HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 Ordinance No. 022I I Introduced •• a Bill by Councilman Senti. BY AUTllORift ORDDIAllCB m. 22, mus or 1970 All ORDDINIC3 AllaDDIG SBC'l'IO. 21.1 or 'l'llB llUBICIPAL CODB OF 'l'BB CITY OF BIULll'llOQD m'1'I'1'LBD, •PI.Ammo MID Z011Im ca11aas1m 111'1'ABLISBBD, " BY mcmsmG 'l'BE vonaJ llmBRSllIP or !BB PLAmDG MID BO•DIG COlllI8SI09 PROM SIX llBMBBRS 'l'O RID llmD8, PROVIDDIG POR !BBIR APPOilftllBll'l' AllD 'l'BBIR '1'Dll8 OP OPPICB. . 11BBRBAS, by Remolution Bo. 8, Seri•• of 1970, the City council of the city of Bnglewood authorised a propo•ed Charter Amendment be •ubmitted to a vote of the qualified elector• of the City of Bnglewood. Said Allendlllent, if approved, would increa.. the nmlber of votinCJ -1Htr• of the Plannin9 and zoning COlllllission from •ix (6) to nine (9) •'Mlber• and would provide for their appointment and terms, and 11BBRBAS, a Special Municipal Blection wa• held on May 5, 1970, wherein said propo8ed eharter Ame~nt waa aubadtted to a vote of the qualified electors of the City of BnCJlewood, and 11BBRBAS, •aid propo•ed Charter Amendment did receive a majority vote of those qualified elector• votiftCJ on aaid queation. llOlf, TllBRBl'ORB, BB IT ORDADIBD BY '1'BB Cift COUllCIL OF 'l'BB CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLOJIADO, •• foll.OW8a 1. '!hat Section 21.1 entitled, •PLMIJIIJIG Alll> .,.DIG COMMISSION ESTABLISHED," be and the •-i• hereby aaended to r-d •• follow•a 'there i• hereby eatabli•hed a City PlanniftCJ, and Zoning COlllllission consisting of nine (9) amber•, appointed by the City council, •even (7) of whom shall be citizens- at-large with overlapping four-year te1'1U, and two (2) of whom •hall be incumbent councilllen. 'lb• city man&C)er •hall appoint an adlliniatrative officer to be an ex officio, non-voting ..,ber of the CClllli••ion. Citizen-at-large members shall be qualified taxpaying elector•, reaidenta of the City at lea•t one year immediately prior to th• date of their appointment, and •hall hold no paid office or position in the city adllini•tration. One (1) citizen-at-large •Imber ahall be· appointed to serve anUl P9braary 1, 19711 t1'0 (2) citizen-at-large •-ber• to •erve until February 1, 19n1 two (2) citizen-at-large -her• to ••rv• until Pebruary 1, 19731 and two (2) aiUzen-at-large •V7ber• to •erve until February 1, 1974. '!hereafter, citizen-at- large •mtbera of aaid City Planning and zoning CCI i••ion •hall be appointed for four- year tenu. COUncilmen .-ber• •hall aerve during their tenure as councilmen. All avtber• of the City Plannin9 and ZOniftCJ CCI i ••ion ahall be aubj act to removal by the appointing authority. '!he appointing authority •hall aake appointments to fill vaaanci•• for th• unexpired tera8. 1970. Introduced, read in full and pa••ed on firat readin9 on the first day of June, Publi•hed •• a Bill for an Ordinance on the fourth day of June, 1970. Read by title and pa••ed on final reading on the 15th day of June, 1970. Publi8hed by title •• Ordinance llo. 22, Serie• of 1970, on the 18th day of Jane, 1970. MYOR ~iiBST1 I, Stephen A. Lyon, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true, accurate and complete copy of an Ordinance paaaed on final reading and published by title .. Ordinance Ro. 22, Serie• of 1970. A'l"l'BS'l' I