HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 Ordinance No. 02588
Introduced a• a Bill by Coancilaan Jtreil~ng. -. . -· ,,
BY AUi&OUft . -.
OltDDIUICS m. 25, ima OJ' 1967
All OIQ)DIUICS PIXlm m ·ux LWY D •Ji.i.l "U.C. llACB DOLLAR
OP '11111 umBD VALUA'IIC:. OP ALL DDW.• PIOnllft WI'IBIR '!BB CI'l'Y
OP smLmlOQD, CGLOll.\DO, POil '11111 YUJl 1168.
•1nu, ·it i• th• duty of the city ~cil of th• city of
Sngl...oocl, colorado, under the Charter of aaid City and Statutes
of th• State of COlorado, to llak• the annual levy for ctty pur-
poH• for the 19ar 1967, due and papbl• in 19681 and
W&I~, .it i• nee•••~ for an a4ditional apecial levy to
aaintain th• Pizwmen • • Penal~_ "1Jld at . a reaaonai,le levelJ r a~d··
1111BRIA8, th• City council ha• duly conaidered the ••timated
valuation of all of th• taxllbl• pi:operty within the City and the
need• of th• City for each of •aid leviea, and ha• deter11ined
that th• levi•• a• hereinafter ••t forth are proper and wi•er
... -' . -.---.-' \. ... .. , f&l•..OU, • I'f ORDAIDD BY '8S Clft' COU9CIL .OP '1'BB
CDT OP ........,, COl.ORAD01
hastl 1. !'hat there be and there i• hereby levied for
the year 7, due and payable a• required by th• Statute• in
the year 1968, a tax of 13.080 aill• OD the dollar for the General
PuDd of the City of BncJ~~, ~lorado •
• ,i" 2. !'ha~ th•r• be and .there la .hereby levied for 'the year~ue and payable .~,.· ~ired by ,the :ltatu~ea ·in th•
year 1968, a tu of • 503 of a mill on the dollar for the Piremen' s
.. naton ·hnd of th• City of llnglwood, Colorado.
!IJiol 3. · ''!hat there ·be and there i• hereby levied for t;be
year , ae .. d papble a• required by the lt;•tqt•• . in . the
year 1968, a tu of 1.32~ of a aill on the dollar for ~· Public
lllprOY•ent Pund.
Section 4. 'lbat there be and i• hereby levied for the year
1967 a-and payable a• required by th• •tatut• for th• year 1968,
a tax of .198 of a aill on the dollar for the water fund for the
parpoae of pa111ent of bonded indebted••• and intereat thereon.
sietion 5 '!hat each and every levy ,bereinabov• ••t fort;h
aball ~ ieYl:A upon each .dol~ar of the a• .. ••ed valuation of
all tax.bl• property wi~in th• corporate liaita .of th• City of
SIMJlemod, Colorado, and th• aaid levi•• •hall be certified a•
by law required.
Introduced,, ••nded and pa••ed on firat reading by the City
coancil of th• City of Bn9lewood, Colorado, at it• r9CJQlar meeting
on the 2nd day of October, 1967, and ordered publiahed a• a Bill
in th• BncJlewood Herald and Bnterpri••·
Pa•aed OD Pinal Reading by th• City council of the City of
Bnglewood, COlorado, thi• 16th day of October, 1967 and ordered
pabliahed in full in the Bnqlwood &erald and bterpri••·
/~~ Kayo.
City Clerk..;'freanrer