HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 Ordinance No. 019Jntzoduced aa a Bill by Council.llan Ludwi9. BY AU'l'Ji0k%'1'Y ORDIDBCB .,. 19, SDDS OP 1967 All OJmJllAEJI VACA'l'DIG A POR'l'JQB OP SOWS ._YLVAllIA S'l'RBB'l', A8 DBICRDBD JK*dD, AllD mBRVDG All llASmlm 'l'llDBD POR BXJSTIBG ma, GAS, D'l'BR OR SDIJLAR PJPBLDIBS AllD APPUR'l'mlfCBS AID> POR BACRIC, '1'BLBPllOBB AID> SDIJLAR LDIBS AID> APPUR'l'mllCBS. wa•aw, th• City of Bngl.wood ha• heretofor acquired certain realty to be a..S for park and recreation purpo•••, a portion of which realty i• located within that platted aubdiviaion known a• Arkell• Sabdiviaion, in the City of Bn9lewood, County of Arapahoe and State of Colorado, and W&Bm&, there preamtly exi•t• within the boundari•• of the realty thaa acqaired by the City of BDCJlewood a portion of a public atreet known a• South Pennaylvania Str .. t, and WBBRBAS, in order to devote aaid realty to park purpoaea, it is neceaaary and deairabl• to vacate that portion of aaid public atreet lying within the boundari•• of the realty owned by the City, _,., 'ftlBRBPOU, BB I'1' ORDADIBD BY '1'BB CJ'l'Y COUllCIL OP '1'BB CITY OP BNLFJOOD, a• follow• a sr;tion 1. 'l'bat portion of that public atreet, known a• South Pennay Y.nla Str .. t hereinbelow deacribed, ia hereby vacateda 'l'bat part of South Pennaylvania Str .. t, lying •a•t of, and adjacent to, Lota 37 through 48, Arkell• Subdiviaion, more particularly deacribed aaa Beginning at the aouthwat corner of the aoutheaat one-quarter (ssa.> of the northeaat one-quarter (Dli) of Section 34, 'l'oWnahip 4 South, laftCJ• 68 Weat of the 6th P.11.r thence north along th• we•t line of the •aid SB'i llBli 1290 f .. t, thence eaat and parallel with the north line of the aaid SBli llBli 296 feet to th• true point of b99inni"4)r thence eaat and parallel to th• north line of aaid Ssli llBli 30 f .. t, thence aouth and parallel to the weat line of aaid Ssli Dli 300 feetr thence weat and parallel to the •aid northline 30 feetr thence north and parallel to •aid weat line 300 feet to the true point of beginning. Secttfro!· 'l'h•r• i• hereby r•••rved fraa •aid vacation an ease- ment ln, 9b, over, aero•• and under aaid realty an eaa .. ent for all preaently exiatin9 •ewer, gaa, water or aiailar pipelines, and appurtenance• and for electric, telephone and aillilar line• and appartenanc••· Introduced, read in full and pa••ed on firat reading by the City Ca.mail of the City of Bn9lnood, COlorado, at it• regular -tin9 on the 8tb day of Auguat, 1967, and ordered publiahed in the Snglewood Berald and Bnterpriae. Paaaed on final reading by the City COUncil of the City of Bngle- wood, color.SO, at a regular wting of City council held on the 21st day of Aupat, 1967 and ordered pabliahed in full in the Bngl___. Benld and BnterpriH. Kayor Atteata Clty~Clerlt-'l'reaaarer J, Stephen A. Lyon, City Clerk-'l'r•a•urer, City of Bnglewood, coanty of Arapahoe, State of COlorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance waa introduced. read, paaaed and ordered pub- liahed aa a Bill in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae at a regular ••ting of the City Council held on th• 8th day of Auguat, A.D. 1967, and that at leaat 7 day• after above publication a• a bill the above orcliDMce wa• approved, adopted and ordered publiahed in •aid legal newapaper by the City Council at a regular .. •ting held on the 2lat day of Aagaat, A.D. 1967, aa Ordinance •o. 19, Seri•• of 1967, of aaid City. Atteata City cl.-n-'l'reaaurer i,_.-_.· 1 i I ..