HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 Ordinance No. 026I I •• Introduced a• a Bill by Coancilaan rallerton. BY AUiiiOUft All OllDDIA9CS u....unm ... JOa ALL llm!C!PAL PURPOSBS D '11111 C!ft OP BPG!.FllDCJD, COLORADO, D '11111 J'!SCAL YUR BBGIDIBG JAllUAn 1, 1968, Am> llllD!m D9C91m 31, 1968, CCJB8'1'!'1'U'l'IBG 1111A'l' IS nw•o !'Bl AllllUAL AP..OPRU'f!<m BILL l'OR '1'1111 I'!~ .YBAR 1968. BB !'1' ORDADIBD BY 'ftlB C!ft COlmC!L OJ' '1'1111 C!ft OP mGLBllOa>, CCJLOJIADO I leation 1. that there be, and there i• hereby, appropri- atedrca the revenue deriving fre11 tmcation in the City of Sn9l.uood, Colorado, frcm th• collection of licen•• fee• and f rca all other mourc•• of revenue during th• year b99inninq January 1, 1968 and endiDCJ Decmber 31, 1968 the maount• here- indter Ht forth for the object and purpo8e 8pecif ied and aet oppo•ite thereto, apecifica1ly •• follow•, to wits . Building !n•pection Legialation and Coun••l Judiciary llan.g-nt Pinance and Record Public WOrka Pir• Protection Police Protection Parka Ii a.creation Planning and 'l'raf f ic Library 'l'otal General J'und 9P1Mledlp IDllLIC _DIBDVW•! i1iiiD conatruction, recon•truction, in•tallation• ...: '• • 217,417.00 79,354.00 14,598.00 44,183.00 91,973.00 375,284.00 278,218.00 436,667.00 JAS,OM.00 107,295.00 102.1§0.00 11.892.153.00 and contiDCJ•nci••· · > $340,218~00 · ·· 8°'1rc• of Supply Power and pampiDCJ Parif ication 11A'l'D rgp 'l'ranmi••ion and di•tribution caatcaer .aooant and collection• Ad-tniatrative and genera1 Debt Service Capital plant and equiiaent lliwllaneoa• '1'0tal Water Pund 'l'reatment Sanitary Sy•t• ._rvw CU•taler account and collection• Ad-ini•trative and general Debt Service Capital plant and eqai19ent • COntr.ataal ••rvic•• Participation in general fund '1'0tal Sewer Pund PAD DlftOVW•I _hlW Acqai•ition, develo19ent, con•truction, in•tallation, relocation expen•••, related 15,874.00 95,678.00 65,258.00 90,158.00 47,688.00 62,379.00 380,038.00 103,50().00 20.aoo~oo !889.573.00 76,883.00 15,828.00 11,951.00 9,754.00 73,438.00 44,000.00 12,500.00 10.000.00 1254.354.00 ··~na•• and contingenci••• $189,931.00 !Pti~2. 'lb• foregoiDCJ appropriation• mall be con- •ider to appropriation• to groupm within a aubprogram, progr•, or departllent within the fund indicated, but •hall not be conatraed to be appropriation• to line it .. a within any group •YeD thloagh Reh line it•• aay be ••t forth in the -'opted lnldget for th• fimcal year 1968. Acaounting for ex- pencli tare• In fl.cal year 1967 aay atiliu the ••• method aet forth 9bov• •inc• the appropriation bill for fimcal 1967 in- t•ded thi• r••ult. Ordinance ll0 •. 26, Seri•• of 1967 ltction 3. 'l'bat all aoni•• in the hand• of the City- Clerk-'l're .. urer or to ca1a into hi• hand• for the f i•cal year of .1968 -Y M applied OD th• out•tandiDCJ claia• now due or to beaa•• due in i:h• fiacal year of 1968. Eti= 4 •. '!hat all anappropriated llODi•• that may ccaae into b L of the City Clerk-'l'reanrer durin9 the year ,1968..,. M ao di•trlbuted •OD9 the re•pective fund• herein a• the City Coancil aay d•• be•t ander auch control a• i• preacribed by law. ~. . 'Pftf9 5. 'l'bat duriDCJ or at the cloH of th• fiacal year o , any •urplu aoney in any of the n•pecti ve fund•, after all claia• for 1968 again•t the •-• have been paid, may be di•trilntted to any other fund or fund in the diacretion of the City coancil. Introduced, -nded and pa•aed on fir•t readin9 by the City Coancil of th• City of Bngl.wood, Colorado and ordered pabli8hed a•.a bill in the Bnglewood Berald and .Bn~erpriae at it• regular •-ting on th• 2nd day of October, A.D. 1967. •a•aed OD final readin9 by th• City council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado thi• 16th day of October, 1967, and ordered pabliahed in full in the Bn9lwood Berald and Bnter-. priH. Atte•ta City Clerlt-'l'reaaurer ._ ~., I f