HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 Ordinance No. 027I ' I II Introduced a• a Bill by Councilman Lay. BY AU'l'BORITY ORDDIAllCB BO. 27, SBRIBS OP 1969 All ORDillAllCB Ama>RIZIBG Al1D DIRBCTIBG 'l'llB MAYOR AID> THE CITY CLBRK OP '1'llB CITY OP BllGLBtlOCI> '1'0 BXBC1J'1'B A DBBD '1'0 A CBRTAIB PARCBL OP LUI> PRBSBll'l'LY OltiiBD BY TBB CITY OP B&GLBllOOD COB- VBYDIG SAm LUI> '1'0 TBB GATBS RUBBBR COllPABY, A COLORADO COR- PORA'rIQB, MID DBCLARDIG All DIBRGB&CY. WBBRBAS, the City of Bnglewood i• preaently the owner of the follOWiDCJ deacribed parcel• of real property: LBGAL DBSCRIPl'IOBa TRACT As A tract of land lyiDCJ in the Borth 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Section 33, 'l'OWnahip 5 South, Ran9e 68 West of the 6th P.M., more parti- cularly described as follows: BBGDlllDIG at the Weat 1/4 corner of Section 33, which is the Borthweat corner of the tract1 thence alo119 the Baat~West center line of Section 33 beariDCJ South 89°50'30" Baat, a distance of ·1632.98 feet, to it• interaection with the Weat aide of the Bi9hline Canal ri9ht of way1 thence alo119 the West aide of the canal riqht of way, a line bearing South 31°37'41 11 Bast, a distance of 258.67 feetr thence aloDCJ the Weat aide of the canal right of way on the arc of a circle 82.56 feet in radiua, curving to the right an arc diatance of 70.34 feet (the chord of said arc beariDCJ South 7°20'31" Bast, a diatance of 68.23 feet): thence alODCJ the Weat aide of the canal right of way a line bearing South 17°11'13" Weat, a diatance of 66.85 feetr thence along thl·Weat aide of the canal right of way on the arc of a circle 458.73 f•et in radiua, curving to the left an arc diatance of 96.55 feet (the chord of aaid arc beariDCJ South 11°11'07" Weat, a distance of 96.37 feet)1 thence along the Weat aide of the canal right of way, a line b .. riDCJ South 5°07'43" Weat, a diatance of 139.50 feet: thence along the Weat aide of the canal right of way on the arc of a circle 241.39 feet in radiua curving to the left an arc distance of 90.54 feet (the chord of •aid arc bearing South 5°37'00" Bast, a diatance of 90.01 feet)1 thence alon9 a line bearing South 58°10'19" •••t, a diatance of 182.06 feet1 thence along a line bearing Borth 64°52'18" Weat, a diatance of 506.69 feet: thence along a line bearing South 81°57'24" Weat, a distance of 395.34 feet1 thence along a line bearing South 60°46'29" West, a distance of 261.89 feetr thence along a line beariDCJ South 85°45'23" West, a diatance of 130.53 feet: thence along a line bearing South 51°18'16" weat, a distance of 165.15 feet: thence along a line bearing Borth 40°21'07" West, a diatance of 172.83 feet: thence along a line bearing Borth 25°50'56" Weat to .it• intersection with the Weat boundary line of Section 33, a diatance of 308.97 feet1 thence along the West boundary line of Section 33 bearing Borth 0°29'45" Baat, a diatance of 446.56 feet to the point of beginning. county of Arapahoe, State of Colorado. TRACT 81 A tract of land lying in the SW 1/4 of Section 33, Township 5 South, RaDCJe 68 Weat of the 6th P.M., more particularly described as follow•a BBGillllJJIG at a point which bear• South 68°37'09" Bast, a distance of 1863.49 feet frClll the Weat 1/4 corner of Section 33: thence along the Weat aide of the Bighline Canal right of way on the arc of a circle 241.39 feet in radiua, curving to the left an arc diatance of 108.15 feet (the chord of aaid arc bearing South 29°06'45" Baat, a diatance of 107.24 feet)r thence along the West aide of the canal right of way, a line bearing South 42°01'45 11 Baat, a diatance of 224.74 feet: thence alon9 the Weat aide of the canal ri9ht of way on the arc of a circle 498.88 feet in radius, curving to the right an arc diatance of 238.71 feet (the chord of aaid arc bearing South 28°15'54" Baat, a diatance of 236.43 feet)f thence alOftCJ the Weat aide of the canal ri9ht of way, a line bearing South 14°36'53" Baat, a distance of 345.76 feet: thence along the Weat aide of the canal right of way on the arc of a circle 890.97 feet in radiua, curving to the left an arc distance of 124.23 feet (the chord--0f aaid arc bearing South 18°39'39" Bast, a distance of 124.13 feet): thence along the Weat aide of the canal right .of way, a line bearing South 22°36'13" Bast, a distance of 85.75 feetr thence along a line bearing South 56°04'44" West, a diatance of 251.29 feetr thence along a line bearing Borth 73°48'40" Weat, a distance of 302.01 feet: thence along a line bearing Borth 47°35'20" West, a diatance of 121.39 feet: thence along a line bearing South 63•20 1 06• Weat, a diatance of 78.81 feetr thence along a line bearing Borth 62•4&'41" Weat, a diatance of 289.81 feetr thence along a line bearing Borth 12•12•35• Weat, a diatance of 555.37 feetr thence along a line bearing Borth. 31•21•50• Baat, a diatance of 363.30 feet: thence along a line bearing Borth 10•32•10• Baat, a diatance of 175.73 feett thence along a line bearing Borth1 4°33'46" Bast, a distance of 143.14 feet: thence along a line bearing South 86°88'49" East, a diatance of 619.58 feetr thence along a line bearing North 49•53•33• weat, a diatance of 220.12 feet: thence along a line bearing Borth 59•10 1 19" Baat, a diatance of 182.06 feet to the point of beginning, which laat deacribed courae is coanon with the 8th courae in the Tract A deacription. county of Arapahoe, State of Colorado. 'l'OGBi'BBk WI'l'B a non-excluaive right of way for road purposes over the following deacribed tracts A tract of land lying in the south 1/2 of Section 33, Town•hip 5 South, Range 68 West of the 6th P.M., 110re particularly deacribed as followss BBGillllillG at a point which bear• South 52°45'50" Baat, a distance of 2775.66 feet frOlll the Weat 1/4 corner of Section 33: thence along the Weat aide of the Bighline Canal riqht of way, a line bearing South 22•36'13" Baat, a diatance of 432.73 feet: thence along the Weat and South aide of the canal right of way on the arc of a circle 349.37 feet in radius, curving to the left an .arc diatance of 327.66 feet (the chord of said arc bearing South 49•21•23• Baat, a diatance of 315.78 feet)r thence along the South aide of the canal right of way to its intersection with the Borth-South center line of Section 33, a line bearing South 76•20•21• Baat, a diatance of 7.13 feetr thence along the North- South center line of Section 33, bearing South 0°24'51" West, a diatance of 25.64 feet, which line i• a boundary of the canal riqht of way: thence along the South aide of the canal right of way, a line bearing South 76•19'56" Baat, a diatance of 871.03 feetr thence along the South aide of the canal riqht of way on the arc of a circle fl5.63 feet in radiua, curving to the left an arc diatance of 108.45 feet (the chord of aaid arc bearing South 11•21•19• Baat, a diatance of 108.31 feet)t thence along the south aide of the canal riqht of way, a line bearing South &6•25•32• Baat, a diatance of 95.10 feetr thence along the West aide of the canal right of way,'a line bearing South 9°12'47" Baat,a diatance of 93.36 feet: thence along the We•t aide ox the canal right of way on the arc of a circle 524.99 feet in radius, curving to the left an arc diftance of 21.47 feet to its inter- •ection with the South boundary of Section 33 (the chord of said arc bearing south 10°23'05" Bast, a diatance of 21.47 feet): thence along the South boundary of Section 33, a line bearing llorth 99•59•57• weat, a diatance of 61.07 feetr thence alonq a line bearing Borth 66•os•23• We•t, a diatance of 190.24 f .. t, thence along a line bearing Borth 76°19'56• Weat, a diatance of 856.91 feet, to a point of interaection with the Borth-south center line of Section 33r thence along a line bearing Borth 59•17•5&• Weat, a diatance of 223.28 feet: thence on the arc of a circle 409.13 feet in radiua, curving to the right an arc diatance of 191.85 feet (the chord of aaid arc bearing Borth 36•01•21• W.•t, a diatance of 190.10 feet)r thence alonq a line bearing Borth 22•36'13" West, a diatance of 420.63 feet: thence along a line bearing Borth 56°04'44" Baat, a diatance of 61.18 feet to the point of beqinning, aaid line beinq cOlllDOn with a like diatance of the Bortheaat part of the 7th courae of the Tract B deacription. County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado. and llBBRBAS, the Mayor of the C~ty of Bnglewood and the City Clerk of the City of Bnglewood on March 27, 196P, entered into a Purchaae and Sale Aqr .... nt with '!'he Gate• Rubber Company, a COlorado corporation, for the above-deacribed parcels of real property purnant to a motion paaaed by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood on January 6, 1969r and llBBRBAS, •aid parcel• of real property are no longer neceaaary for the uae of the publicr and I ,, I I 11BBRBAS, The Gate• Rubber Ccapany, a Colorado corporation, de•ire• to purcha•e •aid parcel• of real property pursuant to the tenaa of the Agre.-.nt entered into on March 27, 1969: and 1111BRBAS, the City of Bnglewood de•irea to convey said parcel• of real property pursuant to the term• of said Agreement: and N•P.BAS, pur•uant to the terms of •aid Agreaaent it is neceaaary for the City of Bnglewood to ia•ue a deed for said parcel• of said real property to 'fhe Gate• Rubber Company, a Colorado corporation, BCJlf, 'l'BBRBPORB, BB IT ORDAillBD BY '1'BB CITY COURCIL OP '1'llB CITY OP mGLJnlOOD •• followa1 Section 1. 'fhe Mayor and the City Clerk of the City of BnglewOOd are hereby authorized and directed to execute a deed conveying aaid parcel• of real property to The Gates Rubber Caapany, a COlorado corporation. Section 2. Por the reasons hereinabove set forth the City Council of the City of Bnglewood hereby find• and declare• that the illllediate paaaage of this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of th• public healtla, peace and safety in order to allow for the i1111a.tdiate conveyance of said parcel• of real pro- perty by reaaon of which this Ordinance shall beccae effective i ediately upon it• paaaage, in accordance with the provisions of Section 41 of th• Charter of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado. Introduced, read in full and passed on first reading on the 7th day of July,.1969. Publiahed aa a Bill for an Ordinance on the 10th day of July, 1969. Read by title and paaaed on final reading on the 14th day of July, 1969. Publiahed in full aa Ordinance Bo. 27, Serie• of 1969, on th• 17th day of July, 1969. ~t~ Atteat1 I, Stephen A. Lyon, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing i• a true, accurate and caaplete copy of an Ordinance paaaed on final reading and publiahed i~ full· a• Ordinance Bo. 27, Serie• of 1969. Attests