HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 Ordinance No. 01811 II .I Introduced •• a Bill by Councilllan Parkin80D. BY AU'l'BOllrl'Y ORDDIAllCB 80. 18, DRIBS OP 1969 All ORDIJINICB JtBPBAL%9G SBC'l'Im& 13.13 :1 ·•Ir•; MID DICLUDDIG 13.14-4 OP '1'llB llU9%CIPAL CODB OP '1'118 C!'l'Y OP mGLBlfOOD 'l'OGB'l'HBR WI'fB ALL ORDDIA9CBS M"IDim '1'llB SAMS, AllD ADOPl'DIG BY RBPBRDCE, D LDU W*UOP, CllAPRRS 4 'tDOUGli 43, 45 'tDOUGli 52, MD 59, UCB ISCLUSIVB, OP OJU>DIAllCB 90. 1, IDISI OP 1969, OP 'l'HB ORD~ OP '1'llB crrr AllD COUB"i2r OP DmvBR, S'l'A'l'B or COLORADO, AS ADOPl'BD OB '1'llB 17'1'11 DAY OP JAllUARY, 1969 • .. I'l' ORDADBD BY WB cm ccxmcIL OP '1'BB CITY OP BHGLBWOOD, COLORADO, a• follOW8t Section 1. Section• 13.14-1 through, and including, Section 13.14=4, of the Municipal Cod• of th• City of Englewood, are hereby repealed. Section 2. Section• 13.13, 13.13-1 and 13.13-2 of the Municipal COde of the City of Bnglewood, a• ... nded by Ordinance llo. 7, Serie• of 1966, are hereby repealed and re-enacted to read •• follow•, to-wits 13.13 Denver Buildina ~·· AdeDtf4. Chapters 4 through 43, 45 through 52, ~. 1i0 ~nclu•ive, of Ordinance •o. l, Serie• of 1969, duly adopted by the City council of the city and county of Denver on the 17th day of January, 1969, are hereby adopted by reference, with th• .... force and ef ftct •• if th• .... were set forth herein in full, subject to tht exceptions, modifications and amendments thereto hereinbelow set forth. aenerai Chang•• !atftDtf! ordinances. The fol--h cat on• and amendments the ordinance provisions (a) Wherever the words •city and county of Denver" appear in .the said Ordinance •o. 1, Series of 1969, •uch word• shall be deleted and there shall be •ub•tituted therefor th• word• •city of Bnglewood 11 and wherever juat the word •Denver• appears it shall be deleted and there •hall be aubatituted therefor th• word •BncJlMfOOd.• (b) Wherever th• word• •Mana91r of Health and Hospitals" appear in tht •aid Ordinance •o. 1, Series of 1969, •uch word• •hall be deleted and there shall be aubatituttd therefor th• word• •Tri-County Health Departaent.• (c) Wherever the word• •Article 234, Revi•ed Municipal Code• appear in the •aid Ordinance Ro. 1, Series of 1969, such word• •hall b• deleted and there •hall be aubatituttd therefor the word• 11 HPPA, P•phlet 30.• (d) Wherever th• word• •Chapter 53• appear• in the said Ordinance llo. 1, Seri•• of 1969, auch words shall be deltttd and thtrt 8ba11 bt •ub•tituted therefor the word• •section 13.23 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bnglewood.• 13.13-2 Specific Chana•• in !!lfJ~ Ordinances. The following •peclflc change•,Ciatlon• and amend- .. nt• are hereby aade in the provi•ion• of Ordinance •o. 1, Seri•• of 1969, htrtinabovt adopttda Section 400-4. Add at the end of paravraph "Garage Repair• a new paragraph •• follOW81 •aara9e Service, i• any building or portion thtrtof u•td for change of part• only.• Section ~oo-a. After the par99raph •value or Valuation" delete t •word• •s .. Section 13.7 of the Reviaed Municipal COde.• mtion 504. In the la•t •tnttnct of •ub•ection (e) ~ete the la•t part of tht •aid ••nt1nc1 beqinnin9 with th• word• •the Zoning Adlliniatrator• and substitute therefor the word• •Chief Building In•pector under authority 9ranted in Ordinance •o. 26, Series of 1963." 240 StCtiona!fl· In the firat amtmce delete the following 1'0rda • lding Licena .. a Cla•• A, 8, C and Home OWnera, Wrecking Licen• .. • Cl••• A and B" and substitute the following word• "Building contractor•, home owners and wrecking contractor•.• Section 910. In aubaection (b) delete the last sentence beglDDln9 With the word• •ifbe Board of Health and Boapital ••• • Section 1092. Add a new aubaection (b) 6. to read as foilowa1 Blowout panel• .. y be required in certain location• by the Chief Building Inapector." . !fttio~1010. In aubaection (a) in the first sentence atere word• "Dry cleanin9 plant•• add the following word• •uaing calbuatible aolventa.• In aubaection (d) in the laat aentence delete the following 1'0rda •Article 762, Reviaed Municipal Code" and add the followin9 word• "Ordinance Ro. 26, Series of 1963." Section 1109. In aubaection (b) in the first sentence delete the following 1'0rd• •llOre than one" and insert the following word• •one or 110re.• Section 1110. In aubaection (d) delete the following worda "Article 762, Reviaed Municipal Code" and substi- tute the word• •ordinance Ro. 26, Serie• of 1963." Section 1405. Add at the end of aubaection (d) the following word• "A waate diapoaal •hall not be required when the dwelling i• connected to other than a sanitary awer.• Section 1500. Delete entire Section 15 and insert the foiiowlng: CllAPl'BR 15 -RBQUIRDIBll'l'S POR GROUP J OCCUPARCIES SllC'l'IOll 1501 GROUP J OCCUPAllCIBS DBPDJBD. Group J occupancie• •hall bes Diviaion 1. Private 9ara9ea, ahed• and minor buildings uaed a• acceaaorie• only when not over one thousand aquare feet (1000 aq. ft.) in area. Diviaion 2. Pence•, water tank•, tower• and retaining wall•. Por occupancy aeparation ••• Table Ro. 5-B. SllC'l'IOR 1502 COBSTRUCTim, BBIGll'l' MID ARBA ALLOWABLE. (a) GmRAL. Building• claaaed a• Group J shall be of Type I, II, III, IV or v conatruction as specified in Part V of thi• Code. 'fhe floor area •hall not exceed one thouaand aquare feet (1,000 aq. ft.). The height •hall not exceed one (1) atory. When any buildin9 exceed• the limit apecified in this Chapter it •hall be claaaed in the occupancy group other than Group J that it moat nearly reaellblea. Structure• of aheet aetal or corru9ated metal shall not be permitted in reaidentially soned diatricta. (b) SPBCIAL PROVISims. llo roan uaed for sleeping ,purpo•e• •hall open directly into a private garage. SllC'l'IOll 1503 LOCATIOR. (a) IR CITY. Por reatriction• on Types III, IV and V C!Onatruction in Pire Zone Ro. 1, and restrictions on Type V conatruction in Pire zone• Bo. 2 and Ro. 3, ... Section• 1602, 1603 and 1604. See Diatrict zone regulation• for reatrictions in Di•trict zone• (•ee Chapter 22 of the Municipal Code of the City of BDCJlwood). (b) OB PROPBM'Y. See Diatrict Zone regulations for aetback requir ... nta (See Chapter 22 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bnglewood). . I (I• . ' ' I II :1 I (c) D'l'SUOR n1J. MID OPm!m PaarBCTIOB. Buildings of 'fype IV or v eonatruction •hall comply with the following: Bxterior wall•, or part• of wall•, except on street front•, bou•iD9 Divi•ion 1 occupancie•, which are leas than thrH (3) f .. t from adjacent property lines, shall be protected on the exterior with lath and plaster approved for one-hour fir•-r••i•tive conatruction. Por regulatin9 adjacent building• on the same property, ... Section 504. SBC!'IOB 1504 S'l'AIRllAYS. Stairway• in Divi•ion 1 occupancie• •hall comply with the provi•ion• of lection 1404. SBC!'IOB 1505 mcLOSURB OP VSlft'ICAL OPmDGS. Vertical opening• need not be enclo•ed. SBC'l'IOll 1506 PIRB-BX'l'DIGUI8BDIG APPARA'l'US. Pire-extinquiahing apparatu• •hall be inatalled •• required in Chapter 38. Where more than three (3) automobile• are stored in any private 9aracJ•, there ahall be in•talled not leas than one two and one-half (2-1/2) 9allon cheaaical extingui•h•r for each five car• or .. jor fraction thereof. SBCTIOB 1507 SPBCIAL BAZAaD8. Chimney• and vent• •hall be con•tructed in conformance with the requir-nt• of Chapter 37. SBCTIOB 1508 PBRCB8 MID JtftAill!llG WALLS. (a) Cla••ificationa 1. 2. 3. 4. s. open)r 6. Maaonry wall•1 Orn-ntal iron1 Woven wire1 · Wood picket (more than 5°" open): Solid f enc•• (wood or metal less than 50% Badge•. (b) Pence• in re•idence and bu•in••• districts and fence• enclo•ing plot• uaed for dwelling purpo•es in all diatrict• •hall conform to the following requirements. 1. Pence• erected in front of the front building line •hall be of Cl••• 2, 3, 4 or 6, and shall not exceed a height of thr .. fHt •ix inch•• (3' 6"). 2. Side yard fence• back of the front building line •hall be of any claaa, but •hall not exceed a height of thr .. f .. t •ix inch•• (3' &•) to the rear of the nei9hborhood dwelling, and a hei9ht of •ix feet (6 ft.) frma the rear of •aid dwelling to back property line. 3. Rear yazd .fence• -y be of any class, but •hall not exceed a hei9ht of •ix (6) feet. 4. Por buildift9• located on corner lots, the re•triction• for fence• in the yard facing on the side •treet •hall be the .... •• in paragraph 1 for front yard fence•. 5. Ro ·barbed wire or other •harp pointed fence, and no electrically charged fence, •hall be erected or maintained. 6. In ca•• of a fence erected on top of a retaining wall, the height •hall be mea•ured from the grade of the high •ide. In ca•• of a fence erected adjacent to and parallel with a retaining wall, but on the low •ide of •uch wall, the hei9ht of the fence may be mea•ured from the top of the wall. 7. On corner lot• no fence, retaining wall, 8hrub, tree, or •imilar ob•truction •hall be erected or maintained which ob•truct• th• traffic vi•ion. A rear yard fence for a di•tance of 15 feet back •hall taper down to three feet •ix inch•• (3' 6•) on the street side property line. 8. Any dilapidated, un•ightly, or danqerous fence 8hall be r..oved when 80 ordered by the Chief Buildinq In•pector. 9. Retaining walla •hall be adequately desiqned and drained •o a• to re•i•t all lateral pressure to which they .. Y be 8\lbject. Retaining wall• •hall not be erected in any front yard when in the opinion of the Chief Building In•peotor, •uch retaininq wall would be un•ightly or detriaental to adjoining property. Retaininq wall• in re•idential area• •hall not exceed three feet aix inche• (3 1 6•) in height unle•• •tepped back one foot for each one foot of additional height. Any variance au•t be approved by the Board of Adju•tment and Appeals. 10. When, in hi• jwlpent, the public health, •afety and welfare will be •ub•tantially served and the neighboring property will not be aaterially damaqed and a copy of an agremaent between neiqhborinq property owner• i• filed in hi• off ice, the Chief Buildinq Inspector aay, at hi• di•cretion, vary the requirements of this Section. S!Ction 1601. Delete •ub•ection (a) and insert new sub- aectlon (a) •• follow•• SBC'l'IQB 1601 GmRAL. (a) Pire ZOne• Defined. Por the purpo•e• of thi• BuildiDCJ Code, the City of Bngl.wood in it• entirety •hall be and hereby is declared to be a Pire Di•trict which Pire Di•trict shall be known and compo•ed of the following area•1 Pire erne Bo. 1. Pire zone Bo. 1 •hall include all the area l~ng Within the following de•cribed boundaries: Starting at the inter•ection of Ba•t Floyd Avenue and South Lincoln Street, thence aouth to Biqhway #285: thence we•terly alonq Highway 1285 to South Bannock Street, thence north to the north line of the S 1/2 S 1/2 of Section 34, T4S, R68W or Bast Floyd Avenue extended, thence east along •aid line to the true point of beqinning. Fire ZOne Bo. 2. Pir• ZOne Bo. 2 shall include all the area lying within the following described boundaries except that which i• in Pire zone Bo. 11 Starting at the intersection of South Broadway and Yale Avenu•r thence •a•t on Yale Avenue to the alley between South Broadway and South Lincolnr thence south to Ba•t Ba•tlaan Avenuer thence east on Bast Bastman to the alley between South Shenaan Street and South Grant Streett thence aouth to the extended north line of Lot 30, Block 7, Preader Additionr thence east on said extended north line to south Logan Street: thence south to the extended north line of Lot 21, Block 5, Westview Additionr thence ea•t along said extended lot line to the alley between South Logan Street and South Pennsylvania Streetr thence south to Biqhway 1285: thence west to South Logan Streetr thence aouth to Ba•t Jefferson Driver thence northwe•terly to South Sherman Streetr thence south to the extended north line of Lot 35, Block 2, Biqqins Broadway Addition: thence we•t along •aid extended lot line to the alley between South Lincoln Street and South Sherman Streetr thence 80Uth to Bast Kenyon Avenuer thence ve•t to the alley between South Broadway and South Lincoln StrMtr thence •outh to Bast Chenanqo Avenuer thence ea•t to the northea•t corner of Lot 13, Locu•t Garden•r thence mouth along said extended east lot line to northwe•t corner of Lot 18, Locust Gardens: thence east along extended •aid ea•t lot line to the north- east corner of Lot 19, Locu•t Gardenar thence south to Ba•t Belleview Avenuer thence ea•t to a point due north of the northwe•t corner of Lot '20, Block 2, Brookridqe Height• Subdivi•ionr thence mouth along the west lines of Lota 20 throuqh 13, Block 2r thence southeasterly 111.30 feet along the we•terly lot line• of Lota 11 and 12, Block 2r thence aouthwe•terly 122.15 feet alonq the we•terly lot line of Lot 9, Block 2r thence southwesterly aero•• Centennial Avenue 61.02 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 7, Block 3, Brookridqe Height• Subdivision: thence southwesterly along the we•t•rly line of Lot 7, 120 feet1 thence aouthea•terly along the aoutherly lot lines of Lot• 7 to 12r thence •outhea•terly 59.76 feet along the we•terly lot line of Lot 12r thence southeasterly I I I I 'I I 420.90 f .. t along the 80Utherly lot line• of Lota 13 to 19r thence 80Utheaaterly 174.20 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 21, Block 3r thence aoutherly 375.42 feetr thence 80Utheaat 989.15 ~-tr thence eaat 151.37 f .. t, thence aouth 206.95 f .. t to the 80Uth line of the •ortheaat 1/4, Section 15, T5S, R681fr thence west along the •aid 80Uth line of the .. 1/4 2135.31 feet to South Broadwayr thence north along South Broadway 1140 feet: thence weat along the north line of Rafferty Lane (First Avmue) 586 f .. t to the 80Uthweat corner of Lot 14, Rafferty Gardena Subdiviaionr thence north along the we•t line of aaid Lot 14 to the centerline of Big Dry Creekr thence northweaterly along Big Dry Creek to the weat line of Lot 1, Interurban Additionr thence north on •aid weat line extended to Lebow Avenue: thence aouthweaterly along Lebow Avmue to a point so feet eaaterly of th• weat line of Lot 16, Interurban Addition Bxtmdedr thence north on a line 50 feet east and parallel with the weat line of •aid Lot 16 extended to West Belleview Avenuer thence ea•t along •••t Belleview Avenue to South Accaar thence north along South Aaaaa Street to West Layton Avenuer thence •••t along •••t Layton Avenue to th• alley between South Acoma Street and South Broadway: thence north along aaid alley to Highway #285: thence weaterly along Highway •285 to South Bannock Street: thence aouth on south Bannock Str .. t to the north lot line extended of Lot 63, Block 5, 81cerritt's Addition Second Pilingr thence weat along aaid extended north lot line to South Blati Streetr thence north on South Elati Street to Highway •28Sr thence weat along Highway #285 to South Santa Pe Driver thence northeaaterly along South Santa Pe Drive to th• 80Uth line of the northeast 1/4 of 90utheaat 1/4 of section 33, '1'4S, R681fr thence •••t on •aid aouth line to the •••t line of said Section 33r thence continuing eaat on the 90uth line of the north 1/2 of the South 1/2 of Section 34, T4S, R681f s. Bannock Street1 thence B 91.37 feet1 thence E 133 f .. t, thence B 541 feet1 thence B to the alley between South Accma Street and South Broadway: thence north along •aid alley to Weat Yale Avenuer thence east to point of beginning. Alao, the following deacribed areas Beginning at the point of interaection of the center line of West Belleviw Avenue and the •••t line of the SW 1/4 SW 1/4 SB 1/4 Section 8, '1'5S, R68Wr thence weat along West Belleviw Avenue to th• we•t lot line• extended of Lots 7 through 13, Block 18, Centennial Acre• Second Filing: thence northerly along weat lot line• extended to West Bellewood Driver thence •••terly along West Bellewood Drive to South Pederal Boulevardr thence north along South Pederal Boulevard to the aouth line of centennial Acre• PourthPilingr thence eaat along the south line of •aid Fourth Piling to the eaat line of the w 1/2 SW 1/4 SB 1/4: thence aouth along aaid •••t line to the true point of beginning. Al•o, the following deacribed areas Beginning at the interaection of •••t Bvan• Avenue and South Zuni Str .. tr thence eaat to the interaection of West Evans and South Tejonr thence aouth to the alley extended between •••t Bvan• Avenue and •••t Adriatic Avenue: thence west along •aid alley extended to South Zuni Street: thence north to point of beginning. Pire ZOne •o. 3. Pire ZOne Ro. 3 •hall include all the area• of the city of Bnglwood except that which is included in Pire ZOne• •o. 1 and .Bo. 2. '' Stctiop 17f5• In the ·fir•t aentence delete the following word• •Art cl• 633• and aubatitute the following words •section 13.16 of the Municipal COde of the City of Bnglewood.· In the third paragraph delete the following words •Article 633• and •ZOfting Adlliniatrator• and substitute the following word• •Section 13.26 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bnglewood• and •Chief Building Inspector." Section 2400. In the laat aentence delete the following word• •diapter 1 of thi• Building Code" and substitute the following word• •section 13.9 of the Municipal Code of th• City of Bngl.uood.• Section 2601. In the firat ••ntence delete the following worda •Cliapter 3• and aubatitute the followin9 word• •Chapter 13 of the Municipal COd• of the City of Bn9lewood.11 Section 2801. In aubaection (c) par1a9raph 5 in the last aentence delete the followilMJ word• •112 of the Building Code• and aubatitute th• follOWilMJ word• •27 of the Municipal Code of the City of SncJlMfOOd.• Section 2805. In aubaeation (a) in th• fir•t •entence after the word• •Acc•••ory Building• inaert the following word• •of Type IV or V coutruotion ..aept -•onry veneer building.• In •ubaection (b) in the fir•t .... ~enc• after the word •oroup" delete the letter •1• and 11u1»•titute the letter "J.• Section 2830. In the headiDCJ of the .,.J»l• llo. 28A after the word• •Type III Building• add the following words " and Type V maaonry veneer building•.• In Table Bo. 28-B under •mra• after the word• "Bo. 26-c• acid the following word• •almo note exception• in Section 2805." Section 3303. At the encl of •ub8ection (h) delete the following word• •Chapter 54• and add th• follawin9 "Plate CJl••• door• •hall have a divi•ion bar or be plainly marked." Section 3800. Add the following word• at the end of the aUbaectlon (e) "Denver '!bread Specification 3-3/32 OD x 8 thread-plu• or ainua-Rood Di ... ter 2-29/32." At the end of aubaection (j) add after the word "Chapter" the following word• "27 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bnglewood." \ In aubaection (i) before th• word "Plan" insert the following word• •complete llachanical" and in mid- aection of paragraph delete the followiDCJ words "Chapter 3" and inaert the following word• •section 13.11 of the Municipal Code of th• City of Bnglewood." Section 3812. In the para9raph where the words "City Board of Water CCllllU.aaioner•" appear• delete and substi- tute the followiDCJ word• •oirector of Utilities." Section 3815. In th• aubaection •BXCBP.rIOB" delete •!973• and 8Ub•titute •1915.• Section 4601. In 8Ubaection (e) 1. delete the following word• •cla•• A wrecker -•20,000/50,000 -$100,000/300,000 and Cla•• B Wrecker -$20,000/50,000 -$50,000/100,000" and add after Bouae Mover the followin9 word "wrecking." In aubaection 2 at the end of the first paragraph delete the following word• "Cla•• A wrecker" and add the following word• "Movin9 and/or Wrecker Contractor." Section 4602. In aubaection (b) e. delete the words •city Bn9lneer• and •oenver Board of Water Coamissioner" and aubatitute the followin9 word• "Director of Utilities" in both placea. Section 4613. In subaection (h) in the first sentence delete the followin9 word• •of twenty-five dollars ($25.0o)• and •for out-of-city buildin9•" and in the first apace inaert the followin9 word• "a• provided in Section 13.11-3 of the Municipal Code of the City of Englewood." Section 4801. In aubaection (d) delete the words "Chapter 3• and aubatitute the follOWiDCJ word• "Section 13 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bn9lewood." Section 4810. In aubaection (c) delete the words "Chapter l• and aUbatitute the followin9 word• "Section 13 of the Municipal Code of the City of BDCJl.wood." I :1·. ~ I I I Section 5001.2.57.1. Delete the la•t part of the sentence beglDnln9 with the word• •and it ••• • Section 5001.2.57.2. Delete the word• •ord. 98, Series of 1955.• Section 5002.12. Delete the word• •city Bngineer" and aUbatltute the following word• •Director of Utilities." Section or fable 5007.21.2. Add a para9raph as follows •lo. Ail p ace• that have -ploy••• of both sexes shall provide toilet facilitie• for each aex. BXCBPl'IOB: A -11 retail e•tablialaent -y have one toilet roan containin9 a water clo••t and lavatory to accomodate both •ex•• when approved by the Depart:aent." !ltion 5013.1 • .a.. Delete th• word• •city Bngineer" and 8atltute the followin9 word• •Director of Utilities." Section 5015.A.l. In thi• paraqraph delete the following wordaa •adopted by the Board of Health and Hospitals and pramlgated by the Departaent of Health and Hospitals" and •ub•titute the following word• "prescribed by the Tri-County Health Depart:aent." Section 5015.A.2.l. Delete the portion of the last aentence beCjlnnlng with the words "In section 301 ••• " and add the following word• "by the Tri-county Health Department.• Section 5015.A 2.2. Delete thi• entire section. Section 5015.A.2.3. Delete the word "department" in the la•t part of the •entence and in•ert the word •owner." Section 5016. Delete the la•t part of the sentence beglnnln9 with the word• "by the Chief ••• " and substitute the followin9 word• "and in•pection of Tri-County Health Department.• Section 5100. In •ub•ection (b) delete the words "Chapter 1• and •Ub•titute the following word• "Section 13.8-2 and Section 13.8-3 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bnglewood." Section 5101. At the end of the definition of Approved delete the word• "Chapter l" and •ub•titute the words •section 13.9 of the Municipal COde of the City of BDCJlewood. " Section 5113. In •ub•ection (d) at the end of the ••ntence •gaa raDCJe•" add the following words "and except three feet in lenCJth to connect ceiling mounted unit heater and CJ•• fired clothe• dryer•." Section 5201. Under •ub•ection (b) delete the words "ehapter 3" and add the followiDCJ word• "Section 13.11 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bn9lewood." Under 8Ub•ection (f) following the words "cavity wall•" inaert the follawiDCJ word• "•paces above." In the aecond aentence after the word• "opening in" in•ert the word "required" and at the end of the para- qraph add the word• "In•ulated cold water, hot water, •te .. , fire protection and electric line• are allowed in aupply return and exhau•t plenma •pace•." Under •ub•ection (i) at the beC)innin9 of the first •entence add the word• •fuel fired." Under •ub•ection (o) in the f ir•t •entence delete the word• •p and B Occupanci••" and add the words "and H Occupancy •hall ha,.acentral •Y•tem for each dwelling unit." Sfition 5203. Under the •ub•ection (e) s. after the words •f oor or• lnaert the word• "required rated." Section 5219. Under •ub•ection (d) 1. at the end of the par1a9raPii add the word• "or provide one (1) hour fire aeparation.• Section 5228. Under •ub•ection (d) at the end of the para9raph add the follawiDCJ •entence "Cubic area may be ba•ed upon eight (8) feet ceilin9.• 246 Introduced, read in full and paaaed on firat reading on the 21st day of April, 1969. Publiahed a• a Bill for an Ordinance on the 24th day of April, 1969. Read by title and paaaed on final reading on the 19th day of May, 1969. Publi•hed a• Ordinance Ro. 18, Serie• of 1969, on the 22nd day of May, 1969. Atteata I, Stephen A. Lyon, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing i• a true, accurate and coaplete copy of an Ordinance paaaed on final reading on the 19th day of May, 1969, and published aa Ordinance Ro. 18, Serie• of 1969. Atteat1