HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 Ordinance No. 011I I Introduced a• a Bill by Councilman Parkin80n. BY AO'l'llOllITY ORDillAllCB BO. 11, SBRIBS OP 1969 All ORDillAllCB VACATDIG All ALI.BY LOCATBD WITBIB BLOCK 6, BIGGDS lllGLBllOOD GARDms, COUllTY OP ARAPABOB, CITY OP moLBWOOD, STA'l'B OP COLORADO, MID RBSBRVIBG All BASBllD1'1' TBBRBD POR SBWBR, GAS, WA'l'BR, MID SillILAR PIPBLDIBS, APPUR'l'BRAllCBS AID> U'1'ILITIBS, ARD POR BL8C'l'RIC, 'l'BLBPBCaB MID SDIILAR LIDS, APPUllTBRAllCBS ARD U'IILUDS. WBBRBAS, the Planning and Zoning COlllDi••ion of the City of Bngl.wood ha• heretofore rec:Clllllended that the alley herein- after described be vacated1 and, 1111BRBA8, •aid alley no lonjiir •erve• any u•eful purpose and th• vacation of •aid alley will not leave any realty adjoining the .... without an e•tabli•hed public road connecting the said realty with another e•tabliahed public road1 and, WBBRBAS, the alley hereinafter de•cribed i• located entirely within the City of Bngl.wood, Colorado, and does not con- •titute a boundary line between the City of Bnglewood and any county or other municipality1 ROif, TBBRBPORB, BB IT ORDAillBD BY TBB CITY COUNCIL OF '1'BB CITY OP BllGLBWOOD, COLORADO, a• followa1 Section l. 'fhat the hereinafter described alley located in the City of Bngiwood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, be and the •-e i• hereby vacated1 An alley located in Block 6, Higgin• Englewood Gardena, Arapahoe county, State of Colorado, aa shown on the recorded plat thereof. S!Ction 2. 'there i• hereby reaerved from said vacation=an ea• ... nt in, ~rough, over, aero•• and under the aforesaid realty for •ewer, ga•, water and •imilar pipeline•, appurtenances and utilitiea, and for electric, telephone and aimilar lines, appur- tenance• and utiliti••· Introduced, read in full and pa••ed on first reading on the 3rd day of March, 1969. Publi•hed a• a Bill for an Ordinance on the 6th day of March, 1969. Read by title and pa••ed on final reading on the 17th day of March, 1969. Publiahed •• Ordinance Bo. 11, Serie• of 1969, on the 20th day of March, 1969. ~~~~ ~ Mayor Atte•t1 •'~~i'?? I, Stephen A. Lyon, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing i• a true, accurate and complete copy of an Ordinance pa••ed on final reading on the 17th day iof March, 1969, and pub- li•hed •• Ordinance Bo. 11, Serie• of 1969.