HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 Ordinance No. 025Introduced •• a Bill by Councilman Brown. BY AU'l'llORITY ORDDIAllCB BO. 25, SBRIBS OP 1969 All ORDDIAllCB MDIDIBG 116. 5-20 (b) OP 'l'BB MUllICIPAL CODB OF THE CITY OP BllGLBllOOD TO IBCRBASB 'l'BB AlmUll'l' TO BB DBPOSITBD UPON APPLICATICJB POR A BUIU>IJIG PBRllIT, AS SBCURITY 10R PAYMBR'l' OP THE TAX LBVIBD BY 116.5-17 PIQI TMO PBR CBll'l (2") OP PORTY PBR CD'!' (4°") OP '1'BB BSTillATBD COST OP 'l'BB IllPROVBllBll'1 OR OP THE 'l'O'l'AL CCftRACT PRICB TO TMO PD CBll'1' (2") OP PIPTY PBR CERT (5°") OP !BB BSTillATBD COST OP '1'BB IllPROVBllJDIT OR OP TBB TOTAL CONTRACT PRICB. BB IT ORDADIBD BY '1'BB CITY COUlfCIL OP TBB CITY OP aGLBllOQD, COLORADO that 116. 5-20 (b) of the Municipal Code of th• City of Bnglewood, Colorado i• hereby .. ended to read aa follow•• 1l:Mll.t1 • (b) Building Material• and Supplies. Any person, partnerahip or corporation, who doe• not aaintain a permanent place of buaine•• within the boundarie• of the City of Bnqlewood, and who •hall build, conatruct or iaprove any buildinq, dwelling or other atructure or iaprov...nt to realty whataoever within the City •hall, upon application for a building permit, pay as a de- poait for paY119nt of the tax levied by Sec. 16.5-17 an amount equal to two per cent (2") of fifty per cent (50%) of the estimated coat of th• iaprov-.it, or two per cent (2") of fifty per cent (S°") of the total contract price, if there i• a contract for the building conatruction or iaprovaDent provided, however, that if the estimated coat of the iaprovmaent or the total contract price is in excess of fS0,000, the Director of Finance in hi• diacretion and upon application to hi.a, •ay authorize a waiver of said deposit and accept the payment of aaid tax, on a monthly, quarterly, or other baaia, baaed upon actual purcha•e• of material•, supplies and equipment for which auch tax may be due, aubject to such rules and regulation• •• the aaid Director of Finance may adopt. In all ca••• where the depoait required by the proviaions of this aection i• -d•, if it i• determined, at the time of the completion of the building, dwelling or other atructure of improvmnent, fran ti\• invoice• and atat ... nta reflectinq the purchaae therefor, .... that th• depoait .. de •• herein required, together with the actual paY119nt• to the City of BnCJlewood a• a aalea tax i• in excess of th• .ctual tax due therefor, the peraon making aaid deposit or paying •aid tax .. y make application to the Director of Finance for refund of any mount paid in exce•• of the actual taxes due, in which event it •hall be the duty of the person makinq such appli- cation to furnish all neceaaary bill• and invoice• evidencing over payment of the tax, and, if the said Director of Finance is satisfied that there ha• been such over payment, he shall refund such over payment to the taxpayer.• Introduced, read in full and passed on first reading on the 23rd day of June, 1969. Publiahed in full a• a Bill for an Ordinance on the 26th day of June, 1969. " Read by title and passed on final readinq on the 7th day of July, 1969. Publiahed by title •• Ordinance Bo. 25, Serie• of 1969, on the 10th day of July, 1969. ~ Atteat1 I, Stephen A Lyon, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing i• a true, accurate and caaplete copy of an Ordinance passed on final reading and published by title as Ordinance No. 25, Seri•• of 1969. Attests '\