HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 Ordinance No. 031Introduced a• a Bill by Councilman Parkinaon. BY AU'l'BORITY ORDillAllCB a>. 31, SBRIBS OP 1969 All OltDDASCB APPROVDG AllD RATIPYIRG TBB PBRPORMA&CB BY GUILDRBR WA'1'BR AllD SmR COllPAllY, BY DARA DPllBR AllD BY WIBSLOlf COBSTRUCTION CC*PAllY OP CBll'l'ADI PUBLIC 1IORK 1fI'1'BOU'l' '1'BB RBCBIP'l' OP COMPETITIVE BIDS 'l'BBRBPOR AllD AU'l'llORIZDG '1'BB DIRBCTOR OP PillABCB TO PAY THE 8ml8 OP $935.00 TO CRJILDllBR WATBR AllD SmR COllPABY, $640.05 TO DAD DlllBR MID $2 I 353. 72 TO 1fillSLOlf COllSTRUCTIOll co. -ms, Section 116 of the Charter of the City of Bngl.uood provide• that no capital iaprov ... nt, coating in excess of fl,000.00, ahall be contracted for, except upon the basis of apecificationa properly aubllitted and approved for which competitive bid• ha,,. been adverti•ed for and received, except that when council d .... the .... expedient, contract• for public work• or improve- -nta -y be negotiated, provided that contract• for which no cG11petiti,,. bid• have been requeated •hall be invalid unleas accepted by ordinance which ahall declare the reaaon for exception to the ca11petiti,,. bidding requirement, and -RBAS, there recently waa found to exiat a leak in one of the City'• a9Wer line• of a nature which preaented a serious health probl-, and 1111BRBA8, in thi• ... rgency aituation the Director of Utilitiea authorized the following partie• to perform certain work thereon having a value a• aet forth belows Dana Kepner $ 640.05 Guildner Water and Sewer CCllpany 935.00 Winalow Conatruction 2,353.72 CClllpany Total $3,928.77 and, 1111BRBA8, the matter now having been fully preaented to Council, it i• council'• intent and deaire fully to approve and ratify the authoriaation for the performance of •aid work and to authorize the payment of aaid a\Dlla to aaid parties. BOif, 'l'BBRBPORB, BB IT ORDADIBD BY '1'BB CITY COUllCIL OP TD CITY OP B&GLBllOOD, COLORADO, a• follow•s Section 1. Por the reaaon• aet forth hereinabove, council hereby detezmine• that there are good, auf f icient and expedient reaaona to have the hereinabove deacribed work performed without the receipt of cClllpetitive bid• and Council doe• hereby fully approve and ratify, with the ... e force a• if Council had originally approved the aame, the contract• for the performance of auch work heretofore entered into by the Director of Utilities of thia City. . Section 2. Council hereby authorize• and directs the Director of Finance to pay to the following partie• the following a1DOUnta, which Council finds to be the reasonable value of the aervicea and .. terials rendered by said partie• in the performance of the hereinbefore deacribed service• and material• rendered by aaid partiea in the performance of the hereinbefore described contractas Dana Kepner $ 640.05 Guildner Water and Sewer Ccmpany 935.00 Winalow Construction Ce11pany 2,353.72 Total $3,928.77 Introduced, read in full and pa••ed on firat reading on the 5th day of Auguat, 1969. Publiahed in full a• a Bill for an Ordinance on the 14th day of Auguat, 1969. I I 'I II I Read by title and paaaed on final reading on the 2nd day of Septellber, 1969. Publiahed by title •• Ordinance Bo. 31, Serie• of 1969, on the 8th day of September, 1969. ~ /Mayor Atte•t1 I, Stephen A. Lyon, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ia a true, accurate and cClllplete copy of an Ordinance paaaed on final reading and publiahed by title a• Ordinance Bo. 31, · Serie• of 1969. Atte•t1 ..