HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 Ordinance No. 037I I I Introduced •• a Bill by counailaan Lay. ORDDIA8CB .,. 37, 8DD8 0. 1969 All ORDl89CB PIXlmG 'ID 'l'AX LSVY D ll!LLS UIQB BACH DOLLAR OP 'l'BB ASSWBD VALUAnmr OP ALL 'l'AXABLB PIOPDft WUllDI '1'JIB CI'l'Y OP BllGLBllOOD, COLOMDO, POR '1'BB DAR 1970. · 1111DBAS, it i• th•. duty of the City council of the City of Englewood, COlorado, under the Charter of aaid City and Statute• of the State of Colorado, to llak• the annual levy for City purpo••• for the year 1969 due and payable in 19701 and, 1111DBAS, it i• neceaaary for an additional apecial levy to maintain the Pir-•n'• Penaion Pund at a reaaonabl• level1 and, tll.i«RBAS, the City council baa duly oonaidered the e•timated valuation of all of the taxable property within th• City and the need• of the City for each of aaid leviea, and baa detezained that the leviea a• hereinafter set ~orth are proper and vi••· .. , BUBPORB, BB I'l' OmADBD BY 'ftlB CI'l'Y COUBCIL OP 'l'BB CI'l'Y' OF 9BR·ewom>, COLOUDO. Section 1. '1'hat there be and there ia hereby levied for the year 1969, due and payable aa required by th• Statute• in the year 1970, a tax of 2.977 lli.11• on th• dollar for the General Pund of the City of Bnqlewood, COlorado. Section 2. '!bat there be and there i• hereby levied for the year 1969, due and payable a• required by the Statute• in the year 1970, a tax of .503 of a lli.11 on the dollar for the Pir-.n'• Penaion Pund of the City of Bngl.uood, COlorado. Section 3. '!bat there be and there i• hereby levied for the year 1969, due and payable in the year 1970, a tax of 1.500 of a mill on the dollar for th• Public !llprov.aent Pund. · · ·· Section 4. '1'hat there be and there i• hereby levied for the year 1969, due and payable a• required by the Statute• in the year 1970, a tax of .005 of a lli.11 on the dollar for the Water Pund for the purpose of payment of bonded indebtedn•• and intereat thereon. Section 5. '1'hat each and every levy hereinabove •et forth shall be levied upon each dollar of the ••••••ed valuation of all taxable property within the corporate lillit• of the City of Bngl.wood, COlorado, and the said levies •hall be certified aa by law required • . · . Introduced and paaaed on firat reading by the City council of the City of BncJlMIOOd, COlorado, on th• 20th day of October, 1969. Pabliahed aa a Bill for an Ordinance on the 23rd day of October, 1969. Read by title and paaaed on final reading on the 3rd day of November, 1969. Publiahed by title •• Ordinance Ro. 37, Serie• of 1969, on the 6th day of llovmber, 1969. ""i1iYOR I ~iiB8'f1 c