HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 Ordinance No. 024I I I Introduced a• a Bill by councilllan Lay. BY AU'l'llORI'l'Y ORDDIAllCB BO. 24, SBRIBS OP 1970 Air ORDDIAllCB MBllDDG S~IQS 8.1 OP '1'BB llUllICIPAL CODB OF TBB CI'l'Y OF BIULl'WOm> Bll'lTl'LBD, "11A'l'BR AllD S-BOARD,• BY DCRBASIBG TBB VOTIBG MBMBBRSBIP OP SAD> BOARD PRml DVD TO 9ID llmBR8 AllD PROVD>DIG POR 'l'BBIR APPOIB'1'MBllT A1ID 'fllBIR '1'DllS OP onICB. 1111BRBAS, by Reaolution llo. 8, Serie• of 1970, the City council of the City of Bngl.wood authorized a propoaed Charter Aaendlllent be •ubmitted to a vote of the qualified elector• of the City of Bnglewood. Said Aaendment, if approved, would increase th• ntmber of voting •rrber• of the Water and Sewer Board from seven (7) to nine (9) •V'ber• and would provide for their appointaent and term•, and W•'.BAI, a Special Jlunicipal Blection waa held on May 5, 1970, wherein said propoaed eharter ~t waa aubmitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the City of Bft9l.wood, and WSIRBAS, •aid propoaed Charter Allendllent did receive a majority vote of thoae qualified elector• voting on •aid queation. BOif, TBDBPORB, BB IT ORDAillBD Br TllB CITY' COUllCIL OF 'l'BE CI'l'Y OF BlfGLBllO<I>, COLOUDO, aa followa1 1. !'hat Section 8.1 of the Municipal COde of the City of Englewood entitled, ••t•r and S.,.r Board,• be and the •-i• hereby -nded to read as follows: 8.1 11A'l'BR AID> SBWBR BOARD !'here i• hereby eatabliahed a Water and SMMr Board conaisting of the mayor of the city, two (2) councilmen •elected by the .city council, and six (6) mmnbers appointed by the council fraa qualified taxpayiDCJ elector•, aerving six (6) overlapping tezll8 of •ix yeara. A repreaentative fraa th• city adminiatration shall be appointed by the city manager to ••rv• a• an ex officio non-voting ember. One (1) member of th• board •hall be appointed by th• council to ••rve until February 1, 19711 one (1) •1 T+er of the board ahall be appointed by th• council to aerve until February 1, 19721 one (1) •.-her of th• board •hall be appointed by council to aerve until February 1, 1973r one (1) •Eber of th• board ahall be appointed by council to aerve until February 1, 1974s one (1) •wber to be appointed by counoil to aerve until Pebruary 1, .19751 ad one (1) •rber of the board to be appointed by council to aerve until February 1, 1976. '!hereafter, •rh.r.• of th• •aid board •hall be appointed by council for terms of •ix yeara. council •mbera of •aid board ahall ••rve duriDCJ their tenure as auch coanoi1-n. All •mber• of th• water and Swer Board •hall be aubj ect to removal by the council. 'l'he council •hall Mk• appointllenta to fill vacancie• for the unexpired tema. Introduced, read in full and paaaed on firat reading on the first day of Jane, 1970. Publiahed a• a Bill for an Ordinance on the fourth day of June, 1970. Read by title and paaaed on final r•adiDCJ on the 15th day of June, 1970. Publiahed by title aa Ordinance llO. 24, Seri•• of 1970, on the 18th day of June, 1970. ~/u rlll!Oll . -. -~ -~ AiiB8'1'1 I, Stephen A. Lyon, do hereby certify that the above and foregoinq is a true, accurate and ce11plete copy of an Ordinance paaaed on final reading and published by title a• Ordinance llo. 24, Serie• of 1970. AT'l'B8T1 BX