HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 Ordinance No. 010I I I :Introduced by COuncilaan Pullerton BY AOTllORITY ORDDIABCB BO. 10, SBJUBS OP 1966 All OltDDIAllCB AUftlDJUZIBG AllD DIRBC'l'IBG '1'llB llA10R AllD CITY CLBRIC-TRBASURBR m IXIDCUt'B A CDITRACl 11Ift BVBRB'1"1' &ealBLZLB IR '1'llB TO'l'AL AllOUllT OP $2,301.00 !OR BB CGIPLftB DftALT.A'f'IOB OP SMII'l'ARY SBWBR BXi'WJOB BO. 37A, A11D DBCLARDG All •BllJBICY. WBBRBAS, the city council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, has heretofore called for bid• for the conatruction of Sanitary S..,.r Bxtenaion &o. 37A, located in Dartllouth circle near the llmlpden Billa Baptiat Churchr and 1111BRBAS, upon receipt of thoae bida, Council deteaained that the amount of all bid• received were greatly in exceaa of the anticipated expenditure for the ••• and, by reaaon thereof, council rejected all bid• received and instructed the City Bngin .. r to negotiate with Bverett Schmelale, th• peraon aubmitting the low- ••t of aaid bid•, to deteraine the poaaibility of having and work performed at a price lower than that atated in the bid• receivedr and ..,BMBAI, the City Bngineer ha• entered into auch diacuaaiona and negotiations with the reault that, by making certain IDOdificationa in the proposed Agreement and convincing aaid Bverett Schmelzle that certain unit price• ahould be reduced ao that the aaid Bverett Schmelzle ia now ready and willing to execute an Agre .. ent for the conatruction of Sanitary s..,.r Bxtenaion Bo. 37A for the total 81111 of $2,301.00: and WlllRBAS, there exiata an imllediate neceaaity for the ccamaencement of said conatruc:tion work and council ha• determined that it ia in the beat interests of the City to accept the offer of the aaid Bverett Schmelale made as a result of negotiation between hi.a and the City Bngineer of th• City: _,., !'BRBIOU, BB IT 0--DBD BY TllB CITY COUllCJL OP '1'BB CI'l'Y OP BllGLEllOOD, cm.mJmO, AS POLLGIS 1 Section 1. Purauant to the proviaiona of Section 116 B of the Charter of the city of Bnglewood, the llayor and City Clerk-'l'reaaurer are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agre .. ent with Bverett Schllelzle for the construction of Sanitary Sewer Bxtenaion Bo. 37A for the total price of $2,301.00 and which AtJr•••nt ahall contain auch additional teraa aa .. Y be reccamaended by the City Bngineer and th• city Attorney. Section 2. Por the reaaona aet forth hereineove, council hereby declares that an ... r99ncy exiata and that the paaaage of thia Ordiance is necessary for the public property, health, peace and aafety, and that thia Ordinance, pursuant to th• proviaiona of Section 41 of the Charter of the City of Bnglewood, shall take effect t ediately upon it• paaaage. Introduced, read in full and unanilaoualy approved by a quorum present at_ a Special M .. ting of the City council of the city of BnglM«>Od held on the 21st day of June, 1966. Paaaed on final reading and ordered publiahed aa an Ordinance in the Englewood Herald and Bnterpri•• at a apecial -ting of the City Council held this 27th day of JUne, 1966. -~~ .. 7 -""' • 7 Mayor attWT1 ~d'~ ..... ,... city cTerlC~~rer I, Stepehn A. Lyon, City Clerk-Treaaurer, City of Bnglewood, County of Arapahoe, 8tah of color.SO, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Ordinance was introduced, read and unanilloualy approved by a quorua preaent at a Special Meeting of th• city council held on the 2lat day of June, 1966, and that the same was approved, adopted and ordered publiahed in aaid 199al n.wapaper by the City Council at a Special Meeting on the 27th day of June, 1966, a• Ordinance Bo. 10, Series of 1966, of aaid City. ~L~-~ r /Cl ty-ClerK-'l'reai(idr