HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 Ordinance No. 028Introduced aa a Bill by Councilman Rice. BY AU'l'BORI'l'Y ORDDIAllCB RO. 28, SBRIBS OP 1967 All ORDillAllCB Allll1DillG ORDDIAllCB BO. 26, SBRIBS OF 1963, ALSO JmOllll AS CllAPl'BR 22 OP '1'BB JIUllICIPAL CODB OP TBB CITY OF DGLEWOOD, AND mB .. IBG MAP A'ft'ACllBD 'l'BBRn'O, 'l'O RB-ZOBB CBR'l'AIB PROPBR'l'Y MORE PARTIC- ULARLY DBSCUDD 'l'BldtBD PRQll R-1-A (SDIGLB-PAllILY RBSmD'l'IAL DISTRICT) '1'0 R-3-A (llULTI-PAllILY DSIDm'l'IAL DiftRIC'l'). 1111BRBAS, J. J. Carey and Time-Life Broadcaat, Inc., have heretofor filed an application with the Planning and Zoning Canmission of the City of Bnglewood (to re-zone from R-1-A (single family resi- dential) to R-3-A (multi-•amily reaidential) a portion of that tract of land located within the City of Bnglewood, commonly known as the •ia.z aite•, deacribed aa follow•, to wits A tr.ct of land lying in Section 35, 'l'ownahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat of the 6th Principal Meridian, City of Bnglewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, more particularly deacribed aa followa1 Beginning at a point where the centerline of South Lafayette Street interaecta the aouth line of Section 35, said south line of Section 35 being the approximate ceterline of East a .. pden Avenue thence northerly along the centerline of South Lafayette Street to it• interaection with the center- line of Baat Ployd Avenuer thence eaaterly along the center- line of Baat Ployd Avenuer to ita interaection with the eaat line of the SW~, S~, Section 35 to ita interaection with the northerly right-of-way line of Colorado Highway 70, aaid northerly right-of-way being alao the aoutherly boundary of the City of Bnglewood and lying 90 feet more or l••• north of the aouth line of Section 35r thence west- erly along aaid northerly right-of-way line of Colorado Highway 70 to ita interaection with the cen~erline of Section 351 thence aouthweaterly on the arc of a curve to the left, the chord of which bear• aouth 78• 57' Weat, tha radiua of which equal• 783 f .. t, for an arc diatance of 301.4 feetr thence aouth 89• 57' 52• Weat for a distance of 337.5 feet to a point where the north right-of-way line of Baat Baapden interaecta the eaat riCJ}lt-of-way line of South Lafayette Str .. tr thence aoutherly along the extended eaat line of South Lafayette Str .. t to ita .interaection with the South line of Section 35, thence weaterly along •aid aouth line of Section 35 to the point of beginning, except th• north 150 f .. t of the eaat 1292.46 f .. t thereof, and 1111BRBAS, purauant to the proviaiona of Ordinance Bo. 26, Seri•• of 1963, alao known aa Chapter 22 of th• Municipal Code of the City of Bnglewood, the aaid Plannin9 and zoning CCllllliaaion in consider- i09 •aid application, held a public hearing thereon and otherwise fully coaplied with the aaid ordinance and the proviaiona of the Charter of the City of Bnglewood, and 11BBRBAS, the •aid Plannin9 and lofting COllllli••ion has heretofor reoc ended to City Council that the aforeaaid deacribed property ahould be included within that monin9 diatrict known aa R-3-A (multi- f.U.ly reaidential), and 1111BRBAS, City Council ha• conaidered the recaaaendation of aaid CCl i••ion, including the docullent• and record• accompaning the a .. e, haa held a public hearing upon the .... and ha• concluded that the public health, aafety, convenience and welfare, aa well as good soning practice, juatifiea the incluaion of •aid property within aaid soning diatrict • .,., 'l'BBRBPORB, BB I'l' OMaDIBD BY 'IRB CI'l'Y COUllCIL OP '1'BE CITY OP BaULBllOOD, aa follow•• s5tion 1. Ordinance Bo. 26, Seri•• of 1963, alao known as Chapter 22 ~ the Municipal Code of the City of BnglMfOOd, together with the zoning map annexed thereto, i• hereby ... nded to rezone the property hereinabove deacribed frma R-1-A (•in9le f .. ily residential) to R-3-A (Jlulti-fmaily reaidential). Section ·2. City Council hereby find•, determines and declares that the herelnabOve change in zoning i• juatified by public health, aafety, convenience and welfare and by good soning practices. lection 3. The proviaiona of thia ordinance ahall be, and become, ef ectlve at twelve o'clock midnight, December 31, 1967, and not before. 'I I I I I Ordinance Ro. 28, Serie• of 1967 Introduced, read in full, paaaed on firat reading, public hearing ••t thereon for the 2l•t day of AUCJU•t, 1967, and ordered publiahed in the BDJlewood Herald and Bnterpriae at the reCJUlar meeting by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood on the 17th day of July, 1967. Public hearing held thereon before the City council of the City of Bnglewood at it• regular meeting on the 2lat day of AuCJU&t, 1967. Amended at the regular meeting of the City council of the City of Bnglewood on the 18th day of September, 1967, and ordered pabliahed in it• final .. ended form in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae. Paaaed on final reading by the City council of the City of Bnglewood at it• regular ... ting on the 20th day of Bovember, of 1967 in the Englewood Herald and Bnterpriae. Mayor Aft'BST1 City Clerk-Treaaurer