HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 Ordinance No. 020InUoduced a• a Bill by COuncilaan Dbority. BY AIP1W>Rl'l'Y ORDIDllCB BO. 20, SDDS OP 1970 Air ORDDIA9CB GRAll'l'IRG '1'0 '1'llB crrr AllD COm'!Y or DBllVBR, S'l'A'l'B OF COLORADO, A .. ICIPAL COltPORA'l'ICJB, AC'l'DG BY, 'l'lm>UQB AllD IOR tBll USB OP ITS BOARD OF WATER COMMIS- 81<*118, A ~T tO CQBSftUC'l' MID llAiftAD A WA'l'Bll CDllDUJT TBROUGB 'l'BB CITY OF B&GLBWOOD, COLOllADO, A llD8ICIPAL CORPORATIOB, AllD DBCLAlllm All maGBRCY. BB rr ORDADDD BY TllB CIT!' CDUllCIL m' .,.. Clft or BRGLDOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. upon the condition• hereinafter ••t forth there is hereby granted to tbe City and county of Denver, a aunicipal corporation of the State of Colorado, .am•tt·e• hereinafter referred to a• •oenver• for the •• of it• Board of water CC t .. ioner•, 11emett·•• hereinafter referred t:o a• the •11oarct,• a permi.t to construct, operate and maintain a 12 inch water ll&in under and aero•• certain hereinafter described mad•, •treeta and property in the City Jof Bnglwood, COlorado, 80llletimea hereinafter referred to u •Bnglwood,• to-vita A •trip of land 30 f-t in width and 2,950 feet more or leas in length •itaated in the mouthwe•t quarter (SW 1/4) of Section 28 and the northwest quarter of the northwe•t quarter<• 1/4 • 1/4) of Section 33, all in Townahip·4 South, Range 68 •••t of the Sixth Principal Meridian, county of Arapahoe, State of colorador more particularly de8Cribed a• follOW81 'fhat part of south Zuni Str-t lyiDCJ within th• city limits of Englewood from 80Uth property line of W.•t Yale Avenue to the north property line of West Iliff A99Dae u 8bown on th• attached drawing, Dr. 67 llO. 1871. Section 2. '!he foregoing ri9ht, penait and liaen•e i• granted only upon the following apre8• temm and condition•, to-vita A. All right• hereunder 8hall be exerai..S in •uch manner as to cause the 1-t JI08•t.ble inaonvenience to tho•• entitled to .-ke •• of the atreets or avenues in~lved, and the l•a•t poa•ibl• ob•truation to travel in and along said streets or a99Daea. 'fo thi• end, the Board 8ball, wherever po••ible, alway• leave open at least one-half of road•, •treat• or avenue• adjaomt to or croaaing the excavations and con- atraction 1'0rk of th• Board and •hall take all poa•ible precaution• to prevent accident• and injuri•• in connection with any of iu 1'1Drk along the avenues and streets bereinabove mentioned. In no event, during the proae•• of con•truction and laying of aaid conduit, or th• .. intenanc• thereof, •ball any public or private street, alley or ript-of-way be ob8tructed to travel for a aontinaou period of more than four (4) daya. During the aon•truction and llaintenanae of •aid conduit, there •hall at no time be •tored or left on the aurface of the •treeta, alleys or other rights-of-way of the City of BncJlwood any pipe, .. terial• or eqai1••t uaed in conatruction and maintenance of •aid conduit for a period of 110re than t1'0 (2) week• at any one location before putting to ue. a. Should it beccm• nec•••ary for the Board, during the excavation for, or the in•tallation or -intenance of, the •aid conduit, to disconnect any house service lin•• from any line• pre .. ntly in place in .. id •tr .. t• or avenue•, the Board shall caw the •-to be done in •uch a Mnner a• to caue the lea•t poaaible delay and inconvenience to the water uer• thereof, and th• interrurion• in water ••rvice to any property •hall, in no ca•e, exceed a period of •ix (6 hour•. All disconnection and reconnection of any •uch water .. rviae line• •hall be done in a qood and workmanlike .. nner and all expen••• incurred therein •hall be th• 80le reaponaibility of the Board. c. All excavation and conatruation, inatallation and maintenance work Wbicb the Board •hall undertake par•uant to thi• peaait aball ·be subject to the inapection by a aoepetent and qualified In•peator 1'IM> •hall repreaent the City and the Board -vr .. • to ccmply with all reamollUle reque•t• thereof in the performance of said 1«»rk. All •acb 1'0rk •hall be perfozmed 80 a• not to interfere with, or damage any utility line• owned by the City or private utiliti•• •xi•ting within such street. After .-ch excavation, th• •treat •hall be refilledr the upper 8 inches of the fill shall COD8i•t of 6 inch .. of CJOOd quality ocmpacted .,ravel baae courae and 2 inches of aaphaltic aoncrete •urfaciDCJ, murfacing to apply where md•ting •urfacing i• disturbed. All of the afore•aid 1«»rk •hall be free f raa ••ttl-nt ariaing out of any excavation and perfozmed within the liaita of the trench excavation. '!'here •hall be properly designed concrete enca• ... nt• required at each pipeline aro••ing of sanitary sewer lines and water line• 80 .. to elillinate foreign pr•••ur• and atr••••• upon the Englewood Sewer and Water in•tallation•. 'fh• foregoing •ball be •ubjeat to the approval of a representative of the Director of Public work• of the City of Bnglewood, colorado. D. Denver and the Board, it• aucceamor• and aaaiqna, shall at all times •ave and k .. p banal••• the •aid City of Bnqlewood and it• City council and other officers and mploy-• fraa any and all d~e• that -y in any manner arise from the granting of thi• penait and the exerci•e of any right• 9ranted hereunder: provided, however, that the Board, it• aucce•mor• and a••iCJD•, •hall not be ao held liable unless given full opportunity to defend any auch claim8. \( ··~ Section 3. Rothinq herein •hall be aonatrued aa granting to Denver or the Board any right• other than the pezmit herein expre••ly defined and set forth, nor shall anything in thi• ordinance be con•trued a• granting an exclusive privilege to Denver or the Board, it being underatood that the ri9ht of Bnglewood to grant the use of its zoad•, atreeta, avenue•, alley• and other public riqhta-of-way to others for public and private purpo•e• i• fully reaerved to BnglMIOOd con•i•tent, however, with the full mrci•• of the right• granted by thi• perait. I I I Section 4. A copy of thi• Ordinance, aigned by the Mayor and City Clerk- 'l'reaaurer of the City of BnglMl'OOd, Colorado, ahall be 8Ufficient evidence of the penait herein granted. 'fh• aaaeptance of tbi• puait by reaolution by the Board, a aopy of ""1cb •ball be duly certified to by th• Clerk of the City of Bnqlewood, · C:Olorado •hall be aonaluaive evidence of the weptw• by the Board of all the terms and aondition• of tld• Ordinance, and th• Board 119r••• to perform •uch terms and oanditiou. Section 5. It ia expreaaly underatood ana·avreed that the qrantin9 and acceptance of thi• puait i• and •hall be without prejudice to any rights or obli- gation of th• City and county of Denver, Colorado, or it• Board of Water COwniaaionera, or th• city of BnglMl'OOd, C:Olorado, or any inhabitant• thereof. Section 6. In th• opinion of th• City council of the City of Bnqlewood, C:Olorado, thi• ordinance i• nec•••ary for the preaervation of public property, health, peace or aafety in that the City and County of Denver, Colorado, actinq by and throuqh ita duly aon•tituted and appointed Board of water ca ta•ion•r• ia urgently in need of the right-of-way herein granted for th• conatruation of th• water conduit herein set forth, and thi• Ordinance •hall take effect upon paaaage. Introduced, read in full and paaaed on fir•t reaclift9 on the first day of Jun•, 1970. Publi•hed a• a Bill for an Ordinance on the fourth day of June, 1970. Read by title and paaaed on final reading on the 15th day of June, 1970. Publi•hed by title a• Ordinance llo. 20, Serie•· of 1970~ on the 18th day of June, 1970. ~ii&fta I, Stephen A. Lyon, do hereby certify that the above and foreqoin9 is a true, accurate and C011Plete copy of an Ordinance paaaed on final readinq and published by title aa Ordinance llo. a<>, Serie• of 1970. A1ilfilh'1