HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 Ordinance No. 012BY AU'l'llORI'l'Y ORDDIAllCB RO. 12, SBRIBS OP 1967 All OllDDAEB AOl'llORIZillG '1'llB MAYOR AllD CITY CLDK TO BXBCU'l'B A QUIT-CLAIM DRD 'IO WBLLIBID DBVBLOllla'r, IE., ft> CmvBY 'rBB CI'l'Y'S IllTBRBST IR AR mmm ......, Ulm '1'llB ACCBPl'A9CB AllD PILDIG OP A PLAT TO BB IQIOWB AS WI vn.r.acm, Smoom» PILim, AllD DBCLARDIG All mRGBBCY. WH*MBAS, the City of Bnglewood, by virtue of the proviaions of an instru- 11ent recorded Auguat 18, 1953, in Book 817 at page 453 in the Office of the . Clerk and lt8Corder of the county of Arapahoe, i• the owner of an easement and right of way in, through, under and aero•• the folloWig deacribed property, aituated in the county of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, to wits that portion of the SB 1/4 of the SB 1/4 of Section 35, Township 4 south, Range 68 •••t of the 6th P.11. deacribed aaa Beginning at a point 145 feet Baat of the &outhweat corner of the SB 1/4 of the SB 1/4 of •aid Section 351 thence Borth parallel to the Weat line of SB 1/4 of th• SB 1/4 of aaid Section 35 a diatance of 893 f .. t, thence Baat parallel to the South line of aaid SB 1/4 of the SE 1/4 a diatanc• of 25 f .. t, thence south parallel to the Weat line of said SE 1/4 of th• SB 1/4 a diatance of 893 feetr 110r• or l•••, to the South line of said a 1/4 of th• SB l/4r thence ... t 25 feet, 110r• or l•••, to point of be9innin9: .abject to deeded ri9ht of way for Baat BllmlDden Avenue. and 111bich ea• .. •nt and right of way waa 9ranted for the purpoae of laying, maintaining, operating, repairing or r9llOVing a 12 inch water line therein, and W&&llBAS, purauant both to the teaaa of •aid inatruaent and to the terms of a letter-99r•••nt, dated llarch 31, 1966, between the City of Englewood and the then owner of aaid realty, the City 9greed to abandon aaid eaaement and right of way at aach ti.lie •• a dedicated public road waa eatabliahed over •aid realty, which public road the City could utilize for the .... purpoae as the said ea .... nt and right of way can now be uaed, and ••PW, Wellahire Development, Inc., i• the preaent owner of the above- deacribed realty and ha• prepared and delivered to the Board of county CClllli••ionera of the county of Arapahoe a plat entitled •Kent Village, Second Piling,• which plat dedicate• a public road to be known aa"South Race Street• which .. y be used by the City for the ••e purposes as the preMnt •a-nt and right-of-way , now be uaed. haay _,.,, 'l'llBRBPORB, a I'r ORDAillBD BY ftlB CI'l'Y COUllCIL OP 'l'BB CITY OF BllQLPIK.10D I COLm.!U>O I ltcti::al· Upon the occurc.nce of the hereinafter inumerated conditions, the Mayor City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to Wellahire DevelOll••nt, Inc. a quit-claim deed, together with such other or further inatr11111enta •• .. y be neceaaary, which •hall convey to the aaid Wellahire Develo1•ent, Inc. all of the City'• intereat in and the herein- above deacribed realty, which waa created by, or ariaea from, that instrument recorded in Book 817 at page 453 aforeaaid. io!intion 2. 'rhe •aid conveyance •hall take place upon the occurence of the fol DCJ conditiona1 a. 'rh• approval by the Board of County Cm111iaaionera of the county of Arapahoe, and the filing thereof with the Clerk and Recorder, of that plat known a• •xant VillllCJ•, Second Piling•, whlch dedicate• to the public a public atr .. t known aa •eouth Race Street•r and b. 'fh• written aaaurance, by meana of the proviaion• on aaid plat, or by rea80n of aeparate written inatrument, that the City •hall, upon the approval and filing of aaid plat, have .the perpetual right to maintain in •aid dedicated atr .. t a water main, and other water line•, connected to the water ayat .. of the City of Bnglewood for the purpoae of aupplying water and water aervic•• to conaU11er• thereof in and along •aid main and lines and elaewhere. · !ffti2' i· 'rhe recording of a duly executed quit-claim deed, as described in Sec~onereof ahall be deemed to be concluaive proof upon all parties that each of the condition• ••t forth in Section 2 hereof have occurred. 8tcti09 4. Council hereby find• and declare• that an emergency exists, since it ia neceaaary t ediately to formalize the City'• intereat in said proposed public atreet, by reason of which fact thia ordinance ahall bec01De effective inaediately upon it• final pa••llCJ•· Introduced, read in full, paaaed on firat reading and unanimously approved by a quorum pre .. nt at th• regular .. eting of City Council of l the City of ~ewood, Colorado, held on Monday the 15th day of llay, 1967, and ordered pii)liabed in the Bnglewood Berlld and Bnterpriae. I I Ordinance Bo. 12, Series of 1967 Paa8ed on final reading by the City Council held on the Sth day of June, 1967, and ordered publiahed in full in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae. A~U1LI~ ~~-Mayor a11BST1 Clty-Cler~-fteaaurer I. Stephen A. Lyon. City Clerk-Treaaurer of the City of Englewood, County of Aras-hoe, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Bill for an Ordinance wa• introduced, read, paaaed on firat reading and ordered publiahed a• a bill in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 15th day of llay, A.D., 1967, and that at least seven day• after publication, a• a bill, the above ordinance was approved, adopted and ordered publiahed in aaid legal newapaper by the City Council at a regular meeting held on the 5th day of June, A.D., 1967, a• Ordinance Bo. 12, Series of 1961 of aaid City. Atteata CityClerK-Treaaurer