HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 Ordinance No. 003210
Introduced aa a Bill by Councilman Parkinaon.
ORD%DllCB BO. 3, SBUBS OP 1969
80'"Vr1•...,m•msNllllT Q1JAR'1'BR OP SBC'l'IOB 34 Alm '1'BB SOU'1'BBAS'1' QUAR'l'BR OP SBC'l'IOB
33, 'l'OlmSIUP 4, 80U'IB, MBGB 68 BS'r OP '1'BB 6'1'B P.M., COUB'l'Y OP
1111BRBAS, th• City of Bnglewood ha• heretofore entered
into certain aqre ... nt• for the relocation and reconatruction of
a portion of the atreet known a• Weat Ployd Avenue lying between
th• Weat right-of-way line of South Bannock Street and the Baat
line of the Santa Pe Railroad right-of-way1 and
WllBRBAS, •aid agr-•t• provide for the owner• of the
land• upon which aaid Ployd Avenue i• relocated to grant to the
City of BncJlewood an ea .... nt and right-of-way.for uae of such
land• for atr .. t purpo••• and further provide for the City of
BncJlewood to ailaultaneoualy vacate the hereinafter deacribed portion
of •••t Ployd Avenue1 and
11BBRBAS, it i• unneceaaary to herein reaerve easements
for utility line• for the reamon• that the above-deacribed ease-
aent and right-of-way will include the right to maintain in
relocated Weat Ployd Avenue all utility line•, and eaaements will
be aeparately 9ranted for any utility line• located within the
land• hereby vacated, but not within the land• covered by the above
deacribed Grant of Ba•-nt 1 and ·
1111BRBAS, the portion of Weat Floyd Avenue hereinafter
deacribed which is not included within the eaaement 9ranted or to
be granted to the City of Bnglewood a• above deacribed no longer
.. rv•• any uaeful purpoae and the vacation of such portion of the
aaid atreet will not leave any realty adjoining the same without
an eatabliahed public road conneatin9 the aaid realty with another •
••tabliahed public road1 and
11BBRBAS, the portion of th• atreet hereinafter described
i• located entirely within the City of Bn9lewood, Colorado and
doe• not conatitute a boundary line between the City of Englewood
and any county or other municipality1
CITY OP •GLBllOOD, COLORADO, a• follow••
Section 1. '!hat the hereinafter described portion of the
•treat known a• Weat Ployd Avenue located in the City of Bnglewood,
Arapahoe County, Colorado, be and the aame i• hereby vacated:
'!hat portion of the atreet or avenue known
a• We•t Ployd Avenue a• the same heretofore
exiated lying South of the Borth line of the
south Ralf of the Southweat Quarter of
Section 34 and South of the Borth line of the
Southeaat Quarter of the Southeast Quarter
of Section 33, Townahip 4 South, Range 68
•••t of the 6th P.M., City of Bnglewood,
County of Arapahoe and State of Colorado, and
lying between the Weat right-of-way line of
South Bannock Street and the Ba•t line of the
Santa Pe Railroad ri9ht-of-way.
Section 2. 'fhe within vacation •hall in no event
becaae effective until auch time a• there •hall have been placed
of record in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder of the county
of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, a Grant of Baa .. ent from capital
Alliance Caapany, a COlorado general partnerahip, and Rew Bnglewood,
Ltd., a COlorado liaited partnerahip, to the City of Englewood,
granting an irrevocable and perpetual eaaaae)lt and right-of-way
on, over and aero•• the land• upon which the •aid Weat Floyd
Avenue ha• now b .. n relocated for atreet and related purpoaes.
'l'h• acc:eptance of a Grant of Baa .. ent for Weat Ployd Avenue,
a• evidenced by the aignature of the Mayor of the City of Bnglewood,
ahall concluaively eatabliah for all purpo•e• cCDpliance with the
foregoing condition.
Introduced, read in full and passed on first reading on
January 20, 1969.
3, 1969.
Publi•hed a• a Bill for an Ordinance on January 23, 1969.
Read by title and paaaed on final reading on Pebruaru
Publiahed •• an ordinance on February 6, 1969.
,M~~'~,-c -t-
.. yor
I, Stephen A. Lyon, do hereby cert:ify that the above
and foregoing i• a true, accurate and ccmplete copy of an Ordinance
paaaed on final reading on February 3, 1969.
Publiahed aa Ordinance Bo. 3, Serie• of 1969 on
Pebruary 6, 1969.
... .