HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 Ordinance No. 008·;1
1111BRBAS, Paving Diatrict Ro. 16, in the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, has
been duly created by Ordinance Ro. 3, Series 1966, of •aid City, finally adopted
and approved on the 21st day of March, 19661 and
WBBRBAS, Rotice to contractors to submit bid• for the construction of the
iaprov-enta in •aid Diatrict ha• been duly publiahed and the contract for , such
conatruction ha• been duly awarded to Peter Kiewit San•' Company of Englewood,
Color.Soi and
WllBRBAS, Rotice of the aale of approxillately $182,000 of the bond• of said
Diatrict ha• been duly publiahed and auch bond• have been awarded to Bosworth,
Sullivan and CClllpany, Inc., Boettcher and Company, Coughlin and Company of Denver:
WllBRBAS, it i• now neceaaary to provide for the iaauance of said bonds and
the fora and payment thereof 1
Section 1. By virtue of and in purauance of the law• of the State of
Colorado, the Charter and Ordinance Ro. 14, Seri•• 1965, of aaid City, bond• of
Paving Diatrict Ro. 16 in aaid City •hall be iaaued for the purpose of paying
for local iaprov ... nt• conatructed in aaid Pavin9 Diatrict. Said bond• •hall
be dated a• of June 1, 1966, and •hall con•i•t of 172 bond• in the denomination
of $1,000 each, numbered 1 to 172, incluaive. Said bond• •hall be payable to
bearer and ahall be absolutely due and payable on June 1, 1977, aubject to call
and prior payment in direct nU1Derical order at par and accrued intereat on any
intereat payment date upan thirty day•' notice publiahed in the Bnglewood Herald
and Bnterpriae.
Said bond• ahall be aigned with the facaiail• aignature of the Mayor,
atteated and counteraigned by the manual aignature of the City Clerk and Treasurer,
and •••led with a facaimile of the aeal of •aid City, and •hall be payable out
of 110niea collected from aaaea .. ent• to be levi.. for the improvements constructed
in •aid Diatrict and from fund• hereinafter mentioned. Should any offcer whose
aanaal or facaiaile aignature appear• on aaid bond• or the coupons thereto attached
cea .. to be auch officer before delivery of the bond• to the purchaser, such
aanual or fac:aiaile aignature •hall neverthel••• be valid and auf f icient for all
purpo ....
Said bond• ahall bear intereat payable •-i-annually on the lat day of June
and th• lat day of December each year •• evidenced by two aeta of coupons to be
att.ehed to •aid bond•, auch coupon• to be aigned with the facsimile signature of
the City Clerk and Treaaurer. Said intereat caupona •hall be designated "A" and
•a•, respectively. Coupon• •hall be attached to bond• numbered in the following
achedule ahowing intereat rate• and the number of •a• coupons to be attached to
each of aaid bond•:
"A" Coupon•
From Date
"B" Coupons
Bond• Roa. Amount To Maturity Prem :!:2
1-50 f50,000 3 3/4-2" 7-1-66 12-1-66
51-80 30,000 3 7/8~1.6°" 7-1-66 6-1-67
81-172 90,000 4 -1.6°" 7-1-66 6-1-67
Section 2. Said bond• and the coupon• to be attached thereto shall be in
aubatantially the following forms
llo. __________________ ~
(Form of Bond)
'l'h• City of Bnglewood, in the County of Arapahoe and State of Colorado, for
value received, acknowledge• itaelf indebted and hereby promises to pay to the
bearer hereof the principal aum of
-~ :· U«.LI .......
•. ·3li0
in lawful 11e>ney of the United Stated of America, on the lat day of June, 1966,
aabject to ca11 and payment, however, on any intereat payment date, with interest
thereon evidenced by intereat coupon• deaignated "A" at the rate of per
centua ( ") per annum frca date until payment, payable amni-annually on
the lat day of June and lat day of December each year, *(and additional interest
aa evidenced by intereat coupon• deaignated •a• at the rate of per
c:entul ( ") per ann1111, for the period frca _, 1966, to
, 19 , lncluaive, payable , ) all auch princip-a"'!!"l_a_n""'!'d--
lntereat"lMting payable at the rlrat Rational Bank of Bnglewood, in Englewood,
Colorado, upon preaentation and aurrender of the attached coupons and this Bond
aa they aeverally become due or are called for payment.
ftlia Bond ia iaaued for the purpoae of paying the coats of street and avenue
:1aproYe11enta in Paving Diatrict Ro. 16, in the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, by
virtue of and in full conformity with the Law• of the State of Colorado, The Charter
of aaid City and an ordinance of aaid city duly adopted, approved, published and
..Se a 1aw of aaid City prior to the iaauance hereof.
'l'hia Bond ia payable out of the proceed• of apecial aaaeaaments to be levied
upon real eatat• aituated in the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, in Paving District
•o. 16, apecially benefited by aaid iaprov ... nta, which aaaeaaments so to be
levied, with acc:rued intereat, will be lien• on aaid real estate in the respec-
tive ..aunt• to be apportioned thereto and aaaeaaed by an ordinance of said City,
and, if neceaaary, from the Surplua and Deficiency Pund heretofore created pursu-
ant to the Charter of aaid City.
ftl• Charter of aaid City providea1 "Whenever a public improvement district
baa paid and cancelled four-fifth• of ita bond• outatanding, and for any reason
the r ... ining aaaea .. enta are not paid in time to take up the final bonds of the
Diatrict and the intereat due thereon, and there ia not sufficient money in said
apecial aurplua and deficiency fund, then the City ahall pay aaid bonds when due
and intereat due thereon and reiJlburae itaelf by collecting the unpaid assessments
du• aaid diatrict.•
It ia hereby certified and recited that the total iaaue of bonds of said
City for aaid Diatrict, including thia Bond, doea not exceed the amount authorized
by lawr that every requir ... nt of law relating to the creation of said Paving
Diatrict Ro. 16, the making of aaid local improvement• and the issuance of this
Bond haa been fully coaaplied with by the proper officer• of said City, and that
all condition• required to exiat and thing• required to be done precedent to and
in the iaauance of thia Bond to render the aame lawful and valid, have happened,
been properly done and perforaed, and did exiat in regular and due time, form
and ·llallfter aa required by law.
For the payment of thia Bond and the intereat thereon, the City pledges
all of it• 1awful corporate powera.
IR t'BSTDIOllY 11BBRBOP, the City of Bnglewood haa cauaed this Bond to be
aigned with the facaiaile aignature of it• Mayor, atteated and countersigned by
th• 11anual aignature of the City Clerk and Treaaurer, aealed with a facsimile
of th• co~rate aeal of aaid City, and the intereat coupon• hereto attached to
be aigned with the facaiaile aignature of the City Clerk and Treasurer, as of
the lat day of June, 1966.
(Pac•imile Signature)
LDo not •ign)
City-Clerk----.ncl Treaaurer
(Pona of coupon)
llo. A ____ _ $ ___ _
•o. •-----$ ___ _
June On the lat day of December 19 , the City of Englewood, in the County
of Ara~oe and State of Coloraao, will pay to the bearer
-----------------------------DOLLARS ----------------------------._;DOLLARS
in lawful 110Dey of the United State• of America, at the Pirat Rational Bank of
Bnglewood, in Englewood, Colorado, being intereat then due on its local improve-
•ent bond iaaued for the conatruction of local improvmnenta in Paving District
•o. 16, Bnglewood, Colorado, provided the Bond to which this coupon is attached
ahall not have been theretofore called for payment or paid. Attached to Bond
dated JUne 1, 1966, bearing
llo. ______________ _ (Pacaiaile S_Mmatuxe)
C1ty C~erk-and Treasurer
*In-rt the following clame on Bonda Rullbered. ___ _ to , inclusive.
Section 3. 'lhe proceed• of aaid bond• •hall be applied only to pay the
coata and expenaea of conatructing the iaprovements in said District and all
other coata and expenaea incident thereto. In the event that all of the proceeds
of aaid bonda are not required to pay auch coata and expenses, any remaining
..ount ahall be paid into the apecial aaseaament fund for the purpose of calling
in and paying the principal of and interest on aaid bonds.
Section 4. Said bond• and the interest thereon shall be paid from special
aa .. a ... nta to be levied on the real property in aaid District, fran the Surplus
and Deficiency Pund of aaid City and frc:a any other available funds of the city.
lftlen there ia on hand a aufficient maount to pay aix months' interest on out-
atanding bond• of •aid Diatrict, the City ahall call for payment, on the next
intereat payment date, outatanding bond• in nU1Derical order with funds available
Section 5. After the expiration of the period for caah payments of assess-
aenta in full, the City ahall, to the extent poaaible, pay each year not less
th.a l°" of the total alDOunt of bonda of aaid Diatrict outatanding after the pay-
.. nt of bond• with the proceed• of auch caah payment• of aasesaments in full.
Section 6. '!hat in accordance with Section 108 of the Charter of said City,
whenever there ia a deficiency in the fund of aaid Iaprovement District to meet
payment of outatanding bond• and intereat thereon, auch deficiency shall be paid
out of the apecial Surplua and Deficiency Pund of aaid City. Whenever said
Diatrict ha• paid and cancelled four-fifth• of the bond• iasued therefor and for
any rea80n the r ... iniDCJ aaaea ... nta are not paid in tiae to take up the final
bond• of the Diatrict and intereat due thereon, and there ia not sufficient money
in aaid Surplua and Deficiency Pund, then the City ahall pay aaid bonds when due
and inter .. t thereon and reillburae itaelf by collecting the unpaid assessments
due aaid Diatrict.
Section 7. If it •hall be neceaaary to advance 110ney to maintain current
payment• of intereat and equal annual payment• of the principal amount of the
bond• iaaued for aaid Diatrict, the City Council ahall levy annual taxes on the
taxable property within the City not exceediDCJ two aill• in any one year and
ahall apply the proceed• of auch taxea for aaid purpoae. In lieu of such tax
leviea, the Council may annually tranafer to auch apecial fund any available money
of the City, but in no event ahall the a110unt tranaferred .in any one year exceed
the 1110unt which would reault from a tax levied in auch year as herein limited.
Buch tax leviea or tranafera of funda may be llad• in accordance with and pursuant
to Section 109 of the Charter of aaid City.
Section 8. Should any part or proviaion of the Charter of the City of
Bnglewood, COlorado, or thia Ordinance, or any part or proviaion of :an ordinance
or the charter of any other City in the State of Colorado having substantially
aillilar tenu and proviaiona aa thoae contained in the Bnglewood Charter or this
Ordinance, ever be judicially deterained to be invalid or unenforceable, such
detend.nation ahall not affect the r ... 4ting part• and provisions of the
Bnglewood Charter or thia Ordinance, th.,.ntention being that each part and pro-
viaion of th• Charter and thia Ordinance i• aeverable.
All ordinance• or part• thereof in conflict with thia Ordinance are '"hereby
Section 9. '!hia Ordinance, after ita final paaaage ahall be recorded in a
book k~pt for that purpoae1 ahall be authenticated by the aignatures of the Mayor
and City Clerlu ahall be publiahed as provid4n the Charter of the city: and
after becaaing effective, ahall be irrepealable until the bonds of said District
ahall be paid in full.
Section 10. A public Bearing on thia Ordinance will be held in the council
Roall of th• City Ball on Monday, the 16th day of May, 1966, at the hour of 8:00
o'clock P.M.
Section 11. 'fhia Ordinance ahall take effect tlltrty days after publication
following final paaaaage.
PUALLY ADOP'l'BD MID APPROVBD thia 16th day of llay, 1966.
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