HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 Ordinance No. 034I
Introduced a• a Bill by councilman Parkinson.
ORDillAllCB 80. 34, SERIES OF 1967
COLORADO, a• follow•1
Section 1. Purpo•• and Applicability.
'fh• purpoae of th• rule• of procedure contained herein is to
provide a unifona, con•i•tent and expeditiou• method of procedure for
the conduct of all hearin9• held before the City council, or any board,
ccr i••ion or official of the City. The provi•ion• of this ordinance
ahall be applied uniformly in all auch hearin9•: provided, however,
that any board, callld.aaion or official may •upplement the provisions
of thi• ordinance by the adoption of further rules of proceedings not
inconai•t•nt her.with. All rule• adopted to aupplement the provisions
of thi• ordinance by any board, coani•aion or official •hall be reduced
to writift9 and copi•• thereof ahall be made available to the public.
110thift9 herein contained ahall be construed or interpreted to grant to
any peraon a r19ht to appeal to the City council or to any board, com-
aiaaion or official of the City, or to have a hearing before the same,
unl••• the proviaion• of the City Charter, any applicable state statute,
or other ordinance, 9ranta auch a ri9ht, the sole purpose of this
ordinance being to ••tabliah procedural rule• for hearings otherwise
required by the proviaiona of other law•.
Stction 2. Bature of Bearing•.
2-1 Qgaai-Judicial Bearing•
'fh• proviaiona of 16-1 throu9h 16-5 hereof shall be applicable
only to tho•• hearing• where the council, board, coanisaion or official
i• called upon to exerciae a power of a judicial or quasi-judicial
nature, which, for purpoaea of this ordinance, shall be deemed to con-
•i•t only of the followin91
(a) eearin9a before City Council upon application for the
i•auance, or hearings for the au•pen•ion or revocation, of
liquor or fenaented malt beverage licenae•: kpon ordinances
~ich son• or re-zone realty: upon annexation ordinances: and
upon all appeal• from the decision• of any city official, board
or ca111ai••ion, where •uch an appeal i• otherwise authorized, and
which require• an evidentiary hearing to determine such appeal:
(b) Bearin9• before the Board of Adjuatment and Appeals upon
appeal• from any decision of the Department of Building Inspector
or upon reque•t• for a variance or exception f rcm the terms of any
(c) Bearing• before the Board of Career ·Service Commissioners
upon appeal• from diaciplinary actions against employees:
(d) Bearing• before any board, coaniasion or official respect-
ing the iaauance, au•penaion or revocation of any license issued
by the City.
2-2 Adminiatrative Bearing•
All other hearings before Council or any board or commission
•hall be deemed to be administrative hearings, the purpose of
which i• to obtain information to enable council to determine
legislative policy or to enable any board or connission to make
recc endation• to Council upon proposed or pending legislation.
Such hearing• •hall be conducted in compliance with the provisions
of Section 3, 4 and 5 hereof and in such a manner so as to enable
any peraon deairing to be heard a reaaonable oppo1'tunity for the
preaentation of hi• view•, but there shall be no requirement for
caapliance with the provi•iona of Section 6 hereof.
Section 3. camaenc .. ent of Proceedings.
All proceedings conducted pursuant to the provisions of this
ordinance ahall be comDenced in the manner provided by the Charter,
atatute or ordinance 90verning the matter. In any proceeding
involving the appeal of a decision of a city official, board or
ca1111iaaion, the appeal procedure shall be coaaenced by the filing
with the City Clerk, or with the secretary of the board or com-
aiaaion involved, aa the case may be, of a written notice of
appeal by any party entitled to take such appeal upon forms to be
aupplied by the Council, board or c0111Diaaion having jurisdicition
over the appeal within a period of thirty (30) days from the date
of the deciaion being appealed, unleas a different time for appeal
ia ••t by the Charter, atatute or other ordinance involved.
Section 4. Referral to Bearing Body.
Ordinance Bo. 34, Serie• of 1967
Upon receipt by the City Clerk, the secretary of any board
or CCI i••ion, or other appropriate official of the City, of any
application, petition, notice of appeal, ccmplaint, or other
inatru11ent initiating a hearing, the same shall be referred to
th• council, board, ccmuaiaaion or official having jurisdiction
over th• •atter, and a date, time and place for hearing thereon
•hall be .. t by •aid Council, board, cOllllliaaion or official, who
ahall direct public notice thereof to be given, if otherwise
required1 provided, however, that the Council or any board or
cCllllai.aaion may authorize ita Clerk or secretary to set a date,
time and place for heml.ng upon receipt of such instrument without
th• neceaaity for action by the Council, board or commission
Section s. Public llotice.
Public notice, if required, of the date, time and place of
the public hearing •hall be given in the manner provided by the
Charter, atatute or ordinance purauant to which said hearing is
to be held. In the abaence of provisiops specifi~ally delineating
the manner in which public notice is to be given, notice of the
date, time, place and purpose of the hearing to be held shall be
publiahed once in that newapaper deaignated by City Council as
the City'• official newapaper not less than fifteen (15) days
prior to the date of aaid hearing. In the event the public hearing
ia poatponed, notice ahall be given of the date, time and place
to which the hearing ha• been postponed, either by causing further
notice to be publiahed a• above provided or by publically announc-
ing at the date, time and place set in the original notice of the
hearing'• poatpon .. ent and of the new date, time and place when
and where the poatponed hearing shall be held.
Section 6. guaai-Judicial Bearings.
6-1 Ri9ht• of Participant•
All quaai-judicial hearings, a• hereinabove designated, shall
be conducted under procedure• designed to insure all interested
partiea due procesa of law and shall, in all cases, provide for
the followings
A. The adminiatration of oath• to all parties or witnesses
who appear for the purpose of testifying upon factual matters:
8. The croaa-examination, upon request, by the interested
partiea of all witnesses:
c. 'l'he atenographic, or other verbatim, reproduction of all
teatimony .Presented in said hearing1 and
D. A written decision by the hearing body which shall set
forth the factual baaea and reasons for the decision rendered.
6-2 Order of Procedure.
In all quaai-judicial hearings, as herein designated, the
following order of procedure •hall be followed1
A. Pir•t, there •hall be pre•ented those documents showing
th• regularity of the cc:11111encanent of the proceedings and
th• due form of the public notice given.
8. Bext, the applicant, petitioner, appealing party or
ccmplainant •hall present such material evidence, if any,
a• he or ahe desires.
c 'fhe hearing body shall, upon completion .of the presentation
of the applicant'•, petitioner's, appellant's or complainant's
evidence, call upon any person present in support of applicant's,
petiti&')ner'a, appellant'• or complainant's position to present
auch material evidence and information as he or she may desire.
D. '!hereafter, the hearing body shall call for the presenta-
tion of information and evidence frcm any person present at
the hearing who deaires to oppose the application, petition,
appeal or complaint.
B. 'l'he applicant, petitioner, appellant or ccmplainant shall
then be given an opportunity to present any further matter
in opposition or rebuttal to the matters presented by the
P. All documents, or other itana of physical evidence,
ahall be marked aa exhibits with such identifying symbols as
•ay be neceaaary to determine the exhibit referred to by
any witness or other person.
Ordinance llo. 34, Seri•• of 1967
6-3 RUl•• of Bvid•nc•
'1'he hearing body ahall not be required to observe any formal
rule• of evidence, but may conaider any matter which a majority thereof
conclude ia reaaonabl• reliable and calculated to aid the hearinq body
in reaching an accurate detezaination of the iaauea involved.
6-4 Deliberation• and Botice of Deciaion
Bach hearing body i• hereby authorized to deliberate upon the
iaauea pre .. nted at the hearing in private, non-public aeaaions1 pro-
vided that no deciaion ahall be effective, except upon a vote of the
•.-bera of th• hearing body, conducted in an open ••••ion thereof,
which ahall be duly recorded in the ainutea of the public body. All
decision• ahall be in writing and a copy of the same shall be delivered
to th• applicant, petitioner, appellant, coaaplainant and other interested
partiea, via certified mail at the addreaa aet forth in the application,
ptl:ltion, caaplaint or notice of appeal, unleaa •aid deciaion is to be
'lllbodied in an ordinance which is publiahed aa required by the provisions
of the Charter, or unleaa the Charter, atatute or ordinance under which
th• hearing i• being conducted requires notice of the decision to be
given in a different aanner.
6-5 J\!ficial Bnforc .. ent and Review of Deciaion
Any party aggrieved by any deciaion rendered by the hearinq
body in any quaai-judicial hearing, a• well a• department heads or
authorised official• of the City (whether the ... e appeared as a party
or witn••• in th• hearing or not), or the City itaelf, may apply to
have aaid deciaion reviewed by a court of competent jurisdiction, in
accordance with the proviaiona therefor contained within the Colorad9~
Rul•• of-Ctvi 1 Proc:..ture provided the action i • c01111Denced not &nore .m ninety 90 aaya iUl)aequ6n~ to the date or aaia dec1a1on or w1tn1n sue
aborter time aa -y be required by the Charter, statute or ordinance
under which auch hearing waa held. The coat of preparation of the
record of the hearing ahall be aaaessed against the appealinq party in
th• event the deciaion appealed from is affirmed by the Court.
In the event that such judicial review results in a judicial
declaration aetting aaide or reversing aaid deciaion, the members of
the Council, board, cCllllliaaion or the official which rendered such
deciaion may take such steps aa may be neceaaary to obtain an appellate
review of the amne, either through the institution of oriqinal pro-
ceeding• or by -an• of the iaauance of a writ of error, in their own
n .. ea, in their repreaentative capacitiea, aa IDelllbers of the hearinq
body rendering the deciaion. Should any party not comply with any de-
ciaion of any hearing body, the members of the hearing body involved,
or the City it .. lf, may, in addition to any other legal remedies which
.. y exiat for ccmpelling compliance therewith, petition any court of
ccmpetent juriadiction for the entering of a judicial decree compellinq
caaplianc• with aaid deciaion.
Section 7. Preaervinq Order
Bach hearing body •hall have the right to preserve order
during the hearing and to take such steps, including the ejection of
any diaorderly or obatreperoua peraon interferinq with the proceedinqs,
aa .. Y be neceaaary, and the hearing body may, prior to any presenta-·
tiona and aa a condition to the taking of testimony or information
fraa any person, require the registration of all persons desiring to
be heard during the hearing. It may restrict the testimony of any
peraon to the material issues pending before it and, to prevent dup-
licative or cumulative presentations, it may impose reasonable time
reatrictiona on any peraon.
Section 8. Ad:tournmenta
After c0111Dencement of any hearing, the hearing body may, if
it i• deaaed neceaaary to obtain a full presentation, adjourn the
hearing fram time to time by publicly announcing the fact of such ad-
journ11ent and the date, time and place when and where the adjourned
hearing ahall re-comraence, without the neceaaity of any further pub-
lished notice thereof.
Section 9. Bearing Pees
Bach board and cClllliaaion of the City is hereby authorized to
require from each applicant, petitioner, appellant, complainant, or
other peraon requesting a hearing before the same, to pay to the City
a reaaonable, uniform fee therefor, to defray the expenses of the same:
provided, however, that provision shall be made for the waiver of the
payment of .... in all instance• of proven indigency.
Ordinance Ro. 34, Seri•• of 1967
Introduced, and pa••ed on fir•t readin9 by the City council
of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado and ordered publiahed as a bill in
the Englewood Herald and Bnterpri•e at it• reqular meetinq on the 4th
day of Decmiber, 1967, A.D.
Pa••ed on final reading by the ~ity Council of the City of
Colorado thi• 18th day of Decam'ber, 1967, and ordered published in
full in the Bnqlewood Herald and Bnterpri•e.
City Clerk-Trea•urer
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