HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 Ordinance No. 018II ,, I Introduced a• a Bill by councilaan Rice. BY AU'l'llORI'l'Y ORDDAllCB BO. 18, 8BRIB8 OP 1967 All OJm~ VACA'fDIG A IORl'ICB OP CIALAPAGO ftRBl'l', AS DBSCRIBBD fHIRBD, AllD mBRVIm All BASWi' 'NIDD IOR llXIl'IIBG SBWBR, GAS, D'l'llR OR &DID.Mt PIPBLDIBS AllD UPUk'1'IDIAllCBS AllD POR llLBC'l'RIC, '.l'BLB- IWI AllD SDIDAR LDBI AllD APIUitfDUCBS. waaaw, 'fb• City of Bn9lewood ha• heretofor acquired certain realty to be uNd for park and recreation purpo•••, a portion of whiah realty i• located within that platted mbdivi•ion known a• ccmler lubdivi•ion in th• City of Bn9lewood, County of Arapahoe and State of Colorado, and wa1MDS, there pr•••ntly exi•t• within th• boundari•• of the realty thu• acquired by the City of Bn9lewood a portion of a public •tr-t known •• loath Galaptl90 Str .. t, and WHlllA8, in order to devote •aid realty to park purpo•••, it i• nec::•••ary and d••irable to vacate that portion of •aid public •treet lyiDCJ within the boundari•• of th• realty owned by the City, .. , t'hi••rcmB, 88 I'f OllDADIBD BY 'NB CI'l'Y COUllCIL OP 'NB CI'IY OP WCILSWOOD, A• follow•• Stction 1. '!bat portion of that public •tr .. t, known a• South Gala.-go Str-t hereinbelow described, i• hereby vacated1 '!bat portion of GalapacJO ltr .. t lyiDCJ we•t of and adjacent to Lot 1 and Lot• 3 thru 11, Block 1, corder Subdivi•ion lying in the nortbwe•t one-quarter of th• southwe•t one- quarter of Section 34, 'l'own•hip 4 South, Ran9• 68 We•t of the 6th Prineipal .. ridian more particularly de•cribed a• followa1 BecJimli.n9 at a point 30.0 feet south of and 331.4 feet ea•t of th• we•t one-quarter comer of Section 34, thence •••t and parallel with the north line of the 80Uthwe•t one-quarter (SBls) 30.0 f .. t, thence south 616.0 f .. t, thence we•t 30.0 f .. t, thence north 616.0 feet to th• point of be9innin9. 819tion 2. 'l'bere ia hereby reaerved fraa •aid vacation an ••• ... nt in, through, over, aero••, and under •aid realty ail ••• ... nt for all pre•ently exi•ting •9Wer, CJ••, water or •iailar pipeline• and appartenancea and for electric, telephone and •illilar line• and appartenmacea. . . . Introduced, read' in full and pa••ed on fir•t reading by th• City council of th• City of Bn9lewood, Colorado at it• regular •-ting on th• 17th day of July, 1967, and ordered publi•h•d in the BDCJlewood Herald an4 Bnterpri••· . . .. . Pa•8ed on final reading by th• City council of the City of Bn9le- .ood at a regular ... tiDCJ of City council held on the 8th day of Auguat, 1967 and ordered publi8hed in full in the Bn9lMfOOd Herald and Snterpri••· /~~ Ath•t1 City Cler~-t'nanrer I, Stephen A. Lyon, City Clerk-Tr•a•urer, City of Bn9lM100d, Coanty of Arapahoe, Stat• of Colorado, do hereby certify that the llbove and foregoing ordinance wa• introduced, read, pa••ed and ordered pabli8hed a• a bill in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpri•e at a regular ... ting of the city council held on th• 17th day of Jllly, A.D. 1967, and that at l•a•t 7 day• after above publication aa a bill the above ordinance wa• approved, idopted and ordered publi•h- ed in •aid legal nMr•paper by th• City Council at a regular meeting held on the 8th day of Au911•t, A.D. 1967, •• Ordinance Bo. 18, Series of 1967, of aaid city. Atte•t1 Cil:y Clerk-Tr•a•urer ---