HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 Ordinance No. 007~-... 37«.
Introduced by Councilllan Rice
BY AU'l'llOIU'l'Y'
All ORDDIAllCB MlllDillG SBC'l'IORS 13.13 'l'BROOOH 13.13-2, Il1CLUSIVE, OF THE
: 1 · t I r•; 36, 38 'i'BROOGB 43, AllD 45 'l'BROUGB SO, BACH Il1CLUSIVB OP ORDI11Al1CE BO. 1,
JAllUARY 16, 1965, 8U&18C'l' TO CBR'l'ADI BXCBP'l'IOllS AllD ll>DIPICA'l'IORS C011'1'Ail1BD
SBC'l'IOR 1. Section• 13.13, 13.13-1 and 13.13-2 of the Municipal Code of the
City of Bnglewood are hereby ... nded to read a• followas
•113.13 Inver Buildin!!Codea Adopted. 'fhere i• hereby adopted by reference,
aa a part of • Building c e of the city of Bnglewood, with the aame force and
effect aa if the .... were .. t forth herein in full, aubject to the exceptions,
modification• and .. endmenta hereinbelow aet forth, the following provisions of
the following ordinance• of the City and County of Denver, State of Colorado, to-
(a) Ordinance 110. 14, Serie• of 1949, a• incorporated in Ordinance 110.
132, Serie• of 1952, a• issued and publiahed in July of 1953:
Chapter• 15, 16, 37, 44 and 51 through 54, incluaive.
(b) Ordinance 110. 1, Serie• of 1965, as issued and published on
January 16, 19651
Chapter• 4 through 14, 17 through 36, 38 through 43 and 45 through
50, each incluaive.
113.13-1 General Change• in Ado::ed Ordinance•. The following general changes,
llOdificatlona and ... nam8nta are her y made to each of the ordinance provisions
adopted by 113.13, to-wita
(a) 11berever the word• •city and County of Denver• appear in the provi-
aiona of either of the aaid ordinance•, auch word• shall be deleted
ud there ahall be aubatituted therefor the word• •city of Englewood":
and wherever juat the word •Denver• appear•, it •hall be deleted and
there •hall be aubatituted therefor the word "Bnglewood".
(b) Wherever the word• •Manager of Health and Boapitala• appears in
Ordinance Bo. 1, Serie• of 1965, auch word• •hall be deleted and
there ahall be aubatituted therefor the word• •Tri-County Health
(c) Wherever the word• •Article 234, Reviaed Municipal Code" appears in
Ordinance Bo. 1, Serie• of 1965, auch word• ahall be deleted and there
ahall be aubatituted therefor the word• •nPA, P•phlet 30".
(d) Wherever the word• •Chapter 16• or Ordinance Bo. 14, Series of 1925,
aa ... nd.s• appear in the provision• of either of the aaid ordinances,
such word• ahall be deleted and there •hall be substituted therefor
the word• •section 13.14 of the Reviaed Municipal Code".
(•) Wherever the word• •Denver rated• or Denver rating" appear in the
proviaiona of either of the •aid ordinance•, such words shall be
deleted and there ahall be aubatituted therefor the words "high
altituted rated" or high altitude rating•, respectively.
113.13-2 Specific Change• in Adopted Ordinances.
(A) The following apecific change•, modification• and amendment• are hereby
llad• in the proviaiona of Ordinance Bo. 140, Serie• of 1949, a• incorporated in
Ordinance Bo. 132, Seri•• of 1952, hereinabove adopted1
Section 1501. Change Diviaion 2 to read as followa1
Diviaion 2. Pence•, water tank•, tower•, and retaining wall•.
Section 15~ Add at the end of paragraph (a) thereof the following sentence:
Structure• of a t ••tal or corrugated metal shall not be permitted in reaiden-
tially-aoned diatricta.
Section l~ie. In paragraph 2 of aubaection (b) following the word "dwelling",
and preceding t • word •provided• insert the followings "and a height of five
f .. t fraa the rear of the dwelling to the back property line•.
In paragraph 3 of aubaection (b) strike the laat fifteen word• thereof,
becJinning with the word• •except that".
In paragraph 6 of aubaection (b) add the following sentence at the end
thereof 1 In the caae of a fence erected adjacent to and parallel with a retain-
ing wall, but on the low aide of auch wall, the height of the fence may be
-••ured from the top of the wall.
In paragraph 7 of aubaection (b) add the following aentence at the end there-
of 1 A rear yard fence for a diatance of 15 feet back shall taper down to three
f .. t aix inch•• (3'6•) on the atr .. t aide property line.
In paragraph 9 of aubaection (b) add the following at the end thereof:
Retaining wall• in reaidential areaa •hall not exceed three feet six inches (3'6")
in height unleaa atepped back one foot for each one foot of additional height.
Any variance 11Uat be approved by the Board of Adjuatment and Appeals.
In paragraph 10 of aubaection (b) delete the word• "or when" in the third
line thereof and aubatitute therefor the word •and."
f!ction 1601. 'lh• entire Chapter 16 ia deleted aince the subject matter
ia covered ln Section 13.14 of thia Municipal COde.
~tion 3702. In aubaection (b) delete the entire fourth aentence which be-
gin• v th the word• •axiating chillneya.•
Section 3712~ In the laat aentence of subaection (i) delete the last part
of the aald -ntence beginning with the words "in accordance with" and substitute
therefor the worda •with one quarter inch (1/4") mesh hardware cloth."
rft•pter 44. Chapter 44 of Ordinance &o. 140, Series of 1949, as incorporated
in O nance llo. 132, Serie• of 1952, haa been auperaeded by Ordinance Ro. 136,
Seri•• of 1950, aa contained in the appendix to the said code. The said appendix
ia alao incorporated herein and adopted by reference, with the following changes:
wherever the worda •Manager of Improvement• and Parks" appear therein, the
-are deleted and there ia aubatituted therefor the word• "City Engineer".
In Section 3 of the aaid ordinance no. 136, the entire second and third
paregrapha thereof ahall be deJlted and there shall be substituted therefor the
following paragraphs
'l'h• building department ahall enforce the provisions hereof with relation
to conatruction and aafety of walka, barricade•, canopies, railings or fences.
Penaita ahall be iaaued only after approval of the City Engineer.
Section 5115. In aubaection (e) delete the words "and Manager of Health and
ft:tion 51J7. In aubaection (a) delete the words "Prevention Bureau" and
aubat tut• therefor the word "Department."
Section 5158. In aubaection (b) delete the words "Prevention Bureau of the
City and County of Denver• and aubatitute therefor the word "Department."
Sjition 5403. In aubaection (d) strike all that part of the sentence begin-
ning w th the word• "in accordance with."
Section 5407. In the aecond aentence of aubaection (f) strike all that part
of the -ntence beginning with the word• •to relieve at" and substitute therefor
the worda •to ccmDly with the atate plmabing code as incorporated herein."
In aubaection (h) atrike the word •rece,ptacle" in the second sentence thereof
and add at the end of tho said sontonco the words "or to the outside in a manner
approved by th• building inapector•
Add a n.w aubaection (k) to read as follows:
(k) A pr•••ur• reducing valve ahall be inatalled to limit the pressure
on the hou-piping to 75 PSI aa provided in the Englewood Plumbing
(8) 'lh• following apecific changea, modification• and amendments are hereby
...Se in the proviaion• of Ordinance Bo. 1, Serie• of 1965, hereinabove adopted:
Section 400-4. Add at the end of Paragraph "Garage, Repair" add a new
paragraPli aa followas "Garase, Servict.i• any building or portion thereof used
for change of parta only.•
f!Cfion;J02.if • After the paragraph Value or Valuation delete the words "See
Chapter • a th• worda •see Section 13.7 of the revlaed Municipal Code."
Section 504. In the laat aentence of aubaection (e) delete the last part
of the aald aentence beginning with the word• "the Zoning Administrator" and
aubatitute therefor the word• "Chief Building Inspector under authority granted in
Ordinance llo. 26, Seriea of 1963."
Section 511. In the firat aentence delete the following words "Building
Licen-.a Claaa A, B, c and hoaae owner•, Wrecking Licensee• Class A and B and
aubatitute the following words "Building contractors, home owners and wrecking
. -375 . ~\;[·~
' ..
. _., ~·3'76
l!ction 910. In aubaection (b) delete the laat aentence beqinning with the
word• •-rtie Board of Health and Roapitala ••••••• "
Section 1002. Add a new aubaection (b) 6. to read a• follows: "Blowout
panel• -y be required in certain location• by the Chief Buildinq Inspector."
Section 1010. In aubaection (a) in the firat aentence after the words
•ory cleaning plant•• add the followinq word• •uainq combustible solvents."
In aubaection (d) in the laat ••ntence delete the followinq words "Article
762, Reviaed llunicipal eocte• and add the followinq word• •ordinance Ho. 26,
Seri•• of 1963.•
Section 1011. In aubaection (d) 3. in the firat sentence delete the follow-
ing word• •Cliapter 53• and add the followinq word• •section 13.23 of the revised
Municipal Code.•
Section 1109. In aubaection (b) in the firat aen tence delete the followinq
word• •..,r• than one• and inaert the following word• "one or more."
Section 1110. In aubaection (d) delete the followinq words, "Article 762,
reviaed Jlunlclpai Code• and aubatitute the words "Ordinance Ho. 26, Series of
Section 14gs. Add at the end of aubaection (d) the followinq notation.
*See Section 14 9 -exception•."
Section 1409. Add at the end of this aection the followinq sentence "A
vaate dlapoaal •hall not be required when dwelling ia connected to other than a
aanitary sewer.•
Section 1715. In the first aentence delete the followinq words "article
633• and aUbatitute the followinq words •section 13.16 of the revised Municipal
In the third paraCJraph delete the following word• •Article 633" and "Zoninq
Adlliniatrator• and 8Ubatitute the following word• •section 13.26 of Revised
Municipal Code• and Chief Building Inspector.•
yectiTn 2400. In the laat sentence delete the followinq words "Chapter 1
of th • Bu ldlng Code• and aubatitute the following word• •section 13.9 of re-
viaed Municipal Code.•
S19tion 2601. In the firat .. ntence delete the following words •Chapter
3• aDd aUbatltute the following word• •Chapter 13 of the revised Municipal Code."
Sectifn 2802. In aubaection (c) paragraph 5 in the laat aentence delete
the follow~g word• •112 of the Building Code• and substitute the followinq
words •27 of the revised Municipal Code."
Section 2805. In aubaection (a) in the first sentence after the words
•Acceaaory bUlidlng• insert the following word• "of Type IV or v construction
except -aonry veneer buildinga.•
In aubaection (b) in the first sentence after the word "Group" delete the
letter •I• and 8Ubatitute the letter •J•. Aleo, delete the letter "I" and sub-
atitute the letter •J• in the title of the aubaection and delete "750 sq. ft."
and aubatitute $1,000 aq. ft.•
Section 2830. In the hearing of the Table Ro. 28-A after the words "Type
III aulidlnga• add the following word• "and Type v masonry veneer buildings."
In Table Ro. 28-B under •llO'l'BS• after the word• RO. 26-c• add the followinq
worda •alao note exception• in Section 2805."
Section 3303. under subsection (b) add a paragraph 3 a• follows: "Plate
glaaa dOOra aball have a diviaion bar or be plainly marked."
Section 3801. Add the following words at the end of the fourth paraqraph
•Denver lftiread Specif icationa 3-3/32 OD x 8 thread -plua or minus -Root Diameter
Section 3806. In subsection (a) in the last sentence delete the following
worda 1 Clilef lliglneer of the Denver Board of Water Ccmmiaaioners" and substitute
th• following word• •utility Director.•
yection !Ii'· In aubaection (d) delete the followinq words "Chapter 3" and
aubattute theollowinq word• •section 13 of the reviaed Municipal Code."
Sect~ 3810. In the firat aentence delete the followinq words "of the
Denver Bo of Water Ccamiaaionera and the Denver" and inaert the followinq
.orda •approved by the unitity Director and the Bnqlewood Pire Department." .
At th• end of the paragraph delete the followinq words "Denver Board of
Water C~aaionera• and add the following word• •utility Director."
Section 4601. In subsection (e) 1. delete the following words "Class A
Wrecker -$20,000/50,000 $100,000/300,000 and Cla•• B Wrecker -$20,000/50,000 -
$50,000/100,000• and add after Bouae Mover the followinq word "wrecking."
" i;.:'
In aubaection 2. at the end of the firat paravraph delete the follewing
word• •cla•• A Wrecker• and add th• following word• •11oving and/or Wrecker
S19tion 46~2. In aubaec:tion (b) 3. delete the word• "City Engineer" and
•Denver Board o Water Camaiaaionera• and aubatitute the following word• "Utility
~t· in both placea.
S~tion 4613. In aubaection (h) in the firat aentence delete the following
word• of twenty-five dollar• ($25.00)• and "for out-of-city building•" and in
the firat apace inaert the following words "a• provided in Section 13.11-3 of
th• reviaed llunici,pal Code."
lecti~n 4801. In aubaection (d) delete the word• "Chapter 3" and substitute
th• follow ng word• •section 13 of the revised Municipal Code."
Section 4810. In aubaection (c) delete the word• "Chapter l" and substitute
the following word• •section 13 of the reviaed Municipal Code."
In aubaection (•) delete th• word• •Chapter 53 of thi• Building Code" and
aabatitut• th• following word• •section 13.23 of the reviaed Municipal Code."
Section 4:!£· In aubaection (d) delete the word• "Chapter 53 of this Build-
ing coa.• and •titut• the following word• •section 13.23 of the revised
llunicipal Code.•
Secti°j 5001,2.57.1. Delete the last part of the aentence beginning with the
word• 'and t •••••• 1
Section 5001.2.57.2. Delete the word• •ord. 98, Serie• of 1955."
Section 5007.21. At the end of the paragraph add the following sentence.
tlhere bOth emcee are -ployed, toilet facilitiea •hall be provided for each sex."
Section or Table 5007.21.2. Add a paragraph 10 a• follow•• "10. All places
that have .-ployeea of bOth aexea •hall provide toilet facilities for each ses."
Section 50lf .1.l. Delete the word• "City Bngineer1 and substitute the fol-
lowing word• •ut iity Director.•
Section 5015.A.l. In thi• paragraph delete the following words: "adopted
by the Board of Health and Boapital• and prcmulgated by the Department of Health
and Boapitalar• and aubatitute the following word• "preacribed by the Tri-County
Health Departllent.•
lec:tion 5015.A.2.l. Delete the portion of the la•t sentence beginning with
the WOrda •In Section lOl ••••• " and add the following words "by the Tri-County
Bealth D~rtment.•
Section 5015.A.2.2. Delete thi• entire aection.
Section 5015.A.2.3. Delete the word "department" in the last part of the
-ntence and inaert the word "owner." ·
Section 5016. Delete the laat part of the aentence beginning with the words
•by the Chief •••••• • and aubatitute the following word• "and inspection by Tri-
county Health Department."
SBCTIQB 2. Bot le•• than three (3) copie• of each of the Ordinance herein
adopted ahall be filed with the City Clerk on or before fifteen (15) days prior
to the date .. t for the public hearing upon thi• ordinance and shall be kept by
hia for public inapection. Upon adoption of thi• ordinance, the City Clerk or
the Cbi6f Building Inapector •hall keep a reaaonable aupply of copies of the said
ordinance• for •ale to the public.
Introduced, read in full, paaaed on first reading, ordered published as a
Bill in th• Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae and a public hearing set thereon for
the 16th day of llay, 1966, at a regular meeting of the City Council held this
18th day of April, 1966.
Pa••ed on Pinal Reading by the City Council at a regular meeting held this
16th day of llay, 1966.
Second public hearing held on the 5th day of July, 1966, and passed on
final reading by City Council at a regular meeting held thi• 5th day of July,
-----,,-r-Ma~ --
I, Claude D. llalone, Jr., City Clerk-Treaaurer, City of Bnglewood, county of
Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing
Ordinance waa intzoudaced, read in full, paaaed on firat reading, orderded pub-
liabei aa a 8111 in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae and a public hearing set
thereon for the 16th day of llay, 1966, at a regular meeting of the City council
held on the 18th day of April, 19661 that notice of aaid public hearing was
publiahed in the aaid Bnglevood Herald and Bnterpriae twice, once at least fif-
t .. n (15) daya preceding the hearing and once at leaat eight (8) days preceding
the hearingr that 110re than aeven (7) daya after the above publication as a Bill,
the above Ordinance waa approved, adopted and ordered publiahed as an Ordinance
in aaid legal newapaper by the City Council at a regular meeting held on the
16th day of llay, 1966, aa Ordinance Ro. 7, Serie• of 1966, of said City. There-
after. due to defective notice of public hearing, the final paaaage thereof was
declared invalid, a new public hearing waa aet thereon for the 5th day of July,
1966, appro~iate notice thereof waa given and the aame waa approved, adopted
and ordered/Jlbliahed aa Ordinance Ro. 7, Serie• of 1966, at a regular meeting
held on the 5th day of July, 1966.
~ aL
city Clerk~ea-aure~