BY '1'BB Cift oomCIL OP '1'BB CITY OP BRGLBllOOD, COLORADO as followa1 Section 1 -.i'llB Ja>BL 'l'RAPl'IC CQl)I. Chapter 25.l entitled •Traffic and llotor Vehicle•• of the Municipal Code of the City of Bngl.wood i• hereby -.nded by addin9 a nw aection thereto as follows: Section 25.5 -Article X%, Section 11-5 -J!ll!RIC'rIOBS OB SPBCIAL lmBILB !QU!,_ .... ~1. DAT!:!P,8. nucp. MID COlllBBCW Y'IJRM (a) It ahall be unlawful for th• operator or owner of any automobile, bus, tranaport trailer, moving van, tranait-IU.x concrete truck, trailer, semi-trailer, truck trailer, or truck, who•• 11aDufacturer'• rated capacitr i• in e~e•• of three-quarters of a ton, or apecial llObil• equi~aent a• defined here n, to atop, stand, or park such vehicle or to cauae auch vehicle to be at:opped, atood,· or parked in any residentially zoned area of th• City and on any atr-t adjaa•t to •aid reaidentially zoned area of aaid City at any tille except when •uch vehicle i• being expeditiously loaded or unload8', or llObil• equiJ ent i• being uaed to perfona th• apeaial operation for which it was d .. iCJDed, on any •tr-t or hiC)hway, alley, or other public way within the city of BDgl-DOd. (b) 'fh• tera or phra•• •special Mobil• Bqui1119nt• •hall for the purpose of ~· ordinance have the followi09 -ani1MJ1 s15ial llobil• Bsluil"if t -Special llObil• equi1119nt •hall consist of vehicle• •elf-propel or ot:heiWlae,e8ped primarily for operation or use on or off the •tr.et• and hi9hwaya and only incidmtally uaed or moved upon auch streets or highways. 'fhi• definition •hall include by way of ...-.ple and not by way of limitation snowplows, zoad conatruction or ll&intenance equipment, ditch di99ing or excavating apparatus, well drilling or boring equipaent, fire fighting equi,..nt and vehicles designed to trans- port equipment and vehicle• uaed in connection with or for the repair and maintenance of conatruction or maintenance equipment tr 510rarily or pemanently mounted on such I vehicle• provided •uch equipment i• tranaported froa yard to job, job to job, or job . to yard, and equipment primarily deaiped for hoi•ting, lifting, moving, loading, or ii di99ing operation•. 'lhe for99oing definition i• partial and shall not exclude other .! · vehicle• of unuaaal deaign, size or ahape that are deaip~ primarily for purposes j other than tranaporting -rchandi•• or pa•••nv•r•. ·1 · Introduced, read in full and pa••ed on firat readinq on the 20th day of April, 1970. . Publi•hed a• a Bill for an Ordinance on the 23rd day of April, 1970. Read by title and paaaed on final readiDCJ on the 18th day of May, 1970. Publiahed by title a• Ordinance llO. 16, Serie• of 1970, on the 21st day of llay, 1970. ' ~~~~4- A'ft'BST1 a I, Stephen A. Lyon, do hereby certify that th• above and foregoing is a true, llCCUZ'ate and complete copy of an ordinance pa••ed on final reading and published by title •• Ordinance llo. 16, Serie• of 1970. A 'l"l'BS'l' I .(, -· ?• .-·