HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 Ordinance No. 009982
Introduced by COUDcilllan Ludwig
Chapter 9 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bnglewood is hereby repealed,
and re-enacted with ... ndlDenta to read aa followa, to-wits
•19.l ptfiniMona. Por the purpo-of thia Ordinance, the following
teaaa, phra .. a, wo~and their derivation• ahall have the meaning given
herein. 11hen not inconaiatent with the context, word• uaed in the present
ten• include the future, and vorda in the plural number include the singular
n•e4-er. the word • ahall • ia alway• -ndatory and not .. rely directory.
(a) •city• i• th• City of Bnglewood.
(b) •Director• ia the Director of Parka and Recreation of the city
of Bnglewood, appointed by the City Manager thereof, or any
peraon to whaa he haa delegated the authority granted by this
Ordinance, or any ... ndllent hereto.
(c) •Park• ia any area uaed aa a park, re .. rvation, playground,
beach, recreation center, achool facility or any other area
in the City, owned or uaed by the City, and devoted or
deaignated to active or paaaive recreation, either on a tem-
porary or peaaanent baaia.
19.2 Park• and Recreation Ccaaiaaion B•t!bliahed.
there ia hereby eatabliahed a joint caaaiaaion of the City of Englewood and
School Diatrict Bo. 1, Arapahoe County, Colorado, to be known as the Parks and
Recreation CCllllli.aaion. 'the aaid caaaiaaion ahall conaiat of aeven persons, two
of wham ahall be appointed by the Board of Bducation of School District No~ 1,
a.o of who ahall be appointed by the City Council, and three of whom shall be
.. 1ected by the four appointee• deaignated by the Board of Bducation and the
City Council.
19.3 Tena• of Office.
'lbe City Council ahall deaignate one •ellb•r of the ccmaiaaion to serve until
Pebruary 1, 1962 and one •-ber to aerve until Pebruary 1, 1964. The Board of
Bducation ahall deaignate one m81Dber of the cCllllli.aaion to aerve until February 1,
1962. and one •wber to ••rv• until February l, 1964. t'h• four manbers thus
deaignated ahall deaignate two additional member• to aerve until February 1, 1962,
and one additional •~er to aerve until Pebruary 1, 1964. Nabers of the said
cc iaaion thereafter deaignated ahall be deaignated for terms of four years.
CC encing Pebruary 1, 1968, at leaat one •.-ber of the caaaiasion shall be an
Bngl...-ood reaident reaidin9 outaide of the boundari•• of School District No. 1.
19.4 Organisation.
th• Parka and Recreation Camaiaaion ahall aelect ita own chairman at the first
regular ... ting of the CC111Diaaion. t'he chainaan ahall be entitled to enter into
all diacuaaiona of the cawaJ.aaion and to vote on all queations before the commission.
~· chainaan •hall be th• preaiding officer and •hall have auch other and further
duti•• aa -y be deaignated by the rule• and regulation• of the canmission.
19.5 Ogoru11.
Pour •ellbera of the cOllllliaaion ahall conatitute a quorum for the transaction
of buaineaa. In the abaence of four ._.bera, auch INlll'bera aa are present may adjourn
frma tille to time until a quorum ia present.
19.6 Power• and Duties.
!'he Parka and Recreation CClllllliaaion shall have the following powers and duties:
(a) 'fo rec:c end a joint policy of recreation.
(b) To draw a reo.c ended annual budget with an estimate of the anticipated
revenue frma all aourcea, including the lllOUDt of fund• required there-
for fr:o11 the city, together with an ••tiaate of expenditures for the
next calendar year, which aaid budget •hall be aubnitted to the city
•anager prior to July 1 of each year.
(c) To plan a recreational prograa with the advice of the Parks and
Recreational Director.
(d) To have power• of rec0111Dendation for the poaition of Parka and
Recreation Director, a• well a• recc 1 endin9 relea .. if he fails
to carry out hi• dutie• and reaponaibiliti••·
(•) To adopt rule• and r89Qlation• for the conduct of it• meetings and
duti•• of it• officer• and calllllitteea.
(f) To carry out auch other function• and dutiea a• may be fran time to
ti.lie deai90ated by identical reaolution• of the city council and the
Board of Bducation of School Diatrict Ro. 1, Arapahoe County.
19.7· Park• and Recreation CClllDiaaion Pund.
!'here i• hereby created a apecial fund of the city to be known as the "Parks
and Recreation CClllai.aaion Fund" to which •hall be credited all gifts, bequests,
devi••• and donation• for the benefit of the Parka and Recreation Camnission,
receipt• frc:m charge• by the cClllDiaaion for aervicea, allocations to the camnission
by the city frcm it• tax and revenue aourcea, and any and all other funds from
vbataoever aource derived for the apecific uaea and purpo•e• of said conanission.
Bxpenditurea •hall be made fram the said fund for the purpoae of the dissemination
by the cc taaion in the promotion and develo189nt of park• and recreation for the
city in cooperation with School Diatrict Ro. 1, Arapahoe County, Colorado. Appro-
priation• .. Y be .. de frca time to time for the aforeaaid purposes by the city
council to the order of the Park• and Recreation Ccmaiaaion to be expended by the
aaid cc iaaion for the foregoing object• and purpoaea. 'l'he Camnission shall keep
a full and cc:aplete aet of book• showing all receipt• and expenditures, and the
apecial fund herein created •hall be audited annually by an independent auditor.
Any and all 911ployee• and members of the cClllDiaaion authorized to disburse funds
ahall be bonded with a aufficient fidelity bond to cover all funds so handled.
19.8 Park• and Recreation Director.
(a) In order to have the park• of thi• City uaed to the fullest extent con-
•i•tent with an orderly recreational program, there i• hereby delegated to the
Director, or hi• de•i9D••, the authority to .Sopt and praaulgate such rules and
regulation•, governing behavior and conduct of peraon• within the park and recrea-
tional activitie• therein, a• he deem• neceaaary. Without in any manner limiting
the foregoin9 authority, the Director may deai90ate the day• and hours during which
any park ahall be open to the public and may deai90ate at any time any section or
part of any park to be cloaed to the public for any interval of time, either tem-
porarily or at r8C)Ular and atated interval•.
(b) Should any peraon fail to obaerve and obey any auch rules or regula-
tion• of the Director, the Director, or hi• deai90ee, may immediately
r..ove any auch peraon and may ban auch peraon frca the use of any park
and it• facilitie• for auch period of time a• may be necessary to
aecure C011Dliance with the rule• and recJUlation• adopted.
(c) Any peraon r..oved and/or banned frcm UH of the park facilities may,
within five (5) day• frca the date of the Director'• action appeal
the Director'• action• to the City council by filin9 with the City
clerk an appeal in writin9, aettin9 forth the ba•i• for such appeal.
At ilhe next ... ting of city Council, it •hall auatain or overrule
the Director'• action•, which deciaion •hall be final and irrepealable.
le.9 Perait• for Park A~tivitiea.
(a) A Perait and/or reservation •hall be required frcm the Director or his
deaignee before participating in any of the following park activities:
(1) Uae of any ball field.
(2) Uae of any park facilities for a public 9athering, procession,
parade or exhibition which can reaaonably be expected to have
an attendance of 25 peraon• or 1mre.
(3) Uae of any ahelterhouae or equivalent facility.
(b) Application. A peraon aeekiftCJ iaauance of a permit or reservation here-
under •hall file an application with the appropriate Director. The application
ahall atate1
(1) 'l'he n .. e and addre•• of the applicant.
(2) 'l'he n ... and addre•• of the peraon, peraona, corporation or
aaaociation aponaoring the activity, if any.
(3) 'fhe day and hour• for which the penait i• deaired.
(4) 'fhe park or portion thereof for which auch permit is desired.
(5) An ••tillate of the anticipated attendance.
(6) Any other information which the Director •hall find reasonably
neceaaary to a fair deteEIDination a• to whether a permit or reser-
vation ahould be i••ued bereunder.
~~sa~ ..... ' ·.
... ~
(c) Standard• for Iaauance. 'fhe Director ahall iaaue a permit or reservation
hereunder when he findaa
(1) '1'hat the propoaed activity or uae of the park will not
unreaaonably interfere with or detract fran the general
public enjoyment of the park.
(2) '!'hat the propoaed activity and uae will not unreasonably
interfere with or detract frOll th• pra10tion of public health,
welfare, aafety and recreation.
(3) '!'hat the propoaed activity or u .. ia not reaaonably antici-
pated to incite violence, crille or diaorderly conduct.
(4) !'bat the propoaed .ctivity ¥ill not entail unuaual, extraordinary
or burden8Cll expen .. or police operation by the · city.
(5) '!hat the facilitiea deaired have not been reaerved for other use
at th• day and hour required in the application.
(d) Appeal. Within five (5) daya after receipt of an application the Director
ahall either iaaue a perait or reaervation or ahall appraiae an applicant in writ-
ing of hi• reaaona for refuaing a permit, and any aggrieved peraon shall have the
right to appeal in writing within aeven (7) daya to the City Council, which shall
c:onaider the application under the atandarda .. t forthin aubaection (c) hereof and
auatain or overrule the Direc~or•a deciaion within fifteen (15) days. The decision
of the City Council ahall be final.
(•) •ffec:t of perait. A peraittee ahall be bound by all park rules and
regulationa and all applicable ordinance• fully a• though the amne were inaerted
in •aid peraita.
(f) Liability of Peraittee. 'fhe peraona or peraon to whan a permit is
iaaued ahall be liable for any loaa, d~ or injury auatained by any person
"1latever by rea80D of the negliqence of the peraon or peraona to whan such permit
ahall have been iaaued.
(9) aevocation. 'fh• Director ahall have the authority to re"°ke a permit
"-a finding of violation of any rule or ordinance, or upon good cause shown."
Paaaed on Pirat .. ading by the city Council of th• city of Englewood, Colorado,
thia 6th day of June, A.D. 1966, and ordered publiahed in full in the Englewood
a.rald and Bnterpri ...
Paaaed on Pinal .. ading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado,
thia 20th day of June, 1966, and ordered publiahed in full in the Englewood Herald
and BnterpriH.
---~-r Mayor --
I, Claude D. Malone, Jr., City Clerk-Treaaurer, City of Enqlewoo6, County of
Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hertby certif{ that the above and foregoing Ordinance
wa• introduced, read, paaaed and ordered publ abed aa a bill in the Englewood
Herald and BnterpriH at a regular ... ting of the City'council held on the 6th day
of Jane, 1966, and that at leaat 7 daya after above publication as a bill, the
above Ordinance waa approved, adopted, and ordered publiahed in said legal news-
paper by th• City Council at a regular aeeting held on the 29th day of June, 1966,
aa Ordinance llo. 9, Seri•• of 1966, of aaid City.
Ci-ty C:lerk-'lrea~