HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 Ordinance No. 037Introduced •• a Bill by councilman Lay. BY AO'tBORITY ORDDIAllCB BO. 37, SBRZBS OP 1970 All ORDDIA9CB ADOPIDG TBB BUDGB'l' OP 'l'BB CITY OP BllGLBlfOOD, COLORADO FOR THE PISCAL YBAR 1971. 118CIBAS, purauant to the proviaion• of Part L of Article x of the Charter of the City of Bngl.uood, COlorado, adopted by the voter• on July 8, 1958, a budqet for th• fiacal year 1971 wa• duly •ubmitted by the City llanager to the City council on Sept '•r 14, 1970r and wa•MBAS, a public hearing on the ••id budget wa• held by the City Council within three veaka after it• •ubai••ion at the regular meetingof the City council on October 5, 1970, regular notice of th• tiae and place of ••id hearing having been published within •even day• after •ubai••ion c1 the budget, in the manner provided in the Charter for the publication of ordinance: and wacilBAS, the City council adopted a.aolution Ro. 38, Series of 1970, on the 30th day of llov911ber, 1970, ••id .. •olution amending the 1971 budget: .. , 'MC•DOU, BB IT ORDAillBD BY '1'BB CITY COURCZL OF 'l'BB CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLOMD01 Stctiop 1. !'hat the budget of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, for the fiscal year 1971, •• aablitted by th• City Manager and duly con•idered by the City council after public hearing and •ended by Reaolution llo. 38, Serie• of 1970, be and hereby is adopted •• the budget for th• City of Bngl.wood for the fi•cal year 1971. ltqtiop 2. lfbat the ••id budget •• .. ended and accepted •hall be a public record in the office of the City Clerk and •hall be open to public inapection. sufficient copies thereof ahall be Md• available for the u•• of the council and the public, the number of copies to be detenained by the City Manager. Introduced, read in full and pa••ed on fir•t reading on the 30th day of lloVI her, 1970. Pabli•hed •• a Bill for an Ordinance on the 2nd day of December, 1970. a.ad by title and pa••ed on final reading on the 2lat of December, 1970. Publi•hed by title a• Ordinance Ro. 37, Serie• of 1970, on the 23rd day of 0ecve.r, 1970. ~ .. ~Y-7"t:TC_ flAYOI -" ~iiBSTa I, Stephen A.~Lyon, do hereby certify that the above and foreqoinq is a true, accurate and caaplete copy of an Ordinance paaaed on final reading and published by title aa Ordinance llo. 37, Seri•• of 1970. :1 I ' ' ,• •.