HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 Ordinance No. 006I I I Introduced a• a Bill by councilman Parkinaon BY AU'l'R)RITY ORDDIAllCB BO. 6, SBRIBS OP 1967 M ORDillAllCB APPROVIBG Al1D RATIPYIBG AB AGRBBMD'l' BB'1'WBBR THE CITY OF JmGLBWQQD MID PBTBR KIBlfIT & CO. POR TBB IllPROVBllBllT OP CBRTAIN STREETS AND DBCLARIBG All BllBRGBRCY. BB IT ORDADIBD BY THI CITY COUBCIL OP THI CITY OP BRGLBWOOD, COLORADO: 1111BRBAS the City Council of the City of Englewood did by Resolution adopted on the 6th day of September, 1966, authorized and directed that certain inadequate water aain• be removed from certain atr .. t• and that they be replaced with aain• of aufficient aize and quality, purauant to the provisions of I 8.7-l(b) of the Municipal Code, and 1111BRBAS the Utilitie• Department cC111Denced thi• replacement program with the reault that, a• the program progreaaed, it waa neceaaary to install proper street aur~acing over the excavation aade for the inatallation of the replacement mains, and, ~ 1111BRBAS, in the paat, .. ployeea of the City thanaelvea have performed the work neceaaary to inatall auch atreet aurfacinga, but, by reason of a severe snow atona, which took place in October, 1966, and which cauaed considerable damage to tr .. a and ahruba, neceaaitating the uae of all available employees of the Departllent of Bngineering for the removal of broken tree limbs fran the public atreeta, and WBBRBAS, there exiated, in the month of Bov9111ber, 1966, an urgent need for the aurfaciDCJ of certain excavation• then bein9 aade for the main replacement progr .. , but the extent of the work waa unknown, aince its extent depended, at that ti.lie, upon the atate of the weather during the months of November and December, 1966, and 1111BRBAS, by reaaon of the foregoing, there exiated an urgent necessity to contract for the aurfacing of aaid excavation• imnediately, and 1111BRBAS, due to the fact that it waa iapoaaible to determine the extent of the work to be performed and inaufficient time to advertise, for, and to receive aealed bid• upon, aaid work, aa a reault of which on Bovember 11, 1966, oral bid• were received frCID the following private concern• at the following prices for the cleaning and priaing of the aurface of the excavation and the application, including the furniahing of all labor and aaterial• therefore, of asphaltic concrete aurfacing thereto, 1. Peter Kiewit & Co. 2. Brannan Sand & Gravel Co. 3. Weatern Paving co. and $1.80 per sq. yard. $2.25 per aq. yard. $2.71 per aq. yard. WBBRBAS Peter Jtiewit & Co. waa requeated, frcm time to time, as the re- placeaent work progreaaed, to inatall •aid aur~acing on portions of the following atreetas 2700 Block of South Pennaylvania 3700, 3800 and 3900 Block• of South Sherman 3900 Block of SOuth Grant 2700 Block of South Pearl 500, 600 and 700 Block• of Baat Allherat, and WHBRW, Peter Kiewit & Co. haa aubaitted ita atat-ent requesting the pay- •ent of the awa of $5,486.86 for the perfomance of •aid work, and -1111BRBAS, theremay exiat aome queation aa to whether this obligation was properly incurred, conaideriDCJ the proviaiona of Section 116 of the Charter of the City of Bnglewood, _,.,, 'lllBRUORB, BB IT ORDAillBD BY '1'llB Cift COUllCIL OP 'l'BB CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLm&DO, AS POLUM81 .til 1. City Council of ~· City of Bn9lewood does hereby find and decree that,~r • reaeona hAreinbefore recited, the neceaaity for sealed, competitive bid• for the furnishing of the labor and .. terial• to ccmplete the surf acing of portion• of the atr .. ta hereinabove described ia hereby waived, pursuant to the proviaiona of Secti~e 116 of the Charter of the City of Bnglewood. f!Stion 2. City council hereby approve•, accept•, ratifies and confirms the negot at~agr .... nt between the City of BDCJlewood and Peter Kiewit & co., above described, and doe• hereby authorize and direct the City Clerk-Treasurer to iaaue the draft of the City in the amount of f5,4&a.86 to Peter Kiewit & co. in full payment of the City'• obli9ation thereunder. 46 Stet~ 3. Bothing herein contained ahall be conatrued or interpreted to be a dete nation that the City Council ha• in any manner . determined_ -that· tl1.e_ -· • _ .. ':"" 1-! 1 h a ... i n a ny mann e r ~ ... J~,..""""t.,11 d, aaaerted or admitted that said agree- .. nt did violate any proviaion of the Charter of the Ci~y of Bnglewood, the sole purpo.. and intent of thi• ordinance being to remove any possible question relating thereto. Section 4. Por the reaaona hereinabove aet forth, City Council hereby finda and decree• that an ... rgency exi•t•, by reason of which fact this ordinance shall becaae effective inlllediately upon it• final passage. Introduced, read in full and paaaed on firat reading by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, ·colorado at it• regular meeting on the 20th day of llarch, 1967, and ordered published in the Bngl.wood Herald and Enterprise. Pa••ed on Pinal Reading by th.City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, thi• 3rd day of April, 1967, and ordered published in full in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae. fo~au~ -Mayor-- A'ft'BSTI I, Stephen A. Lyon, City Clerk-Treaaurer of the City of Bnglewood, county of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Bill for an Ordinance wa• introduced, read, pa••ed on first reading and ordered published a• a bill in tbe Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 20th day of March, 1967 and that at least seven days after above publication, as a bill, the above ordinance was approved, adopted and ordered published in said legal newspaper by the City council at a regular .. eting held on the 3rd day of April, 1967, a• Ordinance Bo. 6, Series of 1967 of •aid City. I ' I