HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 Ordinance No. 041'I lntEOdaced a• a Bill by COuncil.JDan Parkinaon BY AO'tBORlft ORDIDllCB RO. 41, SBRDS OP 1969 All OltDIDllCB DICRBASDG '1'BB IGlfiiLY SALARY OP 'l'BB MBMBBRS OF CITY COlmCIL, Bri'IDC'l'IVB DURDG !'RAif eotmCIL 'I-CCl•ZKIRG AT 8t00 P.M. ON 'l'BB PDUrf __.T Al'tD JAllUARY 1, 1970. . Wl+«MD8, Section 21 of the eharter of the •aid City of Englewood initially fixed the 11110unt• to be paid, aa llOftthly aalariea, to the members of th• City council of the City of Bngl..aod, and WH•MBAS, the aforeaaid initial •alarie• were •et effective July 8, 1958, and have not been increaaed, or changed, •inc• that time, and I *dMI, with the 9rowth of the City of Bn9lewood aince that date the ctuti .. and r .. ponaibilitie• of 11911ber• of City council have correspondingly inareaaed and the time •pent in City buaine•• by ....,.ra of City council has, likewiH, inar-ed, ao that it i• appropriate that the future manbers of City coancil ahould receive an inareaaed ccmpenaation over and above that which was initially •et by the •aid City eharter, .. , t'HIRBPORB, BB r1' ORDADIBD BY '1'BB Clft COURCIL OP '1'BE CITY OF ~. CC>Lml-'DO, •• followm1 Section 11 Bffective upon the effective date of this ordinance the monthly aalarie• of the aalbera of City council are hereby fixed in the follow- ing llllOUDtaa $150.00 125.00 100.00 Introduced, read in full and paaaed on firat reading on the 17th day of llovwt.r, 1969. Pabliahed •• a Bill for an Ordinance on the 20th day of November, 1969. Read by title and paa•ed on final readin9 on the lat day of December, 1969. Pabliabed by title aa Ordinance llo. 41, Serie• of 1969, on the 4th day of J>ec=ber, 1969. /~ AllS8T1