HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 Ordinance No. 007I I .. I Introduced a• a Bill by councilman Kreiling. BY AO'tllORift ORDDIAllCB BO. 7, SDIBS OP 1969 All OIDDIUCB M•l'•Im OIDDNICB m. 26, SBRIBS OP 1963, ALSO -.... ..,...-AS CllAPl'BR 22 OP '1'llB llUBICIPAL OODB OP '1'BB CITY OP mGLBllOOD, COLORADO, AllD !BB zcmDIG llAP A'l"l'ACBBD '1'BBRB'1'0, '1'0 RBZmB CBR'l'AIB PROPBlft'Y llDU PARTICULULY DBSCRIBBD 'l'BBRBIB FROM R-2-B ('l'llO-PAllILY usmD'fIAL) '1'0 R-3-B (llULTI-PMILY RBSmBll'l'IAL). 11BBRBAS, Robert L. Gilpatrick and Merlyn w. Bve have hereto- fore filed an application with the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Bn9lewood, Colorado, to resone fran R-2-B (Two-Family R••idential) to R-3-B (Multi-Paaily R••idential), certain real property withJ.n the City of Englewood, Colorado, more particularly described a• follow•, to-wits BecJim\in9 at a point on the centerline of West Kenyon Aveaue and the extended centerline of the alley in Block 8, Baailton and Killie• Broadway Bei9ht•1 thence south and along •aid extended alley centerline 660 feet to its inter•ection with the centerline of We•t lehigh Avenuer thence ve•t and alon9 the centerline of We•t Lehigh Avenue 163 feet to it• inter•ection with the centerline of South Acana Street• thence north and alon9 the center- line of South Accaaa Street 660 feet to its intersection with the centerline of We•t Kenyon Avenue, thence east and along the centerline of We•t Kenyon Avenue 163 feet to the point of b99inniDCJ. 11BBRBAS, pur•uant to the provi•ion• of Ordinance &o. 26, Serie• of 1963, almo known a• Chapter 22 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bft9lewood, Colorado, the •aid Planning and Zoning Cc...i••ion, in con•iderin9 •aid application, held a public hearing thereon, and othez:wi•e ca.plied with the •aid Ordinance, and the provi•ion• of the Charter of the city of Bnglewoodr and 11BBRBAS, the •aid Plannin9 and Zonin9 commission has here- tofore rece1111ended to Ci~y Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, that the afore•aid de8Cribed property 8hould be included within that aoniDCJ di•trict known a• R-3-B (Multi-faaily re•idential)r and 11BBRBAS, the city council of the city of Bnglewood, Colorado, ha• con•idered the recoaaendation of •aid coamiaaion, including the docUllent• and record• accoaapanyiDCJ the •aae, has held a public hearing upon the ... e and ha• concluded that the public health, safety, con- venience and welfare, a• well a• 9ood zoning practice justifies the inclu•ion of •aid property within •aid zonin9 district. _,.,, TBBRBPORB, BB IT ORDADBD BY TBB CITY COU&CIL OF '1'BB CITY OP BRGLBWOQD, COLORADO, a• follow•• Section 1. Ordinance Ro. 26, Series of 1963, also known a• Chapter 22 of the Municipal Code of the City of Englewood, Colorado, together with the zoning map annexed thereto, is hereby .. ended to rezone the property hereinabove de•cribed from R-2-B ('l'WO Pmaily Re•ident~~) to R-3-B (Multi-Paaily Residential). Section 2. city council hereby finds, determines and declare• that the hereinabove chan9e in zoning is justified by public health, aafety, convenience and welfare and by good zoning practice•. Introduced, read in full and paaaed on first reading on the 6th day of January, 1969. Published a• a .Bill for an Ordinance on the 9th day of January, 1969. Read by title and passed on final reading on the 3rd day of February, 1969. Publiahed a• Ordinance Ro. 7, Series of 1969, on the 6th day of February, 1969. Atte•t1 I, Stephen A. Lyon, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing i• a true, accurate and ccaaplete copy of an Ordinance paaaed on final reading on the 3rd day of Pebruary, 1969, and pub- liahed aa Ordinance Bo. 7, Serie• of 1969. Atteat1 I I. t o, .• I