HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 Ordinance No. 021Introduced a• a Bill by Councilllan Parkinaon. BY AtmlORI'l'Y ORDillAllCB llO. 21, &DIBS OP 1969 All ORDillAllCB AmBXDIG 'l'O '1'118 CI'l'Y OP mGLBMOOD CBRTAIR REALTY OW&BD BY '1'BB CI'l'Y OP BRGLBllOOD DBSCRIDD 'l'llBRBIR Alm DBCLARING All mROBllCY. llllBRBAI, th• City of Bngl.wood i• the sole owner of a parcel of ground located outaid• the boundarie• of the City of Bngl...aod and within the unincorporated territory of the county of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, deacribed a• follows,. to-wit: and Beginning at a point on th• aouth aection line 1559.8 feet eaat of the aouth 1/4 corner of Section 9, '1'ownahip 5 &outh, Range 68 Weat, of the 6th P.K.r thence north 218 feetr thence east 193.34 fHtr thence aouth 218 feet to the aouth line of •aid Section 9r thence weat on the said aouth line 193.4 fHt to the point of beginning: aaid tract containing 0.968 acre• more or leas. 111111RBAS, not le•• than l/6th of aaid parcel is contiguous with the boundarie• of aaid Cityr and 111111RBAS, the aaid parcel .. eta the requirements for annexation of City-owned land, a• eatabliahed by the provisions of 139-21-5 (3), c.a.s. 1963, •• .. ended, that i• to say: A 'fhe •aid parcel con•i•t• of one parcel held in identical ownership, and the ... e doe• not divide a tract or parcel without the written consent of the land owner: B. Said parcel doe• not contain 20 acres or more, which, together with building• and iaprovementa situated thereon, ha• an a••e••ed value in exc••• of $200,000.00 for ad valoran tax purposear c No annexation resolution, annexation petition or petition for an annexation election, or any other annexation proceeding• have been cOlllllenced for the annexation of part or all of •uch territory to another aunicipalityr and D. The aaid property i• not •olely a public street or right of way. llOlf, TBBRBPORB, BB IT ORDAIDD BY '1'HB CITY COUNCIL OF ms CI'l'Y OP BRGLmlOOD, COLORADO, a• follow•t Section 1. The hereinabove deacribed territory should be, and i• hereby, annexed to the City of Bnqlewood. Section 2. 'fhe aforeaaid annexation •hall become effective i ediately upon the effective date of thi• ordinance, except for the purpoae of general ad valoran taxationr and for this purpose, the .... •hall beccae effective a• of 12101 a.m. January 1, 1970. Section 3. The City Clerk i• hereby authorized and directed to prepare an annexation .. p of the hereinabove described area, which map •hall contain the following inforaation: A. A written legal deacription of aaid area: 8. The boundaries of aaid arear c. 'fhe location of each owner .. ip tract in the area: and D. 'fhe boundarie• of the area herein annexed in relationahip to the contiguou• boundary of the City of Bnglewood and the contiguoua boundary of any other aunicipality abutting the area, with diaenaions of said contiguoua boundariea. The City Clerk i• hereby further authorised and directed, within thirty (30) day• after the effective date of thi• ordinance, to: I < I I .... I I A. Maintain one copy of the aforesaid annexation aap with the original of thi• ordinance in his office: 8. Pile one certified copy of thi• ordinance and one copy of the annexation aap with the Secretary of State of the State of Colorador and c. Pile for recording one certified copy of this ordinance and one copy of the aforeaaid annexation .. P with the Clerk .and Recorder of the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado. · Section 4. In view of the fact that the City of Englewood need• t edlately to cC111Dence to develop the hereinabove described territory for park and open apace u•e•, and a contract has been entered into for thi• purpo•e, and •ince it i• iapoaaible to properly develop thi• property for municipal purposes until such time aa •aid realty becaae• a part of the City of Bn9lewood, City Council doe• hereby declare an .. ergency nece••itatinq the inmediate pa••age of thi• ordinance to pre••rv• the public health, safety and welfare, by reaaon of which this ordinance •hall become effective i ediately upon it• final paasa9e. Introduced, read and unanilloualy approved by a quorwn on May 19, 1969. Read by title and finally pa•aed and approved by a unanillou• vote of a quorum preaent on the 19th day of May, 1969. Publiahed aa Ordinance Ro. 2!, Serie• of 1969, on the 22nd day of May, 1969. ~ Atteat1 I, Stephen A. Lyon, do hereby certify that the above and foregoin9 i• a true, accurate and complete copy of an Ordinance paaaed on final reading and publiahed a• Ordinance Bo. 21l, Series of 1969. Atteat1