HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 Ordinance No. 031Introduced a• a Bill by councilman Parkinaon. BY AtJ'l'BORITY ORDillAllCB llO. 31, SBRIBS OP 1967 All ORDillAllCB BSTABLISBIRG GDBRAL BXCBPTIOBS PROM THE RE- QUIRBllBllT POR SBALBD, CQllPBTITIVB BIDS POR PURCBASBS OP SUPPLIES, llATBRIALS OR BQJIPllBllT IR BXCBSS 01' OD 'l'IK>USAllD DOLLARS ($1,000.00). 1111BRBAS, Section 113, Part rY, Article X of the Charter of th• City of Bnglewood require• the purchaaing officer of the City to give .. pl• opportunity for aealed, caapetitive biddinq in th• purcha .. of any auppliea, material•, or equipaent, in excess of One 'fhouaand Dollar• ($1,000.00) but authorise• City council, by ordinance, to make general exception• to thi• requir .. ent, and llllBRBAS, City Council ha• deteZ'llined that, in certain in- atanc•• hereinafter enumerated, the requir ... nt for competitive bidding ia unneceaaary, and that it would be in the be•t interests of th• City to waive the requir .. ent for auch bidding in tho•e inatancea, _,.,, TllBRBPORB, BB IT OlmADIBD BY '1'BB CITY COUllCIL OP THE C%'1'Y OP BIQ!.BIRXJD, COLORADO, aa follow•• !Potion 1. Pur•uant to the authority granted council by th• provi~ona of Article X, Part IV, Section 113 of the Charter of th• City of Bngl..ood, the City Council hereby grant• to the City Manager of the City of Bnglewood, and any of hia deaigneea, aa the purcbaaing officer of the City of BnglMJOOd, the authority to purchaae auppliea, material• and equipment in •xc••• of One lfbouaand Dollar• ($1,000.00), upon the open market bidt ··therefor, in th• following •ituation• and aubject to the following condition•: providing that none of auch purcha••• ahall exceed Ten 'l'houaand Dollar• ($10,000.00)s a. In th• purchaae of water ••t•r•, fire hydrants, gate valve• and fire hoae,, providiDCJ notice i• given to all finaa within the City of BnglMfOOd offering the ident- ical it .. a for aal• and each ia given th• opportunity to give informal price quotation• for the purcha••r b. In the purchaae of •and-gravel aggregate and aaphal- tic •aterial• to be uaed for atreet fill, repair and mainten- ance, provided that all auch purcha••• •hall be baaed upon a unit quantity baaiar c. In the purchaae of special devicea, and machine · repair part• for both movinq and atationary mechanical devicea, providing the same are available only from one source, and no other generally aimilar device ia available from another eourcer d. In the purcha•e of replac••nt parta and equipment, when furniahed aa a part of a repair ••rvice to equipment owned or leaaed by the City. •· In the rental of equipment and •achinery, provided that the period of rental i• for an indeterminate time and the rental fee i• negotiated upon a unit of time b .. ia. Section 2. &othinq herein ahall be conatrued to prohibit the purcha•lng officer from calling for aealed, competitive bidding upon any purcha•e of aupplie•, material• and equipment in any case where he determine• it adviaable to do ao, the aole intent of this ordinance being to diapenae with the neceaaity therefor, at the option of the aaid purchaaing officer, in th• purchaae of those it .. a deacribed in Section 1 hereof. In all ca••• where purchases are •ad• without calling for Haled, competitive bidding the pur- chaaing officer ahall utilize auch meana of purchaaing the items involved aa he believe• will aaaure that the prices paid by the City do not exceed the reaaonable market value• of the supplies, •ateriala or equipment ao purchaaed. Introduced, and paaaed on firat reading by the City council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado and ordered publiahed as a bill in the Englewood Herald and Bnterpri•• at ita regular meeting on the 20th day of Rovember, A.D. 1967. Paaaed on final reading by th• City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, thia 4th day of Decellber, A.D. 1967, and ordered publiahed in full in the Bnqlewood Herald and Bnterprise. Mayor Pro 'hm Atteats City Cleri-'freaaurer I I l i ' ' I