HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 Ordinance No. 038Introduced •• a Bill by councilman Lay , BY AU'l'S)Rift OllDDINICB ao. 38, &•DI OP 1969 --..moo All oaDIIA9(3 DPBALim 815.29 °' 'l'BS lm9JCUAL CODB OP '1'BB CI'l'Y OP All> AUfilORIZDG '!BB JaYOll MID CDT CLm 'fO &•tu Dl'1'0 AB AGRBBllBlll'l' cau1IJN !O nm DBllVD me& ADVIDl'fI8Im co. A DVOCA8LB PBJUII'l' '1'0 PLACB BUS BIW131 8BAft A~ VAIUOUB LOCAftm& !'BaOOB'.IOf 'l'BS Cift D ACCORDAllCB WI'l'B 'l'BB fBIJl8 °' BIS OllDDIUCB. . ••UU, Section 133 of th• Charter of the City of Bnglewood authoria .. tbi• City council to 9rant revocable pead.t• for the use or occupation of any atreet, alley or other public place within the City, and wa•MSAS, 115.29 of th• llanicipal COd• of th• City of Bnglewood pur- port• to authorise Bllpir• BeDch Advertiaing ~ny to place certain benches at certain locationa within the City, which ript ha• heretofore been revoked by tbi• council, and WHif.BAS, council hereby detemin•• that the placment of benches for th• public at certain locationa within the City would aerve a public purpoae, .. , Tri'IBPOD, BB l'1' -BY OlmUllD 8Y '1'llB CI'l'Y COUllCIL OP '1'BB crrr OP "'GLBllOCD, CC>LmtADO, •• followa1 8~1. 115.29 of th• Jlunicipal COd• of the City of Bnglewood i• hereby re ed. Slftiop 2. th• *yor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to ane to Denver Bench Mvertiaing co. a rewaable permit, authoriz- ing •aid Denver Bench Mvertiaing co. th• ript to place bench•• at locations alODCJ the public •idMfalka and other plaa .. within the City to be used by the general public at bua atopa and other loaationa for th• comfort and convenience of th• general public, aubject to the following aondition•s (a) 'l'be ript herein granted •hall be for an indefinite period, but ahall be tenainabl• at the will of either party upon written notice of not leas than thirty (30) daya to th• other partyr ... (b) 'lb• bench•• thua placed ahall be furniahed by said Denver Bench Advertiaing co. and maintained by th-~ (c) the aforeaaid aampany -y uae aaid bench•• for the display of aclverti•••t• and -y •t•r into agre-..t• with third peraons for the utilisation of aaah adYerti•iDCJ apace on auch tema and conditions as may be d•irabl• to the OGllDany. (d) t'b• ocepany ahall pay to the City a fee equal to fifty cents (500) per llOftth per bench, which fee shall be paid on or before the 10th day of the following llOftth. (•) Denver Bench Mvertiaing co ... y place •• liany benches at such locationa upon the public aid.walk• a• it .. Y d ... appropriate, providing that no bench •hall be ao placed u to obatruat the public aid•alk and, providing fartber, the City •hall retain the right to require the rmoval of the same at any time for any cauae. (f) th• Denver Bench Advertiaing ca.pany •hall provide liability in•aranae pretecting th• City in th• mount of fl00,000 and $200,000 and property d•99• in the lmOunt of f50,000, and •hall provide the City with pzoof thereof. Introduced, read in full and paaaed on f ir•t reading on the 3rd day of llov '•r, 1969. 1969. Publiahed •• a Bill for an Ordinance on th• 6th day of Rovember, 1969 • ... d by title and pa••ed on final reading on the 17th day of Rovember, Publi•hed by title a• Ordinance llo. 38, Serie• of 1969, on the 20th day of 8cw...,.r, 1969. JbiBSTs l I