HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 Ordinance No. 020' Introduced a• a Bill by Councilman Dhority. ORDillAllCB BO. 20, SDIBS OP 1969 All ORDDINICB AU'ftlORIZDIG '1'BB ISSUAllCB OP CITY OP .BITGLBtlOOD, COLORADO, PAVDIG DiftRICT BO. 18 BCJBD8, PRBSCRIBillG '1'BB FORM OF SAID BCllDS, AD PROVD>IllG POR '1'llB PAYm'l' OP SAID BOllDS Al1D '1'BB Dft'DB8T '1'lllDmJB. . 1111BRBAS, Paving Di•trict Bo. 18, in the City of Englewood, Colorado, ha• b .. n duly crea~ed by Ordinance Bo. 17, Series 1969, of •aid City, finally adopted and approved on the 2l•t day of April, 19691 1111BRBAS, Botice to Contractor• to •ubmit bid• for the con•truction of the iapr0¥1•an~• in •aid.Di•trict ha• been duly publi8hed and the contract for •uch con•truction ha• been awarded to Peter Ki.wit Son'• CC.pany, of Denvarr .and 1111BRBAS, llotice of the •al• of $245,000 of bonds for •aid Di•trict ha• been duly publi•hed' and •uch bond• have been awarded to w. B. Button & Ccapany, of Denver, Colorado: and 11BBRBAS, it i• now nece••ary to provide for the issuance of •aid bond• and th• form and payment thereof: . BB IT ORDADIBD BY THI CITY COUBCIL OP 'l'BB CITY OF BNGLBWOOD, COLORAD01 Section 1. By virtue of and purauant to the Laws of the State of Colorado, the Charter and Ordinance Bo. 14, Series 1965, •• -•nded, of •aid City, bond• in the principal amount of $245,000 for Pavin«J Di•trict llo. 18 in •aid City •hall be i••ued for the purpo•• of paying for local iaprov ... nt• to be con•tructed in said Paving Di•trict. Bond• •hall be dated a• of June 1, 1969, and 8hall con•i•t of 245 bond• in the denanination of $1,000 each, nUllberad 1 to 245, inclu•ive. Said bond• •hall be payable to bearer and •hall be due and payable on June 1, 1980, •ubject to call and prior payment in direct numerical order on any interest payment date, upon thirty (30) day•' publi•hed notice, upon pay- .. nt of par and accrued intere•t. Botica of call and payment •hall be publi8had in a n.w•paper of general circulation in the City and a copy of .uch Botice •hall be .. iled to the original purcha••r of the bond•, at the tille of •uch publication. Section 2. Said bond• •hall bear intere•t as evidenced by •A• coupon• attached to •aid bond•, payable on June 1, 1970, and •.U.-annually thereafter on June 1 and December 1, each year, a• follOW81 Bond lfumber• Amount "A" Intere•t Rate 1 to 98, incl. $98,000 4.40 " 99 to 137, incl. 39,000 4.50" 138 to 166, incl. 29,000 4.60 " 167 to 191, incl. 25,000 4.70" 192 to 211, incl. 20,000 4.75" 212 to 223, incl. 12,000 4.80 " 224 to 235, incl. 12,000 4 7/8" 236 to 245, incl. 10,000 4.90 " In addition to the •A• int•r••t rate •et forth above, all of •aid bond• •hall bear additional intere•t a• evidenced by •uppl ... ntal coupon• d••ignated "B" payable on June 1, 1970, at the rate and for the period frcm July l, 1969 to the dates indi- cated below, •• follow•a 89nd 11\mber• 1 through 98, incl. 99 through 137, incl. 138 throagh 166, incl. "B" Intere•t Rate 2.6°" 2.5°" 1.0°" "B" Intere•t To June 1, 1970 June 1, 1970 June 1, 1970 'l'he principal of and intereat on aaid bond• •hall be payable at the Pir•t Rational Bank of Bnglewood, in Englewood, Colorado. Said bond• •hall be •ignad with a fac•imile signature of the llayor, •••lad with a fac•iail• of the Seal of said City, atteatad and count•r•igned with th• .. nual •ignature of the Director of Pinance, ex-officio City Clerk, and the interest coupon• attached thereto •hall be •igned with a facsimile signature of the Director of Pinance. I I I I Should any officer who••, manual or fac•imile aiqnature appear• on •aid bond• or the intere•t coupon• attached thereto c•••• to be 8uch officer before delivery of the bonds to the purcha•er, •uch manual or fac•imile •ignature •hall nevertheless be valid and •ufficient for all purpo•e•. Section 3. 'l'he bond• and intere•t coupons to be attached thereto •hall be in •ub•tantially th• following form: S'l'A'l'B OP COLORADO llo. (Pora of Bond) UllrrBD S'l'A'l'BS OP AllBRICA CITY OP BllGLBllOOD PAVDG DIS'l'RIC'l' lfO. 18 BOlll> ~ COUll'l'Y OF ARAPAHOE $1,000 'l'h• City of B119lwood, in th• county of Arapahoe and State of Colorado, for value received, acknowledge• itself in- debted and hereby praad•e• to pay to the bearer hereof, out of th• •pecial fund or fund• hereinafter de•ignated but not other- wi••, the principal •um of OD 'l'llOUSAllD DOLLARS in lawful 110ney of the United State• of America, on the 1st day of June, 1980, with intere•t thereon •• evidenced by interest coupon• de•iCJllated •A• at the rate of----------- per centma ( ") per annum frOID date until payment, payable on June 1, 1970, and ...U.-annually thereafter on the lat day of Jan• and the l•t day of Decmlber, each year, and additional in- t•r••t •• evidenced by intere•t coupon• d••ignated •a• at the rate of per centum ( . ") per annum for the period from 1, 19 , to 1, 19 , inclu•ive, payllble on -, both principal and int•r••t being payable at the Plr•t Rational Bank of Bnglewood, in B119lewood, COlorado, upon pr•••ntation and surrender of the attached coupon• and thi• Bond •• they ••verally become due or are called for payment. ftli• Bond i• •ubject to call and red-ption in its regular nm1erical order in th• i••ue of which it i• one, on any intere•t payaent date, upon pafllmt of par and accrued interest, on thirty day• notice publi•hed in a nMf•paper of general cir- culation in the City of BDCJlwood, colorado. 'l'hi• Bond i' i••ued for the purpo•• of paying the coats of •tr .. t and avenue iaprov-nt• in PaYiDCJ Di•trict Ro. 18, in the City of Bnglwood, COlorado, by virtue of and in full conformity with the Con•titution and Law• of the State of Colorado, the Charter of •aid City and an Ordinance of the City duly adopted, approved, publi•hed and .. de a law of •aid City prior to the issu- ance hereof. 'l'hi• Bond and the int•r••t thereon are payable out of the proceed• of •pecial •••••8118Dt• to be levied upon real estate •ituated in the City of BDCJlewood, COlorado, in Paving District Bo. 18, •pecially benefited by •aid illprov ... nt•, which aase•amenta 80 to be levied, with accrued intere•t, will be lien• on said real ••tat• in the re•pective llllOUftt• to be apportioned thereto and aa- ••••ed by an ordinance of •aid City, and, if nece••ary, from the Surplu• and Deficiency PUnd heretofore created pur•uant to the Charter of •aid City. t'he Charter of •aid City prorid••• •1fbenever a public illprov ... nt di•trict ha• paid and cancelled four-fifth• of its bond• out•tandi119, and for any rea80D th• r-ining a••eaaments are not paid in tille to take up the final bond• of the District md intere8t due thereon, and there i• not •ufficient •money in •aid •pecial 8Urplu• and deficiency fund, then the City •hall pay •aid bond• when due and intere•t due thereon and reimburse itself by collectiDCJ th• unpaid u•••--t• due ••id di•trict." It i• hereby certified and recited that the total issue of bond• of the City for •aid Di•trict, including thi• Bond, does not exceed the mount authorised by lawr that every requirement of law relatiDCJ to the creation of •aid PaviDCJ Di•trict so. 18, the conmtruction of •aid local illpr~t• and the i••uance of this Bond ha• been fully caaplied with by the proper officers of said City, and that all condition• required to exi•t and things required to be done precedent to and in the i••uanc• of thi• Bond to render the •-• lawful and valid, have happmed, been properly done and performed, and did exi•t in regular and due time, form and manner, •• required by law. ' Por th• payment of thi• Bond and the intereat thereon, the City pledge• all of it• lawful corporate power•. D TBSTDIDBY -RBOP, th• City of Bn9lwood ha• cauaed thi• Bond to be aigned with a fac•illil•.•ignature of it• Mayor, atteated and counteraigned by the manual ai9nature of the Director of Pinance, •••led with a fac•illile of th• corporate aeal of said City, and th• intereat coupon• hereto attached to be aiqned with a facaild.le aignature of the Director of Pinance, a• of the lat day of June, 1969. (PACSDIILB) (SBAL) (Pa8Ciaile Sicmature) Mayor Aft'BSTBD AllD COUll'l"BRSIGllBD1 (Do not •icm} Director of-Pinance (Porm of coupon) llo. A --- Ro. 8 ---June, $ __ _ $ __ _ On the lat day of December, 19 , , the City of Englewood, in the county of Arapahoe and State of Colorado, will pay to the bearer -----------------------DOLLARS ______________________ _.DOLLARS in lawful money of the unitect State• of America, at the Pirat Rational Bank of Bnglewood, in Bn9lewood, Colorado, being inter- ••t then due on it• local iaprov-nt bond iaaued for the con- atruction of local iaprov .. enta in Paving Diatrict Ro. 18, Englewood, Colorado, provided the Bond to which thi• coupon i• attached shall not have been theretofore called for payment or paid. Attached to Bond dated June l, 1969, bearing Ro. (Pacaiail• Sicmature) Director of Plnance Section 4. 'l'he proceed• of •aid bond• •hall be applied only to pay the coat• and expenaea of conatructing the iap~ove­ .. nt• in •aid Diatrict and all other co•t• and expenaea incident thereto. In the event that all of th• proceed• of aaid bonds are not required to pay auch coat• and apenaea, any ranaining amount ahall be paid into the apecial a•••• ... nt fund for the purpose of calling in and paying the principal of and intereat on said bonds. Section 5. Said bond• and the intereat thereon shall be paid f roa apecial aaaea .. enta to be levied on the real property in aaid Diatrict, fram the Surplu• and Deficiency Pund of •aid City and from any other available fund• of the City. When there is on hand a aufficient amount to pay •ix month•' intereat on outstand- ing bond• of aaid Diatrict, th• City •hall call for payment, on the next intereat payment date, outatanding bond• in numerical order with fund• available therefor. Section 6. After the expiration of the period for cash payment• of aaaea .. enta in full, the City •hall, to the extent poaaible, pay each year not l••• than l°" of.the total amount .of bond• of •aid Diatrict which r..ain out•tandin9. Section 7. '!'hat in accordance with Section 108 of the Charter of aaid City, whenever there i• a deficiency in the fund of •aid Illprov...nt Di•trict to .. et payment of out•tandin9 bonds and int•r••t thereon, •uch deficiency •hall be paid out of the apecial Surplua and Deficiency Pund of •aid City. Whenever the Diatrict ha• paid and cancelled four-fifth• of the bonds iasued therefor and for any reaaon the r ... ining •••e• ... nt• are not paid in tille to take up the final bond• of th• Diatrict and interest due thereon, and there i• not aufficient 110ney in aaid Surplus and Deficiency Pund, then the City •hall pay •aid bond• when due and intereat thereon and reillbur•e it•elf by collecting the unpaid a•••• ... nta due aaid Diatrict. I I I I Section 8. If it •hall be nec•••ary to advance money to maintain curr•t payment• of intere•t and equal annual payments of th• principal allOUllt of the bond• i••ued for •aid District, the City Council ahall levy annual tax•• on the taxable property with- in the City not exceedin9 two aill• in any one year and shall apply the proceed• of •uch tax•• for •aid purpoae. In lieu of such tax levie•, the Council .. Y annually tranafer to •uch •pec:ial fund any available llODey of the City, but in no event •hall the amount tranaferred in any on• year exceed the 1110unt which would re•ult fre11 a tax levied in •uch year a• herein liaited. Such tax levies or tran•f•r of fund• •hall be made in accordance with and pursuant to Section 109 of the Charter of •aid City. Section 9. Should any part or provi•ion of the Charter of th• City of BncJlewood, colorado, or thi• Ordinance, or any part or proviaion of an ordinance or the charter of any other City in th• State of Colorado having •ub•tantially •iailar terms and pro- v iaion• •• tho•• contained in the Bngl.wood Charter or this Ordi- nance, ever be judicially determined to be invalid or unenforce- able, auch determination •hall not affect th• rmnaining parts and proviaion• of the Bnglewood Charter or thi• Ordinance, the inten- tion beiDCJ that each part and proviaion of the Charter and this Ordinance i• •everable. All ordinance• or part• thereof in conflict with thi• Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 10. Thi• Ordinance, after it• final passage, ahall be recorded in a book kept for that purpo•er •hall be au- thenticated by the •ipature• of the llayor and Director of Finance: and be publi•hed a• provided in the Charter of the Cityt and after beccain9 effective, ahall be irrepealable until the bonds of said Di•trict •hall be paid in full. Section 11. A public Bearin9 on thi• Ordinance will be held in the Council Roan of the City Ball on Monday, the 19th day of May, 1969, at the hour of 8100 o'clock P.M. Section 12. Thi• Ordinance •hall take effect thirty day• after publication followin9 final pa••a9e. D'l'Rm>UCBD Alll> RBAD Thi• 5th day of May, 1969. /~ ~iiBST1 PillALLY ADOP'l'BD Alll> APPROVBD Thi• 19th day of May, 1969. A'l"l'B8T1