HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 Ordinance No. 030278 Introduced a• a Bill by councilaan Lone. BY AU'l'llOU'l'Y ORDIDllCB 80. 30, SBRIBS OP 1969 All ORDDIAllCB AUl'llORIZDG Alll> RA'l'IPYillG '1'BB BXBCOTIOR BY TBB MAYOR AllD CITY CLBRK OP '1'BB CI'l'Y OP B&GLBllOOD OP AR AGRBBMBll'l' WITH BBRMAR OLDIBR, -OLDBR Alll> ROBIDl'l' OLIDR 11HBRBBY TBB CITY OP BRGLBWOOD AGRBBS '1'C> LBASB PRQll '1'BB APORBSAID DDIVIDUALS CBR'l'AIR RBAL PROPBR'l'Y LOCATBD 1II'l'llDI '1'BB CITY OP BBGLBMOOD POR A PBUOD OP TBIR'l'Y-PIVB YBAR8 AllD GllAll'l'IllG '1'0 '1'BB CI'l'Y AR OPl'IOR '1'0 PURCHASE SAID RBAL PIOPDTY Ulm '1'BB 'l'BMS AllD COllDI'l'IORS 'l'BBRBIR CORTAillBD. 11BBRBAS, Bezaan Oliner, Be•• Oliner and Robert Oliner, •• the owner• of that real property located within the City of Bngl9Vood, county of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, de•cribed a• followa, to wits All of Block 16, Bnglewood, including the vacated alley in Block 16, together with all improvement• and equipnent located thereon, have previoualy offered to lea•e •aid property to the City of Bnglewood cc encin9 on the fir•t day of March 1970 and con- tinuing to the f irat day of March 2005 at and for a JDOnthly rental of fll00.00 per llODth and have, in addition, offered to grant to th• City of Bnglewood the right and authority to pur- cha .. all of aaid realty at a price of f2.50 per aquare foot at any date after March 1, 1990, •ubject to the provi•ions and con- dition• ••t forth in that certain written Agreement signed by the aaid parti•• and by the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Bnglewood, bearing the date of June 16, 1969, a copy of which docU11ent i• on file in the office of the Director of Finance and which i• available for public inapection, and llllBRBAS, thi• City Council ha• heretofore officially approved and authorized the execution of •uch Agreement between •aid llayor and City Clerk, and 1111BRBAS, in order to aaaure that the said Mayor and City Clerk had authority •o to do, it ha• been su9ge•ted that the execution of aaid Agre.-.nt by the •aid Mayor and City Clerk be fo1:mally approved and ratified by the enactment of an ordinance, llOlf, 'l'llBRBPORB, BB IT ORDAIRBD BY TBB CI'l'Y COmtCIL OP '1'BB CI'l'Y OP mGLBMOOD, COLORADO, as followaa e;s~on 1. '1'he execution of the hereinabove described Agr .... nt ~ • llayor and City Clerk of the City of Englewood ia hereby fully ratified and confirmed with the aame force and effect a• if authorization for the execution of such Agreement had b .. n given to aaid official• by the paaaage of an ordinance approving the •-• prior to their execution of said Agreement, and the proviaion• of the hereinabove deacribed Agreement are hereby further approved and accepted. ~tiop 2. Rothing herein •hall be construed ·to create any obligatOn upon the City nor created by said lease and option agre ... nt and nothing herein •hall be conatrued to modify or to ... nd, in any way, the proviaion• of paragraph 9 of said Lease and Option Agr••ent. Introduced, read in full and pa••ed on first reading on the 5th day of Auguat, 1969. Publiahed aa a Bill for an Ordinance on the 14th day of Auguat, 1969. Read by title and pa••ed on final reading on the 2nd day of September, 1969. Published by title a• Ordinance Ro. 30, Series of 1969, on the 8th day of September, 1969. ~ I :1 Atteata I, Stephen A. Lyon, do hereby certify that the above and foreoing i• a true, accurate and cClllplete copy of an Ordinance pa••ed on final reading and publiahed by title a• Ordinance No. 30, Seri•• of 1969. Atteata