HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 Ordinance No. 011I I . I BY AU'l'llORI'l'Y ORDillABCB 90. 11, SBRIBS OP 1967 Air ORDDMCB MmDDG ORDIDllCB BO. 24, SBRIBS OP 1966, AID> CODIFYING THE SAME AS 8BC'l'I09 17.16 OP '1'llB llUllXCIPAL CCJDB OP TBB CITY °' DGLBllOOD, RELATING '1'0 BUBillB8S AllD OCCUPA'!I09AL LICB&SBS, AllD DBCLARDIG All DIBRGBRCY. 1111BRBAS, on the 18th day of May, 1964, th.City Council of the City of Bnglewood duly adopted on final reading Ordinance Bo. 9, Series of 1964, which ordinance -nded Chapter 17 thereof by adding a new section 14 thereto and which required the obtaining of licenH• or penait• for the conductinq of certain trade• or buaineaaea within the City, and, tfll•kBAS, on th• 20th day of Dec911ber, 1966, thi• Council adopted on final re.Sing Ordinance llo. 24, Seri•• of 1966, which added to the types of businesses or tr.Sea for which pend.ta or lic•n••• were required and which set forth pro- viaion• regulating •aocial cluba,• a• defined therein, and 1111BRBAS, it waa the legialative intent of thi• Council, in adoptinq Ordinance •o. 24, Seri•• of 1966, not to repeal or otherwiae to affect the provisions of Ordinance Bo. 9, Seri•• of 1964, but the proviaion• of aaid latter ordinance, in it• reference to th• Municipal COde, duplicated certain •ection numbers of aaid aubaequent ordinance. _,.,, 'l'llBRBIORB, BB I'l' ORDAillBD BY ftlB CITY COUllCIL OP THE CI'l'Y OP BNGLBWOOD, COLORADO AS followaa l!cti~l -Section 1 of Ordinance llo. 2•, Seri•• of 1966, is hereby amended ao •• toatitute the number •16• for the n\lllber •14• in references therein to new aectiona of the Municipal eode, wherever the ...... y appear in said ordinance, and ao a• to provide that the proviaiona of Section 1 of •aid ordinance shall hereafter conatitute Section• 17.16-1 thro119h 17.16-11, inclu•ive, of said Jlunie!ipal COd•. S!stiop 2. -Por the reaaona hereinabove ••t forth, council hereby finds that an -rgency exi•t• and that the t rediate adoption of thi• ordinance is necessary for the preHrvation of the public health, aafety and welfare, by reason of which thi• ordinance ahall become effective ilmnediately upon it• final passage. Introduced, read in full, paaaed on firat reading an unanimou•ly approved by a quorua preHnt at th• regular meeting of City council of the City ofBnglewood, COlorado held on llonday the 15th day of May, 1967, and ordered published in the Bnglewood Berald and Bnterpriae. Paased on final reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood at a r99'11ar ... tiDCJ of City Council held on the 5th day of June, 1967, and ordered pabliabed in full in th• Bn9lewood Herald and Bnterpriae. ~~//>&~ ..., -May6r • Atteata CltY-Clerk-'freaaurer !,Stephen A. Lyon, City Clerk-Treaaurer of the City of Bnglewood, county of Arapahoe, Stat8 of Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoinq Bill for an Ordinance wa• introduced, read, pasaed on firat reading, unanimously approved by a quorwa preaent and ordered publi•hed as a bill in the Bnqlewood Herald and Bnterpriae at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 15th day of llay, 1967 A.D. and that at leaat •even day• after above publication, as a bill, the above ordinance wa• approved, adopted and ordered published in said legal newapaper by the City Council at a re9'1lar meetinq held on the 5th day of June, 1967 AD •• Ordinance Bo. 11, Serie• of 1967, of •aid City. A'1"1'BS'1'1 eity elerk Tzeaaarez