HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 Ordinance No. 026I I I Introduced a• a Bill by councilman Dhority. BY AU'l'llORI'l'Y ORDDAllCB 80. 26, SBRIBS OP 1970 All ORDDIAllCB ADOP1'IBG •TBB 1969 RBVISBD JIURICIPAL CODB OP TBB CI'l'Y OP mcn,BllOm)• DICORPORATillG TllBRBIB '1'BB BUILDIBG CODB OP '1'BB CI'l'Y MD COUNTY OF DDlVER, .,... rxn PRBVm1'%C9 CODB AllD 'ftlB ..x>BL 'l'RAPP%C CODB POR COLORADO MURICIPALITIBS, TBB COLORADO STAB 'l'RAPPIC oon'ROL llAllUAL, AllD ALL OtBBR GmRAL ORDDIAITCBS OP 'l'BB CI'l'Y OP mcn.noaor PROVIDim POR '1'BB UPBAL OP ALL ORDDIABCBS OP A GBllBRAL MD PBRllAllBl1'1' llA'fOD 90!' ~BD WltBD, SAVB AllD BXCBPT 81JCB ORDDIAllCBS PARTICULARLY SPBCIPIBD AS BXCBP'fBD nml SUCll UPBALr PROVIDillG POR PmALTIBS POR VIOLATIOB OP TBB PROVZSIOBS OP SAD> CQDB AllD SBft'Im POR'1'll '1'BB PBRN.TIB8 PROVIDBD POR D SA%D CODB: PROVIDIBG POR A PUBLIC JllUim QR TD ADOP1'IOB OP SAm CODS AllD PROVIDillG POR TBB BPPBCl'IVB DA'l'B OP MID CODI. BB IT ORDADBD BY '1'BB CI'l'Y' COUllCIL OP '1'BB CI'l'Y' OP BRGLBWOOD, that: ac'l'ICJR 1. Defininq the pwer• and dutie• of the varioua departments of the City and th• adlliniatration thereof r providin9 for fir• protection, police protection, public librariea, and the protection of health and aanitationr the r8CJUlation of animals and fowl•, houainq, •i9D• and billboard•, buildin9a, election•, diapoaal of garba9e, traah and waate, •ale and u•• of fir.work•, park• and playground•r the selection and requlation of peraonnelr the licenaiDCJ and r89'1lation of •ua-nt• and amuaement devices, baildiDCJ contractor•, food dealer•, alcoholic bevera4)e•, mercantile establishments, health therapy eatablialmenta, cable televi•ion, and other trades, occupations and buain•• .. •r definiDCJ and prohibitin9 certain offenaea, the r8CJUlation and acceptance of plat• and aubdiviaionar the conatruction and regulation of public improvements, atreet• and aid.walk•, the recJUlation of traffic, water and •ewers, and the uae of landr the levying of tax•• and the fixing of penalti•• and other provisions of a «Jeft•ral nature within the City of Bn9l.wood, and it• police juri•diction, shall be in accordance with the tema of •'file 1969 Reviaed Municipal Code of the City of BncJlMfOOd,• thr-certified copie• of which are on file in the office of the City Clerk, to4J•th•r with all aecondary code• duly deacribed and incorporated therein by reference, and -y be inapected during regular buain••• hour•. The aaid 1969 Revised llunicipal COde of the city of Bn9lewood i• hereby adopted and incorporated in this ordinance aa fully aa if ••t out at length herein, and •hall be treated and considered aa a nMf and ori9inal coaprehen•ive ordinance which •hall auperaede all other general and permanent ordinance• paaaed by the City Counci.l, prior to January 1, 1970, and fEOll and after th• date on which thi• ordinance •hrJ.l take effect, the ·proviaions thereof ahall be oontzolliDCJ on all .. tter• contaided therein, save and except to the extent that any ordinance enacted between January ·l, 1970, and the effective date of thi• ordinance i• in conflict therewith. SBC'l'IOI 2. 'l'h• following aecondary cod•• are incorporated in the said Revised Municipal COde of th• City of Bngl.wood, by references (a) 'fbe Buildin9 COde of the City and county of Denver, colorado, beinq Chapter• 4 through 43, 45 thro119h 52, and 59, of Ordinance Bo. 1, Series of 1969, duly adopted by the City council of the City and County of Denver, Colorado, on the 17th day of January, 1969. 'fbe aubject of auch code i• the regulation of the construction, alteration, mc>viDCJ, d_,lition, repair and uae of any building or structure wi,thin the City. (b) Pire Prevention Code, publi•hed by the American Insurance Association aucceaaor to the Rational Board of Fire Ullderwritera, 465 California Street, San Pranciaco, California, 94104, 1965 Edition, toc)ether with the October 1966 Revision thereto. 'fhe aubject of auch code i• the r8CJUlation of conditions hazardous to life and property frc:m fire. (c) llOdel Traffic Ordinance for Colorado Municipalities, published in 1966, a• officially approved, adopted and publiahed by th• Colorado Highway Safety Council, State capitol Building, Denver, COlorado. '!he aubject of auch ordinance is the requla- tion of traffic and enforc .. ent of the rule• of the road and the administration of th• ·-· (d) State Traffic control Manual adopted by the Colo~ado Department of BifJbvaya. '!he aubject of •uch COde i• the atandard utilized in installing and ll&intainiDCJ traffic contzol device•. SBC'l'IQR 3. '!'be 1'0rd COde .. y be uaed a• an abbreviation for •'fhe 1969 Revised Municipal COd• of the City of BnglMfOOd.• SBC'l'IOB 4. All general proviaiona, term•, phra••• and expre••iona, used in the Code, or any ordinance -.idiDCJ the •-•, •hall be liberally conatrued, in order that the true intent and aeaning of the City council may be fully carried out. 352 SJIC'1'Iml 5. All ordinance• and part• of ordinana•• of a 9eneral and permanent nature not contained in the COd• are hereby repealed, except tho•• ordinance• passed subsequent to January 1, 1970, but •uch repeal• ahall not be effective and operative prior to the effective and operative date of th• 1969 Revi•ed llUnicipal Code of the City of Englewood: provided, however, that nothin9 contained herein •hall be conatrued as an attempt to repeal or -nd any ordinance pa••ed by a vote of th• people of the City of Englewood, except inaof ar u the •--Y be auperaeded by or in violation of the Charter of Bnglwood or the conatitution of the State of COlorado. SBC'l'IOB 6. llothing contained in thi• ordinance •hall be conatrued as a limitation on the power of th• Cit:y council to change obvioua typocJraphical or compoaition errors in th• COde without change of legal effect. SllCUml 7. The cla••ification and arrang ... nt by ahapt:er, article and number system of aection• of the Code, a• well a• the source note•, annotation•, and other editorial -tter included in •aid Code, fom no part of the ·legialative text ordained hereby: •uch incluaion i• only for the purpo•e of cpnvenienae, orderly arrangement and information, and, therefore, no iaplication or preaumption of a 199ialative construction is to be drawn theref rca. SJIC'1'IOll 8. 'the 1969 Reviaed Municipal COde of the City of Bnglewood as published shall be the sole property of th• City of Bnglewood, a• owner thereof and shall be copyrighted for and in behalf of the City of Bnglewood by the City Clerk. SJIC'l'Jml 9. (a) the City Clerk ahall di•tribute •uch ••t• of the COde and amendments thereto a• .. y be nec•••ary to the variou• departaent• of the City for the official ue of Cit:y officer•, board• and comai••ion, and for exchange purposes for similar publication• of other citi••· All volume• de•ignated for official use· shall remain the property of the City of Bnglewood for the uae of •uch officials and their successors and •hall bear auch deaignation. 'fhe City Clerk •hall prepare or cause to be prepared a li•t of the City officer•, board• and coami••ion• who •hall receive for official uae ••t• of aaid Code, and •hall thereupon deliver auch ••t• to •uch officers taking a receipt for each ••t ao delivered. (b) Subaequent to the effective date of thi• ordinance, the City Clerk shall keep on hand a reaaonable number of th• COd•• herein adopted for •ale to the public at: a price to be detezained by hia, baaed aolely upon the coat of publication. (c) Prca time to time after the effective date of this ordinance the City Clerk i• hereby authorized to codify ordinance• ~din9 the •aid Revised Municipal COd• and to have th• .... printed a• auppl ... nta, or •ub•titute pages therefor. He -y accept: •ub•cription• to •uch •uppl ... nt• at a coat to be determined by him, based aolely upon the coat of publication and handling of the •ame, and shall make such copi•• of the auppl ... nt available to •uch •ub•aribera a• the •ame are received by hia and •hall bill for the •-· Pailur• of any •ub•criber to pay such billing on or before the date of mailing of the next aubaequent auppl-•nt shall cause such aabacribed to be droDDed frca the -iling liat. SJIC'1'Jml 10. '!hi• ordinance •hall becaae effective on th• 24t:h day of August, 1970, at 12101 A.M. SJIC'l'Jml 11. (1) Any peraon who •hall violate any proviaion of thi• ordinance, or any proviaion of the code• hereby adopted, •hall be fined not more than $300 or impriaoned in the City Jail not more than 90 daya or •hall auffer both fine and imprisonment. Bach and every violation of th• proviaion• of thi• ordinance •hall con•titute a aeparate offen••· (b) '!he penaltie• •et forth in the Code are a• follow•1 sec. 1-2-1. General Penaltyr continuin9 Violation•r Pines and Imprisonment. It shall be unlawful for any peraon to violate, disobey, omit, neglect, refuse or fail to caaply with or re•i•t the enforc ... nt of any provi•ion of this Code or any secondary code adopted herein, and where no •peaific penalty i• provided therefor, the violation of any provision of thi• COde or of any secondary code adopted herein shall be puniahed by a fine not exceeding three hundred dollar• or imprisonment for a tem not exceeding ninety daya or by both such find and imprisonment, the amount of •uch fin• or tena of •uch illpriaonment to re•t within the di•cret:ion of the Municipal """9•· th• iapoaition of one penalty •hall not acuae any violation nor permit it to continue. ODl••• otherwise indicated, a ••par•t• offense •hall be deemed coanitted upon each day or portion thereof during or on whiah any violation of any provision of thi• Code or any secondary code adopted herein occur• or continues. I I :I I I I sec. 1-2-2. cumulative Remedie•. (a) Whenever any act or condition aon•titute• a nui•ance or provide• a cauae of action for injunction or other civil r•ady, the •aid remedies shall be con- •idered to be cumulative, and in addition to the penalti•• hereinabove provided, and an action for abat-.it, injunction, or other civil r•edy may be brought against such violator. (b) 'lhe •uapen•ion or revocation of any licen••, pemit, or other privilege conferred by the City ahall not be regarded •• a pmalty for the purposes of this Code. (c) When mrk or activity for which a pel'llit or licen•e is required by this COde or any code adopt:ed herein ia cc enced wi~ fir•t having acquired · such permit or liceD8e, the •pacified f-•hall be doubled, but the payment of such double · fee 8hall not relieve any per80D fraa fully ecmplying with all the requirement• of this COd• or •Y code adopt:ed herein, nor from any other pre8Cribed penalties. Payment of aach doable f-or any unpaid portion thereof My be ocmpelled by civil action in any aourt of competent juri8diction. 'lhe acceptance of any portion le•• than the entire a.oant of •uch double fee by any officer or .-ployee of the City shall not constitute a waiver or rel-•• of the balance thereof. Sec. 5-3-13(a). career Servicer Diaciplinary Action. Any .-ployea having paDIUlent statua -Y be diai••ed, demoted or suspended by the appointing authority upon filing with the Board and serving personally or by certified -il addressed to hi• la•t known record addr••• upon the employee a written stat....nt of the cauaa for •uch action, which cauae •hall relate to the performance of duties, paraonal conduct, or any factors detrimental to the City. Sec. 9-3-2(d). contractor'• Licen•••· Starting work on any project before th• required license ha• been •ecured will reault in a 5°" incr• .. • of th• licen•• f .. •• a penalty. '!'his penalty •hall be cmaulative with all other penalties and r .. edia• for the enforcement and collection of such liceD8e f-•· Sec. 12-2-32. Street• and Sid ... lk•. In addition to or in lieu of the other r...U.e• or penalties provided, if a contractor fail• to oamply with the requir...nt• of this ehapter relating to aconcrete work, additional parllit• for •idewalk•, curbs, CJUttar•, •ervice walk• and driveways will be withheld by the Director until assurance i• received that there will be,: ,..._~liance herwi th. Sec. 13-3-6. Utility ausin••• 'fax. If any utility buain••• or occupation •abject to the provisions of this Chapter 8hall fail to pay the tax illpoaed within the time prescribed, a penalty of ten per cent (l°") of the llll0'1Dt of tax due •ball be uaaaaed by the City of Bnqlewood against such utility buain••• or occupation, and the said tax tocJether with the penalty n••--t •hall be and i• hereby declared to be a debt due and owing from such utility buain .. • or occupation to the City of BncJl.uood and •abject to collection by an action at law brought by the City of Bngl.aod ln any aourt of caapetent jurisdiction for the parpoae of such collection. Sec. 13-4-19. Salas and Use Tax. If any part of the deficiency i• due to negligence or intentional disregard of authorized rules and regulation• with lmowle&J• thereof, but without intent to defraud, there •hall be added ten par cent (1°") of the total amount of the deficiency: and in such case interest shall ba collected at i:ha rate of one per cent (l") per moni:h on the a.oant of the deficiency from i:ha time the return was due, from the person required to file th• return, miah interest and addition shall become due and payable within fifteen (15) days after written notice and d ... nd by the Director of Finance. Sec. 13-4-20. Sal .. and UH 'fax. If any part of i:ha deficiency i• due to fraud with the intent to evade the tax, then there shall be added fifty par cent (5°") of the total amount of the deficiency, and in such cue the whole a.ount of i:ha tax unpaid, including the additions, shall bm• due and payable fifteen (15) daym after written notice and daaand by the Director of Pinanc• and an addi~ional one par c•t (l") per month on said amounts shall be added from th• data i:ha return was due until paid. sec. 14-4-12. ftaffic. Pailure, refusal, or neglect on the part of any judicial or other officer or -.1oyee receiving or having custody of any auoh fine or forfeiture, to comply with the proviaioD8 of 14-4-11, shall aonatitute lliaoonduot in office and shall be grounds for r•owal thenfzcm · SBC'1'IO. 12. All ordinance• of a general and pazmanent nature finally passed and approved by the City council after January 1, 1970, but on or before the effective date of this ordinance •ball be inaorporated in th• proper place in the COde, but nothing in such inclusion, or this authorization therefor, shall ba construed as suspending the time such legislation take• affectr but such legislation shall beco1De effective as if such inclaaion were not authorized. 8!CTI91 13. '!hat th• repeal of any ordinance or any portion thereof aa provided in s.ation 5 of thi• ordinance ahall not .affect or illpair .nor be applicable to1 (a) Any act done or right veated or accrued or any proceeding, auit or proaecution had or cc enced in any cauae before auah repeal ahall take effeat1 but .,,.ry act done, or right veated or accrued, or proceeding, auit, or proaecution had or ooc anced •hall r-1.n in full force and effect to all intent• and purpoaea aa if a1ICh ordinance or part thereof ao repealed r-1.ned in force. Ro offense cOlllllitted and no liability, penalty or forfeiture, civilly or criminally incurred, prior to the time when any auch ozdinance or part thereof •hall be repealed or in any way altered by the proviaiona of thi• ordinance or the 1969 Revi•ed Municipal code of .the City of Sngl.wood, •hall be diaaharged or affected by auah repeal or alteration1 but, pzoaecutiona and auit• for auch offenaea, liabilitiea, penaltiea or forfeitures shall be inatituted and proceeded with in all reapeata •• if auch prior ordinance or part thereof had not been repealed or altered. (b) Any general or apecial ordinance, reaolution or 110tion heretofore passed, mdopted" and made validating, ratifying or legali•iDCJ the act• or omiaaion• of any officer or validating any ordinance, aat or proceeding vhatever1 but all validating or legalising act• of and by the City Council what809Ver and now in force are hereby continued in force. (c) Any ordinance relating to the public debt or the public credit or any annexation of territory. (d) Any ordinance relating to a aontraat to which the City of Englewood, colorado i• a party or to any contract made for it• benefit. (•) Any ordinance, reaolution or 110tion making appropriation of public funda. (f) Any ordinance levying a apeaial benefit ••••• ... nt or creating a lien and debt again•t any property aituate within the City of Bnglewood, Colorado and improved by the opening, widening, extension or paviftCJ of any atreet or public thoroUCJh- fare within th• aaid City of Bngl.wood and/or th• inatallation of gutter•, curbs, cudNal1ul or aid.walb along aaid •tr-ta or thoroughfare•. (g) Any ordinance or reaolution 9rantiDCJ any franahi•e, license, riqht or revocable pend.t to any peraon, fiza or aorporation, which franchiae, license, right or revocable penait vaa legally in fora• and effect on the date of the effective date of the 1969 Reviaed lblnicipal COde of the City of 11Dgl.wood1 it beinq the express intent and purpoae of the City council of the City of llngl.vood that every such franchise, licenae, right or revocable pend.t •hall expire •• originally provided by the ordi- nance or reaolution 9ranting the .... unl••• sooner teaainated by the council, acting under and purauant to the eharter of th• City of SDgl.wood. (h) Any ordinance or reaolution praaiaing or guaranteeing the payment of money by the City or authori•iDCJ the iaauanae and aale of General ~bligation or Revenue Bonda by the City. (i) Any aa.ini•trative ordinance or reaolution of the City Council not in conflict or ineonaiatent with the proviaion• of the 1969 Reviaed Municipal Code of the City of Bngl.wood. (j) Any ordinance providing for and making the annual tax levy in and for th• City of Bngl.wood, COlorado. (k) Any ordinance or reaolution ••tabli•hing fee• for building permits and inapectiona. (1) Any ordinance or reaolution eatabliahing the amount of bond to be poated by City official•. (a) Any ordinance or reaolution relating to the aalaries of City officers or .-ploy-•. (n) Any ordinance, reaolution or motion annexing territory to the city1 or any ordinance or ordinance• ••t~liahing land use zoning diatrict• in the City, regu- lating the use of land and the use, bulk, hei9ht, area and yard apace• of building•, adopting a -p of zoning diatricta, providing for the adjuatment, enforcement and .. endllent therefor. (o) Any ordinance, reaolution or 110tion naming, renaming, opening, accepting or vacating atr .. te, alleya or righta-of-way in the City' or any ordinance amending th••--· SIC'l'JOI 14. 'fhat the 1969 Revi•ed lblnicipal COde of the City of Bnqlewood, or any Chapter or section thereof -Y be proved by a copy thereof, certified by the city Clerk of the City of Bngl.wood, under the Seal of the City1 or when printed in book or pamphlet form and purporting to be printed by authority of the City, the aame shall be received in evidence in all court• without further proof of the exiatence and regularity of the enaotllent• of any particular ordinance and of eaid COde. I I I SICTJCJB 15. '!bat purauant to, and in ccmplianoe with, ehapter 139, Article 34, Section 3 of COlorado Revi•ed Statute• 1963 a• -nded, the city clerk of the City of Bnglewood i• hereby authorised and directed to publi•h notice of a public hearing on the adoption and enactment of th• 1969 R•vi•ed llunlcipal COd• of th• City of Bnqlewodd to the extent, and parauant to, th• aahedule for •uah publication• preacribed in 139-34-3 of Colorado Reri.aed Statute• 1963, •aid public hearift9 to be held in the council Chambers, City Ball, of BnglMfOOd, Arapahoe county,·colorado, at 8100 o'clock P.M. on July 6, 1970. sgn:m 16. (a) At frequent interval• after th• approval of thi• ordinance, all ordi- nanc• of a general and pezmanent nature pa8•ed and approved during the preceding period, aball be reviaed, arranged and prepared for publication in the form of looseleaf auppl ... nt•, reprinting the page or page• of the COd• affected, removing the amended or ob80l•t• provi•ion• and in•ertinq th• new provi•iou. (b) Any and all addition• or --dlll•nt• to the COde, when passed in such foaa ·u to indicate the intention of the City council to aake the same a part thereof, aball be d•••lt to be inaorporated in the COd• 80 that reference to the "1969 Revised Jlaniaipal COd• of th• City of BnglMfOOd• •hall be under•tood and intended to include •ach addition• and -ldl•nta. (c) In ca•• of the -•ndment of any aeation of the code for which a penalty i• not pzovided, the general penalty a• provided in Section 1-2-1 of such Code shall apply to th• wtion u -endedr or in caM auoh •endll1nt contain• provisions for which a pmaalty, other then the afor ... ntioned general penalty, i~ provided in another section in th• •-chapter, the penalty •o provided in auah other •action •hall be held to relate to the aection 80 ... ncted, unl••• auah penalty i• •pacifically repealed therein. SBCTIO. 17. A copy of ·8\IOh COde •hall be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk, preaerved in looaeleaf fom, or in •uoh other fom a• the City Clerk may consider moat apeclient. It •hall be th• expr••• duty of the city clerk or •omeone authorized by hill, to inaert in their deaignated place• all ·~t• or ordinances which indicate th• intention of th• City council to make th• •-a part of •uch code when the same have been printed or reprinted in page fona, and to extract from •uch Code all pro- vi•iou which -Y be frcm time to time repealed by th• city council. 'fhia copy of such COde ahall be available for all peraon• de•iring to examine the same and shall be aonidered th• official 1969 R•vi•ed 11\lnicipal COd• of the City of Englewood. SBCTIOB 18. . It •hall be unlawful for any per80n, fina or corporation to change or amend by addition or deletion, any part or portion of •uah COde, or to insert or delete i-v-or portion• thereof, or to aJ,ter or tmaper with auch COde in any manner whatsoever which will cauae the ordinance• of the City of Bnglawood to be mi•represented thereby. Any peraon, fira or corporation violating thi• aection •hall be puni•hed as provided in Section 1-2-1 of the 1969 Revi•ed Municipal Code of the City of Englewood. Introduced, read in full and pa••ed on fir•t reading on the 15th day of .nme, 1970. Publi•hed"a• a Bill for an Ordinance on the 18th day of June, 1970. Read by title and pa••ed on final reading on the 20th day of July, 1970. Publi•hed by title a• Ordinance llo. 26, ·Seri•• ,of 1970, on · the 23rd day of July, 1970. ~~~~4~ a11ii8'f1 I, Stephen A. Lyon, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true, accurate and ccmplete copy of an Ordinance pa••ed o~nal reading and published by title a• Ordinance llo. 26, Seri•• of 1970. '.