HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 Ordinance No. 021Introduced •• a Bill by coanoilllan hllenon.
ft AUiiiOUft
OllDDNICS m. 21, au• or 1967
wa•llBAS there preaently exiata a .. ver• traffic problem within
the City of BIMJlauood due to th• f8Ct that Weat Girard Avenue is
not preaently open to vehicular traffic weat of South Bannock Stree,
mms, in order to open •••t Girard Av•ue it will be necessary
to reconatruct a brid99 over South Bannock Str .. t and to have con-
atructect a culvert encloain9 a portion of Lit~l• Dry Creek where
the .... exiata upon property which ia privately owned, and
. .
W&SPJIAS, the owner of aaid private property ha•.already pre-
pared plan• and apec:ification• for •aid project and ha• contracted
with Penner Conatruction Ccapany for th• eo11pletion of that portion
of aaid project to be conatructed on aaid private property,_and . .. . .. . .. .
•iRW, by reaaon of the foregoinv, council d-• it .more _
expedient and in the beat inter••t of the City to waive th• neceaaity
for eo11petitive bidding upon thia project and to contract.directly
with Penner conatruction ccapany for cc:mpletion of that portion of the
project affectinv public property.
• • • • t -
.. , iHIRIPCJaB,.BB It' ORDADlllD BY.,.. cm OOU9CJL or 'l'BB .CI'l'Y or zmr.sm • follow•• . _ . _ _ . . ,
s3tion 1. 'lb• Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and
direct to execute a contract with Penner conatruction Caapany
whereby the aaid Penner Conatruction CCllpany, for the ama of $23,084.00
1'0Uld undertake to1
a -R9110ve the exiatinq bridge located over Little Dry
Creek at South Bannock Streetr
b -Inatall a nMf bridge over the .... , ccaplete with
blacktop, walka, curb•, gutter• and handrail .aleeve•1
c -In•tall four inlet• and pipe• under •aid bridge1
d -Repair the foundation• of the exiating retaining wall,
-all in accordance with the box culvert extenaion drawing•, dated
Aup•t 17, 1967, prepared by w. A. South and the aaterial portion•
of the •pecification• for the Bnqlauood Shopping C•t•r con•truction.
lfh• fora of aaid contract ahall be the ••• •• the copy which i• on
f il• in th• off ice of th• Director of Public Work• and which may be
iupected by th• public.
Section 2. In vi9W of the 1-inent need of thi• improvement,
and in vi.., of th• fact that Penner Conatruction Caapany i• ready to
c-enc• conatruction of that portion of the project to exist upon
private property, the pa••BCJ• of thi• ordinance i• neceaaary for the
t ediat• pre .. rvation of the public property, health, peace and _safety,
by reaaon of which it •hall become effective immediately upon its final pa••acJ•· . . . .. . . ·. . . -
Introdaced, read in full, paaaed on fir•t reading and unanimously
approved by a quorma pre••nt •• an -zv•ncy bill at the .regular meet-
iD9 of the City council of the City of Bn9lewood, Colorado held on
lloDday, the 2lat day of Auguat, 1967.
Paaaed on final reading by the City council of the City of
Bn9lewood, at a •pecial ... ting on the 28th day of Augu•t, 1967,
and ordered pabliahed •• Ordinance Bo. 21, Seri•• of 1967 in the
Bnvlevood Herald and BnterpriH.
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~--~ -JiaYOr
ordinance llo. 21, Serie• of 1967
I, Stephen A. Lyon, City Clerk-'l'reaaurer, of the City of Englewood,
coanty of AraJ)9hoe, State of Colorado, do her.tty certify that the above
uc1 foregoing Bill for an Ordinance waa introduced, read and passed
OD fi~•t ~•.Sing a• an -rv•ncy bill· at a r9gU].a:.-•ting ·af: the City
Coancil held on the 2lat day of Aupat-, 1967, A-.D., and ·that the above
ordinance wa• approved and adopted on final reading and ordered pub-
liahe4 in the llnglewood Berald and Bnterpri .. by th• City council at
a apeaial ••ting held OD th• 28th day of Aupat, A.D., 1967, as Ordinance
llO. 21, Seri•• of 196-7, of aailt City. · , ····
City Clerk-lfreaaurer
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