HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 Ordinance No. 043I I Introduced a• a Bill by councilllan Dhority BY AUTllORI'l'Y ORDDIAllCB ao. 43, SBRIBS OP 1969 All ORDDIAllCB UPBALDIG 1124.1-1 '1'BROUGB, AllD IBCLUDIRG, 124.1-9 OP '1118 llUUCIPAL CCDB OP 'ftlB Cift OP •GLmlOOD, RDDCTIBG 'l'BB SAMB WI'l'B ••m•n, AllD ADDDIG POltfm SBC'l'ICBS '1'BBRBUll'1'0 '1'0 RBQUIRB THE ANNUAL LICBllS- Im OP DOGS DPT WI'l'llill '1'llB CI'l'Y OP mGLBMOOD. BB IT ORDADIBD BY '1'llB CI'l'Y COUllC!L OP '1'llB CI'l'Y OP BRGLBWOOD, COLORADO, that 1124.1-4 through and including 124.1-9 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bnglewood, COlorado, are hereby repealed· and the following proviaiona are enacted in their places •124 1-1 Definition•. A• uaed herein, unleaa the context clearly indicate• otheiViae, the following word• •hall have the following meanings: 'DocJ 11 ahall -an both a male and f-1• dogr 'OWner' •hall -an any peraon owning, keeping or harboring a dog or dog•r 'At large' •hall mean off the pr..t.aea of the owner and not under control by leaah, cord, chain or otherwiae, or not under the inmediate control or auperviaion of the kHper or any mnployee, aervant ·or •"'her of the i.Jmaediate f maily of the keeper or of the owner or an -ployH, aervant or ••ber of the izrediate family of the owner. •124.1-2 Licenae and R~iatration R=rired. All dogs kept, harbored, or llaintained by their owner• in ~. city of ~ewood ahall be annually licensed and regiatered if over aix month• of age. Dog licenaea ahall be issued by the city clerk upon payment of a licenae tax of $2.00 for each male or spayed f ... le, and $4.00 for each unapayed f ... 1.. Application for auch license for each calendar year •hall be -d• by the owner of the dog on or before March 3lat of •uch year or within thirty ·daya after the dog reach•• the age of six month•, whichever i• later. 'fhe owner •hall atate at the time application is -d• for auch licenae and upon printed foma provided for auch purpose his n-and addreaa, and the n-, breed, color and aex of each dog owned or kept by hill. !'he proviaiona of thia aection •hall not apply to dogs whose owners are nonreaidenta t .. porarily within the city, nor to dog• brought into the city for the purpoae of participating in any dog ahow, nor to 'aeeing-eye' dogs properly trained to aaaiat blind persona when auch dog• are actually being uaed by blind peraona for the purpoae of aiding th• in going from place to place. •124.1-3 .,., and e11ar. Upon payment of the licenae fee, the clerk ahall iaaue to the owner a iCienae certificate and a metallic tag for each dog .so licenaed. 'fhe ahape of the tag ahall be changed every year and ahall have at .. ped thereon the year for which it waa iaaued and the number correapond- iDCJ with the nmlber on the certificate. Bvery owner ahall be required to provide each dog with a oollar to which the licenae tag muat be affixed, and •hall ... that the collar and tag are conatantly worn. In caae a dog tag i• loat or deatroyect, a duplicate will be iaauect by the clerk upon presentation of a receipt •bowing the payment of the licenae fee for the current year, and the payment of a fifty (50) cent fee for auch duplicate. Dog tags shall not be tranaferable from one dog to another and no refund• •hall be made on any dog licenae fee becauae of death of the dog or the owner's leaving the city before expiration of the licenae period. •124.1-4 Rabi•• Vaccination Required. It •hall be unlawful for the owner of any dOg to 'keep or maintain any auch dog unless it shall have bHn vaccinated by a licenaed veterinary aurgeon with anti-rabies vaccine within one year precediDCJ the date on which auch dog i• kept or maintained, and every do9 within the city lillit• •hall at all tiaea have a current rabies tag as provided by the State Departllent of Health, or a aubdivision or legal representa- tive of •uch departllent. llo licenae tag •hall be iaaued by the clerk except upon a •bowing that the owner of the dog ha• obtained a current rabies tag for the dog. •124.1-5 Running at La~e Prohibited. Every owner or keeper of any dog •hall prohlliit auch dog frOID ~Ing or running at large and every such owner •hall inaure that any dog ahall not be off the qwner'a premises, unless the •-i• on a leaah, or ia othezwiae auitably reatrained. Any dog running at large or being off the owner'• pr .. iaea without such restraint is hereby declared to be a nuiaance. •124.1-6 Barking Roa• a Buiaance. It ahall be unlawful for any owner or k-per of any dOCj or dog• to peiilt auch dog or dogs by loud and peraiatent habitual barking, howling or yelping, to diatrub any person or neighborhood, and the •-e i• hereby declared to be a public nuisance. It ahall not be neceaaary for the purpoaea of thi• aubaection, to identify and deacribe the dog or dog• which are barking, howling or yelping, provided only that it ahall be ahown who ha• poaaeaaion, care, custody or control of said dog or dog•. •124.1-7 Iapouncling of Doga. It •hall be the duty of the chief of police, or auch peraon or peraon• a• he -y deaipate, to apprehend every dog running at large contrary to the proviaion• of 124.1-5 and to impound such dog in the city pound or other auitable placer provided, however, that if any daDCJ•roua, fierce or vicioua dog 80 found at large cannot be safely taken up and illpounded, •uch dog -Y be •lain by any police officer. The person in charv• of the city dog pound, or auch other peraon a• the chief of police may deaignate, upon receiving any dog •hall.aake a coaaplete ~eqistry, entering the breed, color and •ex of auch dog and whether ox not •~ch dog has a current rabi .. tag. If auch dog ha• a current licen•e tag, he •hall enter the number of the aaid tag and the n-• and addre•• of the owner, if the same can be obtained. •124.1-8 19tica -Reclaiaing. llot later than three days after the iapounding of any dog, the owner •hall be notified, or if the owner of the dig i• unknown, written notice •hall be poated for three day• in three or more conapicuoua place• in th• city deacribing the dog and the time and place of taking. 'lb• owner of any dog 80 illpounded aay reclaim auch dog upon payment of all coat• and charg .. incurred by the city for iapounding and maintenance of auch dog, provided that he •hall alao forthwith obtain a current license and rabi .. tag if auch dog •hall not have auch tag. •124.1-9 Di•po•itifn of unilai•ed ~·· It •hall be the duty of th• peraon In Oliarga of th• c ty poa, or au other person as the chief of police -y direct, to k-p all dog• iapounded under the provisions of this aection for a period of •ix daya. If at the expiration of six days from the date of notice to the owner or the poating of auch notice, such dog shall not have been rede-.d, it -y be di•po•ed of. ~124.1-10 unlawful to Keep, Barbor or Maintain Vicious Dogs. llo dog of fierce, dangeroua or Vlclou• propenaltlea •hall be kept, harbored or -intained within the City of Bnglewood. •124.1-11 Poiaoni~Dog• unlawful. It •hall be unlawful for any peraon to polaon any d09 oraor to dl•tribute poison in any manner whatso- ever with the intent of poiaoning any dog or dog•. •124.1-12 ~auai99 Dog Pight•. It •hall be unlawful for any peraon to cauae, lnat gate, or encourage any dog fight in any public place or private place within the city.• Introduced, read in full and paaaed on fir•t reading on the 17th day of lloVmber, 1969. Publi•hed a• a Bill for an Ordinance on the 20th day of November, 1969. Read in full and pa••ed on firat reading as an amended Bill for an Ordinance on the fir•t day of Decmlber, 1969. Publiahed a• an mnended Bill for an Ordinance on the fourth day of Dec.-bar, 1969. Raad by title and paaaed on final reading on the 15th day of December, 1969. Publi•hed by title a• Ordinance llo. 43, Serie• of 1969, on the 18th day of Decssrt.r, 1969. /, ~ifBSTt .• I , I ' 11