HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 Ordinance No. 013Introduced •• a Bill by councilman Dhority. • BY AU'l'llORI'l'Y ORDDIA8CB 90. 13, SBRIBS OP 1969 All ORDIDllCB MllllDDIG AR'l'ICLB 16.5 OP '1'BB MURICIPAL CODB OF THB CITY' OP BmGLBlllOOD TO LBVY tBB 'l'AX IMPOSBD BY SAID CHAP'l'BR UPON ALL 8A'·U OP PBIUIBWIW> llAL'l' BBVBRAGBS, llAL'l', VIllOUS OR SPIRI'l'UOUS LIQUORS AID> tJllOB tBB RD'l'AL PRICB OP ALL LODGIBG ROC»IS LB'l' OR RBWIBD l'OR A PDIQD OP LBSS '1'llAll 'l'BIRft' (30) DAYS. BB I'l' ORDADBD BY tBB CI'l'Y COUllCIL OF '1'BB CI'l'Y OF BNGLBWOOD, COLORADO, •• followa1 Section 1. Subaection (h) of Section 16.5-4, entitled •it-Bx.apt frcm 'l'axation,• of the Municipal Code of the City of Bnglarood, i• hereby repealed. 'fC.!!:i 2. Section 16.5-3 of the Municipal Code of the City of Sng la hereby ... ncted to read a• followas lection 16.5-3 Sale• 'l'ax L!YY (a) !'here i• hereby iapoaed upon all aalea of all it-apecified in Section 16.5-2 within the boundari•• of the City of Bnglewood a tax in accordance for the followinq achedulei Allognt of Sale f.01 includinq $ .18 $.19 including $ .51 $.52 includinq $1.00 • • • • • • . . . . . . • • • • • • Tax - no tax 1¢ 2¢ On ••l•• in exce•• of $1.00, the tax shall be 2¢ on each full dollar of th• •ale• price, plus the tax abown in the above achedule for the applicable fractional part of a dollar of each auch aale• price. (b) In addition to the tax levied by subsection (a) hereof, there i• alao hereby levied a tax, baaed upon the rental fee, price or other conaideration paid or received therefor, upon the rental or lease of any llabil• ha11e room, rocma, or for lodginq purposes in any hotel, 110tel, lodqe, reaort, club, rooming house, apartllent building or other eatabliahment, making such rocma available to the public, where the period of lodging for which auch rental fee, price or other consideration i• paid or received ahall be le•• than thirty (30) days. th• tax hereby levied •hall be baaed upon the same schedule a• i• ••t forth in aubaection (a) hereof and the person, partnerahip, corporation or other entity making such rOOll8 available •hall, for all purpoaea of this Article, be de .. ad to be a •retailer,• a• defined in Sec. 16.5-1. (c) !'he retailer •hall add the tax imposed here- to to the ••l• price or charge of the itan sold, showing auah tax •• a aeparate and diatinct itan, and, when added, auch tax ahall conatitute a part of auch price or charge, ahall be a debt frCll the purchaaer to the retailer until paid, and •hall be recoverable at law in the same manner a• other debt•. ftctiop 3. 'l'h• proviaion• of thia·ordinance shall be, '11d beeo11e, ef ectlve at 2101 o'clock a.m. on the firat day of July, 1 1 1969, and not before. · '. , \ Introduced, read in full and paaaed on firat reading on ~­ the 17th day of March, 1969. ifubliahed •• a Bill for an Ordinance on the 20th day of March, 1969. Read by title and paaaed on final reading on the 7th day of April, 1969. Publiahed •• Ordinance Bo. 13, Serie• of 1969, on the 10th day of April, 1969. I - I Atta•ta I, Stephen A. Lyon, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing i• a true, accurate and cClllplete copy of an Ordinance paaaad on final reading and publiahed a• Ordinance Bo. 13, Series of 1969. Atte•tt .~~