HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 Ordinance No. 009220 Introduced a• a Bill by Councilman Lone. BY AU'l'llORI'l'Y' ORDDIAllCB BO. 9, SBRIBS OP 1969 All ORDDIAllCB VACA'l'IllG 'l'llA'l' POR'l'IOB OP A CBR'l'AIB PUBLIC ALI.BY .U:CB PRBSBn'LY BJCIS'l'S UPOR AllD OVBR '1'BB BAS'l'BRLY 8 PBB'l' OP L01'8 1 TllROUGll 12, DICLUSIVB, ARDLL'S SUBDIVISIOB, CI'l'Y' OP DGLBWOOD, COtlftT OP ARAPABOB, S'l'A'IB OP COLORADO, AID> AU'l'llORIZillG 'l'BB MAYOR AllD cm CLBRK mr llBllALP OP '1'118 cm OP mGLBllOm> '1'0 COl1VBY ALL OP '1'llB cm•s RIGll'l'S, ft'l'LB AllD IftBm'1' IB Alm '1'0 '1'BB APORBSAm 8 PBB'l '° '1'118 PRB891' a.as OP '1'118 &Am LO'l'S 1 'l'BROUGll 12. 1BBRBA8 the City of Bngl.vood ha• heretofore, received title to the eaaterly 8 feet of Lota 1 thro119h 12, inclusive, Arkell'• Subdiviaion, City of Bn9l8WOOd, State of Colorado for the purpoae of uain9 the ... e for a public alley and right of way: and 1IBBRBA8 the effect of the conveyance of title thereto to the City waa to increaae the width of an alley which had, at the tiaea of the variou• conveyance• to the City, been dedicated by the duly adopted and recorded plat of the aubdivision: and 1lllBRBA8 that portion of aaid alley hereinabove described no lon9er ••rv•• any uaeful purpo•e and the vacation of that portion of •aid public alley will not 'levy any realty adjoining the same without an eatabliahed public road connecting the said realty with another eatabliahed public roadr and 11BBRBAS that portion of the hereinabove described alley i• located entirely within the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, and does not coutitute a boundary line between the City of Englewood and any other county or municipalityr·and llRBRBAS there doe• not exiat within that portion of the alley hereinabov• deacribed any aewer, gaa, water or similar pipe- line•, appartenancea or utilitiea, nor any electricity, telephone or aiailar linea, appartenance• or utilitie•r and ••ms the Planninq and Zonin9 COllllliaaion of the City of BnqlMlood ha• heretofore rec0111Dended that that portion of the •aid public alley hereinabove deacribed be vacated • .. , 'l'llBRBPORB, BB I'1' ORDADIBD BY '1'BB CI'l'Y COmtCIL OF '1'llB CI'l'Y OP mn.BllOCD, COLORADO, aa followas lftion 1. '!hat that portion of the public alley which preaentlyata on and over the eaaterly 8 feet of Lots 1 through 12, incluaive, Arkell'• Subdiviaion ahould be, and the same hereby, v.aated and, fra11 and after the effective date of the Ordinance, 8hall no lODCJ•r conatitute a public alley or thoroughfare. l!ctiop 2. If, to acccapliah the purpoae of this Ordi- nance it becaaea neceaaary or appropriate for the City to convey it• right, title and intereat in and to the hereinabove described realty, the llayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to convey by quit claill deed all of the City'• right, title and intereat in and to •aid eaa~erly 8 feet to the preaent owners of Lota 1 throulJh 12, incluaive, Arkell'• Subdivision. Introduced, read in full and paaaed on first reading on the 17th day of veruary, 1969. · Publlabecl a• a Bill for an Ordinance on the 20th day of Pebruary, 1969 • .. ad by title and paaaed on final reading on the 3rd day of llarch, 1969. Publiahed a• Ordinance Ro. 9, Series of 1969, on the 6th day of llarch, 1969. 7~1 Mayor ~,~ Atteats I I - I I I I I, Stephen A. Lyon, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing i• a true, accurate and cOlllplete copy of an Ordinance paaaed on final readiDCJ on the 3rd day of March, 1969, and published •• Ordinance Ro. 9, Serie• of 1969. Atteats ~ ~ Clark ----~--