HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 Ordinance No. 017Introduced by Councilllan Rice BY AUIBOJlift CXU>Dll\llCB BO. 17,·mIBS OP 1966 • cm»nnas u ••im ._. am1ez•AL ems °' ._ cnr °' am1.11mm>, BY ADDDG A -CllAftiD lJA I *BIO, WIJCB RBLA'l'BS 'IO BOUIDU All> EJ:CB ESTABLISHES MZBIMUM ft.NmAll>S GOVDIDm BUIC BQUI.-t AllD PM:ILD'IBS, PBYSJ:CAL CCB>ITI<B, MAD1'1'BllAllCE, OCCUl'AEY All) a•••inr. SAllrrAUQB or DllBLLDIG8 AllD l'llBllISBS AllD WRICH PROVmBS FOR 9111 ADllDID'l'ltM'JC. AllD mroa:::-ft 'lllBRBCJI'. BB I'1' oaDAillBD BY 'ftlB CCXB:IL OP '1'llB Cift Cl JmGLBWOCI>, COUl1'1'Y OF ARAPAHOE, nAn ar c~. !'he llUDicipal Cod• of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, is hereby amended by the .&lition thereto of a new Chapter 13A reading, in word• and figures, as follows: ·CllAP'l'D 13A BOUBDG CCl>B llJA.l. PUUOSB QI' OBDIDEB, LBGISIATJ:VB l'Dl>DGI AllD DBl'IBITI<BS • • al3A. l-l Stat•ent of Purpo••· a. Council declarH the purpoH of thia Chapter ia to protect, preserve and pZOllOte the pbyaical and mental health of the people, to investigate and control cc unicabl• diaeaaea, to regulate privately and publicly owned dwellings for the purpoH of aanitation and public health, to protect the aafety of the people and to pZOllOt• the general welfare by legialation which ahall be applicable to all 4'MllinCJ• now in exiatence or hereafter conatructed, and which1 (1) ••tabli•h•• minimum atandarda for baaic equipment and facilities for light, ventilation and heating, for aafety from fire, for the uae an! location and amount of aptace for human occupancy, and for aafe and aanitary -intenancer (2) determine• the reaponaibiliti•• of ownera, operators and ~mu of dwelling•r (3) provide• for the 'M!miniatration and enforcement of this Chapter. lllA.1-2 1e!9ialative l'indins• 'l'b• council f inda that there exiat, in the City of Bnqlewood, numerous 4'Mllinga which are aubatandard in one or 110r• illlpOrtant features of structure, equi1••nt, aanitation, -intenance or occupancyr and that in the absence of the regulat:J.ona ••t forth herein .any 110re now atandard dwelling• will become sub- atandard in one or 110re of th••• illportant featurea. Such aubstandard conditions adveraely affect the pbyaical and mental health of th• people, the control of cc anicabl• dia•aa•• and th• aaf ety and general welfare of the people ~d therefore require the ••tabliahmen~ and enforc .. ent of minimum housing standards. lllA.1-3 Title !'hi• Chapter of the Municipal Cod• ahall be known and may be cited as th• Bouaing Code, or th• Bouain9 Code of th• City of Bnglewood. lllA.1-4 G!neral p!finitiona ror the purpoH of thia Chapter, "°rda uaed in th• plural shall include th• aingular and worda uaed in th• •incJular aball include the plural. Words used in the wculin• 9mder ahall include the fwtnine, and "°rda uaed in the feminine gmder aball include the wculine. Wh•ever the "°rda •ttwelling, dwelling unit, zooming houae, zooming unit or pr-1•••• are uaed in thi• Chapter, they shall be conatrued aa thoUCJh tb9)' w.re followd by the "°rda •or any part thereof." Be tena •uaect• ahall include •deaiC)Ded• or •intended to be uaed.• llJA.1-s specific Definition• 1.Jnl••• the context clearly indicate• a different meaning, the following "°rda and phruea, when uaed in thi• Chapter 13A, ahall be construed to carry the followinCJ -aninCJ•• •Approved.• Shall -an approval by th• Building Department as a result either of iiiveatlgationa and teata conducted by it or by application of accepted principlH or teata eatabliahed by recognised authoritiea, or in accordance with atandarda ••tabliahed within thia Bouaing Code. ·aaa-ent.• Shall -an that portion of a bullding between floor and ceiling miCh la partly below and partly above grade and ao located that the vertical diatanc• froa grade to th• floor below i• l••• than the vertical distance from grad• to ceiling. •!f1ldins.• Shall .. an a atructure, including utilities, enclosed with a roof and Ehli exterior wall• built, erected and fraaed of component structural parta, deaigned for the houaing, ahelter, mcloaure and aupport of individuals, ani•l• or property of any kind. •aathrooa.• Shall .. an an encloaed apace containing one or more bathtuba, or a'hOWn, or both, and which -y alao contain fluah water closets, lavatori•• or fixture• ••rving aiailar purpo•••· •cellar.• Shall .. an that portion of a building between floor and ceiling whiCh ia wholly, or partly, below grade and ao located that the vertical diatance f rca grade to th• floor below ia equal to or greater than the vertical diatance from grade to ceiling • • , on Ball!f!Y• Stai~• and , ... .,.,.xa.• Shall mean hallways, •tairway• an puaagewaya located • awe ilftg and uaed by the occupants of more than bo dwelling unite or rooming unite. •J>wellincr.• Shall mean any building or atructure which is wholly, or partly, u.ed or Intended to be uaed for living or aleeping by human occupants. 11\a-'""rary houaing, aa hereinafter defined, ahall not be regarded aa a dwelling. •J>wellins UAit.• Shall mean one or 110r• rooma located within a dwelling, mich are occupied or aitch are intended or deaigned to be occupied by one family with faciliti•• for living, aleeping, cooking and eating. ••l•anta.• Shall -an wind, rain, anow, hail or aleet, or surface run-off water. •Jbcteraination.• Shall mean the control ud elimination of insects, rodente, veiidii or other peata by eliminating their harborage placea1 by removing or --king inacceaaibl• -teriala that -Y ••rve aa their foodJ or by poiaoning, apraying, fumigating, trapping or aiailar ---· •J'milx.• Shall .. ans (a) uy nUllber of peraona related by blood, marriage or adOption -intaining a ca;p;->n houaehold •• a aingle dwelling unitJ or (b) peraon• of the .... aex, who need not be related by blood, marria9e or adoption, living together u a aingle houaekeeping unit in a aingle dwelling unit. •G!Ebage.• Shall mean the animal and vegetable waate resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking or aerving of food. •Grade.• Shall .. an th• average of the finiahed ground level at the center of &Ii wall• of a building. In caa• wall• are parallel to and within five (5) f-t of a aid9Wlllk, alley or other public way, the above ground level ahall be -aaured at the elevation of aaid aid.walk, alley or public way. •Jlabitabl• aoc.a.• Shall mean any mcloaed floor apace meeting the requir .. anta of thla C!hilpt•r ·for aleeping, living, cooking or dining purpoaea, excluding auch apace• •• cloaete, pantriea, bath or toilet roou, aervice rooms, caanecting corridor•, laundriea, unfiniahed attic•, foyera, atorage spaces, utility rooma and aiailar non-habitable apace. •aot Water.• Shall mean water at a t911perature of not leas than 120 degree• l'ahrenheit. •1nfeatation.• Shall .. an th• pr•••ce within or around a dwelling of inaecta, rodm&, veiiiin or other peate of auch kind, or in auch numbers, as to cauae a hazard to health. •JSi!f'•·· Shall mean a room uaed, or deaigned to be uaed, for the preparation an cooking of food. •Livins.• l'or purpo••• of th• definition of a •habitable room", the tera •living• ah&ll -an each and every activity no™lly carried on within a h\Dlall habitation. •11ultipl• Dwellins.• Shall mean my dwlling containing more than two dwelling uni& or roo-lng unite. •11on-habitabl• a-·· Shall mean apace uaed aa pantriea, bath, toilet, laundzy, reaE, ctreaaing,er, atorage, utility, heater and boiler rooma, cloaeta, and other apacea for ••rvic• and -intenanc• of the building, ud thoae apace• uaed for acceaa, and horizontal or vertical travel betw.• atori••· ·~t.• Shall include any peraon liviDg, aleeping, cooking or eating in, or haviiiCj&CUal po•••••ion of, a dwellin9 unit or l'OOllin9 unit. •Operator.• Shall include uy peraon "'° baa oha19e, care or control of a building, or par£ thereof, in which dwellin9 unite or roomin9 unite are let. •owner.• Shall include uy peraon "'°' alone or jointly, or aeverally, with otheraa (a) au a legal or equitable intenat in a cMllint or .SW.lling unit, with or without acC0111>aDyin9 actual .,_••••ion tllenof r or, I !I I (b) Acta u the agent of a peraon having a legal or equitable interest in a .SW.lling or .SW.lling unitr or, (c) I• the general repreaentativ• or fiduciary of an estate through mich a legal or equitable intereat in a dwelling unit ia ad- lliniatered. •nr ... • Shall -an a natural peraon for purpoaea of the occupancy atandarda hereo~ and for other purpoa•• •hall •• and include any individual, firm, corporation, uaociation or partnerahip. •11tabl• water.• Shall mean water which, without further treatment, i• auitabl• or di'liiJtliig, culinary, and daaeatic purpo•••· •rr-1•••·· Shall .. an a lot, plot, or parcel of land, including the building•, aEr\ietur•• and other illprov•mta thereon. ·mi:!!·· Shall .. an caapletely enclo•ed by rigid partitions, doors or opaque v , from floor to ceiling and wall to wall • ... fuae.• Shall .. an all putreacibl• or non-putreacible waste, including garbage, rUiblih, uhea, atr .. t cleanin9a, dead animal•, offal, droppings, abandoned and/or non-operational appliwea, vehicle• and machinery, or parts therefrom. ·~·unit.• Shall .. an any rooa or group of rooma forming a single unit ued o~~ to be uaed for living and aleeping, but not for cooking or eating, purpo•••· •11ooetns Bouae.• Shall •an any dwelling, or that part of any dwelling, containing one or more rooming unit• in which apace i• let to three or more persona ~ are penument gueata. •aubbiah.• Shall mean all non-putreacibl• waate, conaiating of both callbuatibl• and non-cc:mbuatibl• vaatea, auch u paper, vrappinga, cigarettes, cardboard, tin cana, yard clipping•, leavea, branch••• 1'004, waste building -teriala, glua, bedding, crockery, unuaed houaehold furniahinga and similar -teriala. •scr6f M?tor Vehicle•.• Shall mean motor vehicle• not capable of being operated on pub le atr .. ta under the lm of th• State of Colorado. •t•rvic• aoom.• Shall mean any room uaed for atorage or utility purposes, and not inc ua;a ID & definition of habitable room. ·~.· Aa uaed in thia Ordinance and in th• rules and regulations punuant to---ei'Ii Ordinance i• mandatory. •sto3.• Shall mean thu portion of a building included between the upper aurface o any floor and th• upper aurface of th• next floor, except baa•mta and cellara, of a building included bebMen the upper surface of the toi-o•t floor and the ceiling or roof above. Jf th• finiahed floor level directly over a baa...nt i• more than five (5) feet above grade, auch baaement shall be conaidered a atory. •plied.• Shall mean paid for, furniahed, provided by or under the control of • owner or operator. •'l!rfr~ Bouains.• Shall mean any tent, trailer coach, or other atructure ua oruman •helter which i• d••iCJDed to be tranaportable and which i• not attached to the ground, to another atructure, or to any utilities system, or which i• aituated in a licenaed trailer park. •ventilation.• Shall mean the aupply and removal of air to and from a apace by naEUiil or Mchanical -an•. alA. 2. ADllDISTRATJQB OP BOUBDG CCl>E lllA.2-1 Bnforce11eDt AtJencx Por th• purpo•• of inauring proper COJll)lianc• with the provisions of tbia Chapter, the Chief Building Inapector of the City of Bnglewood, and hia autboriaed deaign .. a, are hereby empowered and directed to adminiater and enforce th• proviaiona of thia Chapter in the manner herein provided, and any rules or regulationa adopted purauant thereto, aubject to the general aupervision and control of th• City Jlmlager of the City of Bn9lewood. Jn llddition to auch other power• and duti•• which may be reaaonably neceaaary or deairabl• to inaure proper cempliance with th• proviaiona of this Chapter, th• Chief Building Jnapector, and any other peraon ao deaignated by him, or the City ... nager, i• hereby ••powered and directed to make auch inapectiona, inveatigationa and aurveya to detenlin• th• condition, uae and occupancy of .SW.llinga, ctw.lling unita, rooaing unit• and th• pr-1••• upon which the same are located u he believe• -Y be neceaaary. ror the purpoae of making auch inapectiona, inveatigationa and aurveya th• Chief Building Jnapector, and other authorized deaigneea, are hereby authorized to •ter, examine and survey all dwallinga, dwlling unite, rooaing unite and pr-1••• upon which the same are . . . located, at all re&80nabl• timea, provided, however, that identification of the Chief Building Inapector or any authorised deaipH, •hall be ••tablished by a 1*t9• of off ic• which ahall be cliaplayed upon 4•and. In th• event of any refuaal of any peraon to allow the Chief Builclin9 Inapector, or any authorized ' deaignH, to Mk• auch entrie•, inapectiona and inveati9ationa, the Chief Building Inapector i• hereby eaapowered to apply to any court of competent · juriacliction to procure a court order authorlsiDCJ auch entry, in•pection or aurv.y. 113A.2-2 unlawful to Binder or Cl>atruct 'l'h• owner, operator or occupant of every dwelling, dwelling unit or ::: EOORing unit ahall, upon pr••entation of proper identification, give the Chief Building %napec:tor, and any authorised deaignee, free ace••• to •uch dwelling, dwelling unit or EOORing unit and it• pr--1•••• for the purpoae of such inspection, in,,..tigation and aurvey. BY•ry occupant of a dwlling, dwelling unit or rooming unit ahall give the cnimer thereof, or hi• agent or employee, ace••• to any part of auch dwelling or ita preai••• at all reaaonabl• tim9a, for the purpose of making auch repair• or alterationa u are n•c•••&ry to effect compliance with the pro- viaiaaa of thi• Chapter or with any rule or regulation or any order issued pursuant to t:be proviaion of thi• Chapter. Bo peraon ahall in any manner hinder, obstruct, delay, reaiat, prevent or in any way interfere or attempt to interfere with the Chief Building Inapector, or any authorised deaignH, in the performance of the duti• ••t forth in thi• Chapter or refuae to penit hia to perform these duties by refuaing entrance to th• premi••• under the condition• pre•cribed herein, nor ahall any peraon r•fua• reuonable ace••• to the owner of any premises, or his 99mt or employ .. , for the purpo•• of making auch repair• or alterations as may be required or ordered purauant to the proviaiona of the Chapter. Any violation by any owner, operator or occupant of thi• •ection •hall •ubject such person to a proaecution for a violation of a municipal ordinance,· .. provided by other proviaiona of thi• Municipal Code, and to •uch fine or other penalty aa may be authorised for •uch a violation, in addition to •uc:h other and further r•edies u may be available to the Chief Building In•pector or to the City of Englewood. lia&:r2•3 Procedure for Bnforc-•t •ennera 'lb• proviaiona of thi• Chapter •hall be enforced in the following (a)_ llotic• of Violatioy 1ftlenever the Chief BuildincJ Inapector, or any authorized deaignee, .• deteDlin.. that there hu been a violation of any proviaion of · thi• Chapter, or of any rul.• or r9CJ111at:ion adopted purau.nt hereto, 1 he ahall ••rve notice of •uch alleged violation• to the peraon or peraon• who are or may be r••ponaibl• therefor, a• enumerated in \ 113A.7. Such notice •hall be aigned by the Chief Building In•pector, or any authorised deaignee, and ahall1 (1) be in writings (2) particularise the violation• alleged to exiat or to have been cc ittedr and (3) provide a reuonable time, but not l••• than thirty ( 30) days in any event, for th• correction of th• violation• particularized. Service •ball be u provided for peraonal ••rvice by Rules of civil rzocedure for court. of Record in Colorado or by regiatered or certified -il, return receipt requeated, delivered to addr••••• only. If one or more permona to whoa th• notice i• addreaaed cannot be found or served after dili9•t effort •o to do, ••rvic• -y be made upon such person or peraona by poating a notice in a con•picuou• place in or about the dwelliDg, dwelling unit, rooming unit or premi••• affected by the notice. (b) pt1i1Mtiop of I inent Buarda 1'h•ewr th• Chief Building Inapector, or any authorized designee, deter.unea that a 4'Mlling, 4'Mlling unit or rooming unit does not oonfom to the atandarda ••tabli•hed by thi• Chapter, or does not ooefom with th• rule• and regulation• adopted and promulgated hereunder, and which by reaaon of auch nonconformity presents an i tn•t hasard to public health, •afety, or welfare or to the phyaical or mental health of the occupant• therein, the Chief Buildin9 Inapector, or any authorised d••ignee, without prior notice or hearing, -Y deaignate •uch dwelling, dwelling unit or EOORin9 unit u unfit for human h-1>itation. (c) rlacardingr Order to Vacate Any dwelling, 4'Mllin9 unit or rooming unit deaignated as unfit for human habitation by the Chief Building Inspector, or any au- thorised d••ignee, •hall be appropriately placarded as such and •hall be vacated by the occupant. thereof within the time speci- fied in auch placard. Such placard •hall be deaned an order I I directing vacating, and •hall provide, not l••• than ten (10) days froa th• date of auch placarding~ for the vacating of such dwelling, dwelling unit or rooming unit unl••• a leaaer time is •tated in the order u in the judgment of the Chief Building In•p•ctor, or any authorized deaignee, i• r ... onable and proper in view of the facts of th• aituation and the hazard involved. (d) correction of Defecta llo dtMlling, dwelling unit or roo-tng unit which haa been deaignated u unfit for human habitation and placarded u auch ahall again be uaed for human habitation until written approval ia ••cured from and auch placarding removed by the Chief Building Inapector, or any authorized deaignee. '!he Chief Building Inapector, or any authorized deaign .. , ahall re.>ve auch placard whenever the defect or defect• upon which the de•ignation and placarding wen bu~ have been eliainated and the dwlling, 4'Mlling unit, or rooming unit ha• been ...Se to conform to the atandarda eatabliahed by thia Chapter and the proviaiona of the rule• and regulation• adopted and promul- gated hereunder. (e} unlawful to Deface Placard (f) It ahall be unlawful for any peraon to deface, remove or obacun any placard affixed under the proviaiona of thi• Chapter. -rs-ex rroceedigl• If any o'Wler nfuaea or neglect• to comply with a final order of the Chief Building Inapector, or of any authorized deaignee, or with any deciaion of the Board of AdjuatMnta and Appeala, and if an imminent hazard to public health, aafety or welfare exi•ta, the Chief Building Inapector, or any authorized d••ignee, ahall, with the approval of the Board of Adjuatment and Appeal• given upon an ex parte application therefor, cauae to be done whatever i• neceaaary to obviate ••id i inent hazard, including the demolition of any dwelling, or any part thereof, concerned. Demolition •hall be accomplished by inatituti-ng appropriate proceeding• in the Di•trict.court in and for th• County of Arapahoe and State of Colorado under theae provisions •. In auch proceeding• there ahall be joined •• defendants the _owner of the property and the tenant of the dwelling, if there be one. 'lh• coat• of auch proceedinga, together with the reasonable attorney's f .. a, and expena•• of demolition, ahall be collected in the action. 'l'h• coata, feea and expen••• enumerated above, if not otherwise paid by the defendanta, or collected .upon execution in the manner provided by law, ahall conatitute a lien against the premises. In thia event, the Chief Building Inapector, or any authorized desiqnee, ahall certify a atat~t thereof to the Clerk of the City of Englewood, who ahall record a notice of auch lien in the manner provided for the recordation of inatrumenta affecting title to real property. '!he City Clerk ahall aa•••• and charge the •ame again•t the property involved, and collect the auma due, together with intereat at the rate of intereat ••tabliahed by law for. delinquent real property taxes. If neceaaary, the property involved ahall be aold in the manner prescribed for aal•• of property for delinQuent property taxes. The lien created hereby ahall be auperior and prior to all other liens, regardleaa of the nature and the date• of their reapective recordation, eX:cept lien• for general and apecial tax••· llU.3 AU'l!lcarlY OP BOUD OF ADJ1J8'1'JIBft MID APPBAIB lllA.l-1 Appeal to Board of Ad:tuatment Any peraon aggrieved by any notice or order iaaued pur•uant to the provi- aiona of llJA.2 .. Y appeal the .... to the Board of Adjuat:m.nt and Appeals, created by ::. Section 59 of the Chapter of the City of Bnglnood, within .thirty (30) days froa the date of receipt of the notice of any alleged violation, or within seventy-a.o (72) houra from the time of placarding of any unit, by preaenting written notice of auch appeal to the Secretary of aaid Board in the manner provided by the Charter of the City of Englewood and the Rule• of Procedure adopted by aaid Board. lllA.l-2 Authority to Interpr•- In the determination of any auch appeal the Board of Adjustment and Appeal• ia hereby granted the authority to interpret, conatrue and apply the proviaiona of thia Chapter. llo peraon ahall have the right to aaaert any claim againat the Chief Building Inapector, or any authorized deaignee, or against the City of Bngl.e1«>od, ari•ing out of the enforc...nt of the proviaion• of this Chapter, unl .. • auch claim hu fir•t been aubaitted to the ••"id Board of Adjustment and ADDeala in the ••nn•r herein provided. lllA.l-3 Adoption of Rulea and R!l!lationa '1'h• Board ahall adopt rule• and regulationa d•-d neceaaary for the proper and effective •forc-ent of the proviaion3 of thia Chaptez-and for proc:eeclinga before it ariaing out of the enforc-ent of thia Chapter. Such rules ad regulation• ahall be conaiatent with the proviaiona of thia Chapter and the atandarda eatabliahed herein and ahall be promulgated in publiahed form and made available for purchu• by anyone wiahing to acquire ••e, provided, however, that three (3) copi•• of aaid Rule• and a.gulationa ahall be kept on file in the office of the Secretary of the Board of Adjuatment and Appeal• and ahall be open to public inapection. lllA.3-4 Variance 'lh• Board may authorise, upon appeal in apecific caaea, and subject to tezma and conditiona fixed by th• Board, auch variance from the terms of this Chapter or the rul• and regulation• adopted purauant hereto, •• will not adversely affect th• public health, when, owing to exceptional and extraordinary circumstances, literal enforc-•t of applicable proviaiona will reault in unnecesaary hardship to the appellant. 'l'h• burden of proof ahall be · upon th• appellant to show by clear and convincing evidence thats (a) 'l'h• variance will not aubatantially or pezmanently injure the appropriate uae of the other portion• of the dwelling involved, or other property r and (b) 'th• variance will be in harmony with the apirit and purpose of this Chapterr and (c) 'th• variance will protect, preaerve, and promote the physical and mental health of the people of th• City of Bnglewood in the same ••nn•r and to th• •-• extent u 1«>Uld literal enforcement of the proviaiona applicable to each particular cue. In no event ahall any variance granted by th• Board conatitute, or be construed as, a precedent, ground or cauae for any other variation or modification by the Board. 'lb• Board'• DC>Wer to vary or modify ahall be atrictly conatrued. lllA.3-5 Repreaentation at BearinG At any hearing, any party may appear in peraon or by a repreaentative of hi• chooaing. lllA.3-6 llinutea of the Board ft• Board shall keep minute• of ita proceeding• ahowing the vote of each a-her upon each queation or, if abaent or failing to vote, indicating auch fact, and ahall keep record• of ita exami.nationa and other official actiona. The record of an appeal to the Board ahall include the Board'• deciaion, and ita findings of fact and concluaiona of law. lllA.3-7 Deciaiona Baaed on Pindinsa Bvery deciaion ahall be baaed on f indinga of fact and every finding of fact ahall be aupported in the record of the hearing. All teatimony •hall be preaented publiclyr provided, however, that th• Board ahall not take notice of any fact and ahall not conaider the peraonal knowledge of any member unle•• the fact of which notice ia taken ia mad• a part of the record, and unl••• the peraonal knowledge of the Mmber ia pna•ted publicly •• teatimony by auch member. llJA.3-8 Vote of Pour !!quired to Revera• Deciaion or Grant Variance 'lb• concurring vote of four (4) -i>era of the Board ahall be necessary to reverae any order, requirement, deciaion or detezmination of the Chief Building Inapector, or any authorised deaignH, or to decide in favor of granting a variance from the atrict application of th• proviaion• of thi• Chapter. lllA.3-9 B•arincr sx .. iner 'lb• Board llllY deaignat• on• or more of ita own members to act as a Bearing sx .. iner. Upon the approval of City council, and within the limits of the appropriation• therefor, the Board may be provided with a Bearing Examiner, stenog- rapher and auch other mployHa u shall be neceaaary to carry out the terms and functiona of thi• Chapter. 'th• Board may delegate to the Bearing lbcaminer'"th• - hearing of all -tten, appeal• and cu•• which the Board can hear under the pro- viaiona of thia Chapter. Said Bearing Bxaainer ahall hear all teatimony and prepare a written atatwnt of hi• finding• and recCll"Mndationa to the Board. The Board ahall review all matter• contained in the record and conaidered by the Bearing sx .. tner u ••t forth in hi• written findinga, and thereupon make a final decision and detendnation. 'the Board may approve, modify or reject the written findings and recc endationa of the Bearing Bxaminer. lllA.3-10 Final ()rder If no appeal i• takm, the notice iaaued by the Chief Building Inspector, or any authorised deaignee, ahall becon. a final order when the time for appeal to the Board baa elapaed. Any auch final order of th• Board may be enforced in any Court of competent juriadiction, after the time for compliance with such order baa elapaed. I I I :1 t13A.3-11 Judicial Review Any per80D aggrieved by a final deciaion of the Board may seek relief therefrc:m in a Court of cc:mpetent juriadiction within thirty (30) days thereof. 113A.4 llBCORDillG or .:>TICBS, ORDBRS AllD DBCISIORS 113A.4-1 1!c9rdiD9 of ltoticea and Order• Whenever the Chief Building Inapector, or any authorized designee, issues a notice of violation in accordance with ll3A.2-3 (a) or an order to vacate in .ccordance with 113A.2-3 (c), and no appeal therefrca i• taken to the Board of Adjuatllent and Appeal• within the tille liait• •et therefore, the Chief Bullding Inapector or any authorised de•iCJD .. , ia hereby authorized, in his discretion, to cauM to have recorded with the Clerk and Recorder of the county of Arapahoe a aworn certificate certifying that auch a notice or order has been given and that the defect or •ub•tandard condition ha• not been corrected. If an appeal i• taken to the Board of Adjuatllent and Appeal• frca any auch notice or order, and auch notice or order i• affirmed and auatained by the Board, the Secretary of the Board -y, upon the direction of the Board, cauae to have a similar sworn certificate ao recorded, which certificate •hall contain, in addition to a deacription of the defect or aubatandard condition involved, a awmnary of the deciaion of the Board and the date of auch deciaion. 113A.4-2 l!l•tM of llOtic•• and Order• When the defect or aubatandard condition upon which any notice or order i• baaed ha• been corrected and aati•factory proof of such correction shall have been preMnted to the Chief Building Inapector, or any authorized designee, he ahall execute a certificate atteating to that fact and, in those cases where a certificate ha• b .. n recorded, a aworn certificate certifying to such correction ahall be recorded with the Clerk and Recorder of Arapahoe county, provided, however, that the coat of recording all certificate• of defects and certificates of correction ahall be the reaponaibility of the peraon requesting the issuance of a certificate of correction and no auch certificate •hall iaaue until all recording coat• incident to the certificate of defect and certif:icate of correction ha• been paid by the per80D ... king the iaauance of auch certificate. 113A.4-3 B!cordi99 of Variance• Whenever the Board of Adjuatment and Appeal• •hall, pursuant to the authority granted to it by thi• Chapter, grant a variance from the specific teraa of thia Chapter, a notice of the granting of auch variance, which shall atate th• nature, tenaa and condition• of th• variance granted, •hall be recorded with the Clerk and Recorder ·of the County of Arapahoe by the Secretary of the Board. '1'h• expenae for the recording of auch notice •hall be borne by the applicant therefore and no deciaion of the Board which grant• auch a variance aball becale final or effective until auch coat• •hall have been paid •. 113A.5 PmL'l'Y POR VIOLATIQR '1'h• violation of any proviaion of thi• Chapter ahall be deemed to be a violation of a municipal ordinance and any peraon guilty of a violation may, in additicm to aubjecting hilaaelf or heraelf to auch other penalties or remedies contained herein, be proaecuted in the Municipal Court of the City of Englewood and ahall be aubject to thoM fin•• and other penaltie• a• may be imposed for a violation of thi• Code pur•u8"t to the proviaion• of Chapter 27 of this Code. 113A.6 APPLICATIOll AllD C<»IPLIAllCB 113A.6-1 U»lawful Occupancy Ro peraon •hall occupy or let to another for occupancy any dwelling unit or roaaing unit which doe• not ca.ply with th• proviaiona of this Chapter. lllA.6-2 Application of Proviaiona All dwelling• now in exiatence or hereafter constructed shall be .. intained in accordance with the proviaiona of thi• Chapter and amendments heretor provided, however, that dwelling• hereafter conatructed shall be main- tained in accordance with applicable proviaiona of Chapter 13 governing such conatruction when th• proviaiona of Chapter 13 .. t forth a more stringent atandard and are in conflict with correaponding proviaion• of this Chapter. l13A.7 RBSPOllSIBILUIBS OP OllBBRS AllD OCCUPAll'l'S lllA.7-1 G!ft•ra1 ReaponaibilitY '1'h• owner of a dwelling •hall be reaponaible for ccapliance with the proviaiona of thi• Chapter unl••• otherwiae apecifically aet forth herein. lllA.7-2 Shared and Public Ar••• '1'h• owner of a dwelling containing more than two (2) dwelling units ahall be reaponaibl• for -intaining in a clean, aanitary and atructurally sound condition the ahared or public area• of the dwelling and premises thereof. Said •hared or public area• •hall include, but not be limited to, areas used for garbage and rubbiah atorage, hall•, paaaagewaya, atairwaya, porches, yards, side- walk•, ba....at• or cellar• and any other area• which are, or may be, jointly uaed by the occupant• of two (2) or 110re dwelling units. lllA.7-3 A£••• controlled bx OCc:upant 'fh• occupant of a dwelling unit ahall keep in a clean and sanitary condition that part of the dwelling, dwelling unit and premises thereof which be occ:upiea or control•. A clean and aanitary condition shall mean free fran filth, garbage, debria, litter, decayed or decaying organic matter, dust gar- den80il, grea .. , anything offenaive to aight or amell, and anything that may .. rve aa an attractant, food or harborage for vermin, inaects and rodents. ll3A.7-4 l!!bbiah Diapoaal 'fhe occupant of a dwelling unit •hall diapoae of all his rubbish in a clean and aanitary .. nner by placing it in the rubbiah containers required by lllA.13-ll(c). A clean and aanitary manner of rubbish disposal shall be the placing of ccmbuatible and noncombuatible waate materials, household and yard debria, and aahea, but in no caae garbage, in approved rubbish containers in the dwelling unit which the occupant occupie• or in areas which are designated by the owner aa rubbiah storage areas. lllA.7-5 Garbase Diapoaal 'fh• occupant of a dwelling unit shall, in a clean·and sanitary manner, diapoae of all hia garbage and other organic waate which may serve as an attractant, food or hamorage for verain, insects and rodents, by placing it in the garbage diapoaal facilities or farbage storage containers required by ll3A.13-ll(f). A clean and sanitary manner of garbage disposal shall be the placing of animal and vegetable vaate reaulting frca handling, preparation, cooking or serving of food, but in no caae rubbiah, in approved garbage containers, grinders or gas-fired incinerators in the dwelling unit which the occupant occupies or in areas which are designated by the owner as garbage storage areas. ,lua. 7-6 Plumbing Maintenance I Bvery occupant of a dwelling unit 8hall keep all plumbing therein in a clean and sanitary condition and ahall be reaponaible for the exercise of reason- able care in the proper uae and operation thereof. A clean and sanitary condition ahall be the aaintenance and keeping of all plmlbing within the dwelling unit free II frcm filth, debris, garbage, litter, decayed and decaying organic matter, dust, l1 • garden 80il, grea .. , and anything offenaive to aight or •ell or anything that may aerve as an attractant, food or harborage for insects, vezmin 9r rodents. ' ., ',. .. 111A J 7•7 Bxtenaination Bvery occupant of a dwelling containing a aingl• dwelling unit ahall be reaponaible for the extend.nation of any insects, rodents or other peat• or venain thereon or on the pr9lli•••1 and every occupant of a dwelling unit in a dwelling containing more than one dwelling unit •hall be responsible for auch extend.nation whenever hi• dwelling unit is the unit primarily infested. llotvithatanding the foZ990ing provision• of this Section, whenever infestation i• cauaed by failure of the owner or operator to maintain the dwelling in a venain-proof or reaaonably insect-proof condition, extezmination •hall be the reaponaibility of the owner and operator. Whenever infeatation exists in two or aore dwelling unit• of any dwelling, or in the •hared or public parts of any dwelling containing two or aore dwelling units, extezmination thereof shall be the reaponaibility of the owner. lllA.8 llDDml SPACB UQUimlftS 113A.8-l Detenli.nation of Maximum Occupancy In dwelling unit•, the maximum number of occupants shall be limited to the nmlber detenli.ned on the baaia of the floor area• of habitable rooms, as followa1 (a) Bvery dwelling unit ahall contain at leaat one hundred fifty (150) aquare feet of floor apace for the first occupant thereof. (b) At leaat one hundred (100) additional square feet of floor space ahall be provided for every additional occupant of said dwelling unit1 provided, however, that nonhabitable area up to 10 per ·aant of the total habitable roca area shall be counted in determining the aaxillum peraiaaible occupancy of the dwelling unit. lllA.8-2 Jliniaua Ceiling Height At leaat on-half (1/2) of the floor area of every habitable roan shall have a ceiling height of at leaat aeven (7) feet1 the floor area of any space l :c. .. , ; I I II havin9 a ceilin9 heiCJht of le•• than five (S) feet, or the floor area of any closet or atoraige compartllent, ahall not be conaidered a• part of the floor area in com- putiDCJ the total floor area of the roan for the purpoae of determining the maximum peraiaaible occupancy of the dwelling unit. 113A.8-3 Prohibited Sleeping Area• It ahall be prohibited to uae for aleepin9 purpoae• any kitchen, non- babitabl• apace or public apace. ll3A.8-4 b-nt• or Cellar• a• Habitable Ar••• Bo baa ... nt or cellar apace ahall be uaed a• a habitable rOOlll, or •• a dwelliDCJ unit or rooming unit unle••s (a) !'be floor and wall• are iaperviou• to leakage of under9round and aurface run-off water1 (b) Said apace i• rodent-proof and vermin-proof, a• more apecifically .. t forth in 113A.13. (c) 'l'h• total 1110Unt of liCJht provided in each roan i• at leaat equal to th• ainiaua ..ount of li9ht, a• required in 113A.9. (d) Ventilation for aaid apace complie• with the requirement• Mt forth in 113A.91 and (•) '!he occupancy of aaid baa ... nt or cellar apace complies in all other reapect• with the proviaion• of thi• Chapter. 113A.9 llDfDltM LIGB'l'DG ABD VBRTILA'l'IOll RBQUIRBMBll'l'S 113A.9-l Lighting of Blbitabl• Roell• All habitable rOOlll• in dwellin9• •hall be provided with natural light through one or 110re window•, akylighta, tranaparent or translucent panels, or any CCllbinationa thereof, or by any other approved method of providing natural light to auc:h apace. Such habitable roan •hall have a minimum of ten (10) foot-candle• of natural dayli9ht illumination, meaaurable at the epicenter of the roaa, thirty (30) inch9• above floor level with an approved standard light -ter. lllA.9-2 Location of Windowa Windowa, akyliCJht•, tranaparent or tranalucent panels, used for providin9 natural liCJht or ventilation to any habitable roan, shall open directly on a atreet, court or yardr provided, however, that the Department may approve an indirect -an• of aupplyin9 ten (10) foot-candle• of natural light to habitable romaa without direct openin9• on the above-apecified areaa if that ventilation as required by llA.9-3 i• aupplied. · 113A.9-3 Ventilation of Babit!ble Rocm• At leaat one window or akyliqht or other mean• of providing natural liCJht to a habitable roan, a• required in 113A.9-l, •hall be easily openable, unl••• there i• acme other coapar"1:>le method of ventilating said habitable roan. 113A.9-4 Ventilation of Bathroc:ma and Water Cloaet Compartments Bvery bathroaa, and every water closet compartment shall have at least one openabl• window or akyliCJht facing directly to the outside in order to provide adequate ventilation1 provided, however, that bathroom• and water closet caapartllent• ventilated in accordance with 113A.9-9, may be provided with arti- ficial liCJht. lllA.9-5 Lial!ting of Cawa>n Ballwax•. Stairwax• and Pa••ageways C• on hallway•, atairwaya and paaaageway• in dwellings containing thr .. (3) or 110re dwellin9 unit• or rOC1Ding unit•, ahall be provided at all times with a llinillUll of a.o (2) foot-candle• of natural or artificial light measurable at th• center of such atairway, paaaageway or hallway at any point along its leDCJth, thirty inch•• above floor or tread level. 113A.9-6 Lia!!tina of Service Roell• and Private Stairway• All aervice roam• and private stairways shall be provided with natural or artificial li9ht of aufficient intenaity to allow the aafe use thereof. ll3A.9-7 Ventilation of Service Roam• All .. rvice rOClla ahall be provided with ventilation sufficient to provide for th• aafe use of aaid nonhabitable apace. Such ventilation shall be inatalled and llaintained in an approved 11anner. :1 I I havin9 a ceilin9 heiCJht of le•• than five (5) feet, or the floor area of any closet or ator-.ge c:ampartment, ahall not be conaidered aa part of the floor area in com- putiDCJ th• total floor area of the roam for the purpoae of determininq the maximum peraiaaible occupancy of the dwelling unit. 113A.8-3 Prohibited Sleeping Area• It ahall be prohibited to uae for aleeping purpoaes any kitchen, non- habitable apace or public apace. lllA.8-4 ...... nt• or Cellar• aa Habitable Area• •o baa ... nt or cellar apace ahall be uaed a• a habitable room, or as a dwelling unit or rOOllinq unit unleaa1 (a) 'fhe floor and wall• are impervioua to leakaqe of underqround and aurface run-off water1 (b) Said apace ia rodent-proof and vermin-proof, as more apecifically aet forth in 113A.13. (c) t'h• total 11DOUnt of liCJht provided in each room is at least equal to the ainimum mDOUnt of liqht, aa required in 113A.9. (d) Ventilation for aaid apace complie• with the requirements Mt forth in 113A.91 and (•) t'h• occupancy of aaid baaement or cellar apace complies in all other reapecta with the proviaiona of this Chapter. 113A.9 llUDUI LIGBTIBG ARD Vlll'l'ILA'l'IOR RBQUIRBMDTS lllA.9-1 Lighting of Habitable Roaaa All habitable rOCllla in dwellinqa •hall be provided with natural liqht through one or 110re window•, akyliqhta, tranaparent or tranalucent panels, or any ccmbinationa thereof, or by any other approved method of providinq natural liCJht to auc:h apace. Such habitable room ahall have a minimum of ten (10) foot-candle• of natural dayliqht illumination, meaaurable at the epicenter of the roca, thirty (30) inchea above floor level with an approved standard liqht •eter. 113A.9-2 L9cation of Windowa Windowa, akyli9hta, tranaparent or tranalucent panels, used for providin9 natural light or ventilation to any habitable room, •hall open directly on a atreet, court or yardr provided, however, that the Department may approve an indirect -an• of aupplying ten (10) foot-candle• of natural liqht to habitable rocaa without direct openin9a on the above-apecified areaa if that ventilation as required by 13A.9-3 i• aupplied. · lllA.9-3 Ventilation of Habitable Roca• At leaat one window or akyliCJht or other mean• of providinq natural light to a habitable rOClll, aa required in 113A.9-l, •hall be eaaily openable, unl••• there ia 8Cll8 other cc:mDarll{ble aethod of ventilatinq aaid habitable room. 113A.9-4 Ventilation of Bathroaaa and Water Cloaet Compartments Bvery bathrOCll, and every water cloaet caapartment shall have at least one openabl• window or akylight f acinq directly to the outside in order to provide adequate ventilation1 provided, however, that bathroom• and water closet c:aapartllenta ventilated in accordance with 113A.9-9, may be provided with arti- ficial light. lllA.9-5 Liahting of Cc oin Hallwaya, Stprwaya pd Paaaagewaya Cc on hallway•, •tairway• and pa••agewaya in dwellinqs containinq three (3) or 110re dwellinq unit• or rooming unit•, •hall be provided at all times with a mniawa of two (2) foot-candle• of natural or artificial liqht measurable at the center of auch atairway, paaaagMfay or hallway at any point alonq its leDCJth, thirty inch•• above floor or tread level. lllA.9-6 Lighting of Service ROCll• and Private Stairwax• All ••rvice rOCllla and private atairwaya •hall be provided with natural or artificial liqht of aufficient intenaity to allow the aafe use thereof. lllA.9-7 Ventilation of Service ROClll• All Mrvice rocma ahall be provided with ventilation sufficient to provide for the •afe u .. of •aid nonhabitable •pace. Such ventilation shall be inatalled and maintained in an approved aanner. lllA.9-8 Other ven•ilation R!q!lir ... nt• (a) Space• in aultiple dwelling• which contain central heat producing, air conditioning and other equipment, •hall be ventilated to the outer air, and air frc11 theae apace• ahall not be re-circulated to other parts of the building. (b) Ventilation ahall be provided in unheated attics, spaces below flat roof• and crawl space•. Location and net areas of ventila- tion opening• ahall be auch as to minimize deterioration of atructural •-.bera fram condensation or other causes. 113A.9-9 llec:h19ica1 Ventilation Por the purpoae of determining campliance with the ventilation require- .. nt• of thia Chapter, an approved ayatem of mechanical ventilation installed and llaintained in a aafe 111nner will be acceptable in lieu of openable windows. Such ayat .. of ventilation ahall be capable of providing not leas than two (2) changes of air per hour, except that in bathroam• and water clo•et compartments such ay•t .. •hall be capable of exhauating not le•• than twenty-five (25) cubic feet of air per llinute. lllA.10 llDIDlml STNIDARDS POR BLllC'l'RZCAL BQUIPMBllT 113A.10-l CcapulfOrY Blectrical Inatallation Bvery dwellin9 ahall be connected to electrical power. lllA.10-2 llectric Light• and Outlet• in Habitable Room• Bvery habitable rOOlll •hall contain at lea•t two (2) supplied electrical convenimc• outleta, which outlet• ahall be no leaa than ten (10) lineal feet fran one another .. aaured along the baseboard line, or one •uch convenience· outlet and one aupplied electric light fixture. lllA.10-3 Blectric Li91!t• and Outlet• in llonhabitable Space Bvery water cloaet ccapartllent, bathroam, laundry room and furnace room ahall contain at leaat one aupplied electric light fixture and one electrical con- venience outlet. C~ on hallwaya, atairvaya and pa••aqewaya shall be provided with light fixture•, aufficient in number to aupply the minimum liqhting required by lllA.9-5. lllA.10-4 lxit Lighta In •ultiple dwellin9• having a mean• of eqreaa camnon to more than two dwelling unit• or rOOlling unit•, every exit doorway •hall be provided with an exit light having letter• at leaat four (4) inch•• high. 'l'he letters of such aign ahall be white on green field. All exit light• ahall be installed in such a •anner ao that th• lettering, indicatinq •exit• can be •een fran any angle. 'fh• Chief Building Inmpector, or any authorized deaignee, shall have the authority to require additional exit light• whenever nece•s~y to provide for the aafety of th• occupant• and othera. lllA.10-5 Inatallation Requirement• Blectrical Wiring and equipaent •hall be so in•talled as not to be a potential source of ignition of cCllbu•tible material or a potential source of electrical hazard. Blectrical wirinq and equipnent shall be secured in an approved •anner to th• aurface on which it ia mounted. lllA.10-6 unaafe OUtleta and Wiring All non-atationary outlets, make•hift outlets that have at any time been added to the building without reqard to the total circuitry, tacked extension cording, and •akeahift wiring ahall be con•idered unsafe and unlawful. No exten- aion cord frca any electrical convenience outlet ahall extend or pass from one roa11 into another or be located where foot traffic passes directly over said exten•ion cord. lllA.10-7 Loc:ation of Blectrical Wiring and Bguipaent llectrical wiring and equipment inatalled in damp or wet locations or where exposed to exploaive or fl.,..able ga•ea, or to excessive temperatures, shall be of a type approved for that purpo•e and location. ll3A.10-8 Service Bntrance Capacity and Branch Circuits Service entrance facility shall be of an approved type and a sufficient •iae to carry the full-caaputed load. Bach outlet and electrical fixture shall be I provided with a .. rvic• capacity •ufficient for typical loads to such outlets and 1 . .·· fixturea, and ahall be provided with aufficient numbers of branch circuits to 11 carry full power to appliance• aerved by •uch fixtures and outlets. 1 ; ' ~ 11 I II 113A.10-9 Protection A9ainat Bxceaaive eurrent Blectrical wiring and equipment ahall be protected against excessive current by properly rated overcurrent devicea. lllA.10-10 Protection of Wiring and Bquipaent Blectrical wiring and equipment ahall be grounded and otherwise protected by inaulation, iaolation, or guarding •o a• to minimize the danger of high voltage• froa lightning or other cauaea. lllA.10-11 Protection Agfin•t Arca or Spark• Blectrical equipment which in ordinary operation produces arcs or •park• ahall be encloaed unle•• aeparated and iaolated from all combustible exploaive and fl ... able material•. lllA.10-12 Defective Maintenance or Repair Prayed and expoaed wiring, wiring unprotected by proper conduit or covering, fixture• in diarepair, and wiring or fixture• repaired in makeshift faahion ahall not be pemitted. lllA.10-13 Pull-chain• Prohibited Blectrically conductive pull-chain• •hall not be permitted in any kitchen, bathroom, ahower roan, water cloaet compartment, or laundry roan. 113A.10-14 L9cation of Service Bquipaent and Overcurrent Protection Devices Service equipment and overcurrent -protection devices shall be inatalled and llaintained in a readily acceaaible location and not closer than three (3) f .. t to any plmlbing or other grounded object. ll3A.ll llIRDlml ftAllDAIU>S POR WAHR SUPPLY AID> PRO'l'BCTI<ll DEVICES 113A.ll-l Potable Water Supply Potable water from an approved aource •hall be available at all time• in all dwelling•. The d01Deatic water aupply system of the dwelling ahall be connected to auch approved aource, and •hall not be subject to con- tallination. 1'hen aupplied from a public source, the potable water supply system •hall not be connected to private or unaafe water aupplies. 113A.ll-2 Private Water Supply Syat .. • Uhl••• otherwiae prohibited by the provision• of another applicable ordinance or atatute, private water supply ayatema •hall be constructed, installed and aaintained in accordance with the regulations of, and shall be approved as a aanitary aource of water supply by, the health department having jurisdiction over the area wherein the private water aupply,ia located. lllA.11-3 Deaign of Plumbing Pacilitie• Dwelling• and portions thereof ahall be provided with plumbing ayat... deaigned to diapoae of the aewage from all fixture• and to furnish cold water to every water cloaet and urinal, and hot and cold water to every sink, lavatory, bathtub, and ahower required therein. lllA.11-4 Volume and Preaaure Provided by Water Supply Systems. Water aupply ayatema •hall be inatalled and maintained so as to provide at all tille• a aupply of water to plumbing fixtures, devices and appurtenance• in aufficient volume and at preaaure• adequate to enable them to function aatiafactorily under all normal conditions of uae. lllA.11-5 Reintroduction into Domeatic Water Supply Water aupply ayat .. • •hall be deaigned, inatalled and maintained ao that water uaed for purpo••• of cooling or heating shall not be reintroduced into the dcaeatic water aupply ayatmaa nor be distributed through such equip- .. nt to plUllbing fixtures. 113A.ll-6 Water Supply Tank• Water aupply tank• •hall be conatructed, installed and maintained in accordance with the following provisionas (a) Water aupply tank• •hall be installed and maintained so as to be water- tight, vezainproof, rodentproof, reaiatant to corrosion, and capable of withatanding working preaaures under normal operation. (b) Support• for tank• ahall be of noncombuatible conatruction. (c) 'l'anka and their aupporta ahall not be uaed to aupport equipment or atructurea other than for tank uae, except .where specially designed for auch other uM. (d) Mean• for eaptying water aupply tank• ahall be provided and maintained in proper working condition. (e) Potable.water aupply tank• for dcmeatic aupply systems shall be installed and aaintained to furniah water in aufficient quantity and pressure for. such ayat .... lllA.11-7 Maintenance of Plumbing Syat .. a PlUllbing ayat .. a shall be maintained in a sanitary and serviceable condition, free from leaks and obstruction•. Plumbing syat .. s shall be main- tained ao aa not to weaken atructural members nor cause damage or deteriora- tion to any part of the building through fixture usage. lllA.11-8 Drainage of Plumbing Pixturea PlUllbing fixture• shall be drained to a aewage drainage system and auch ay•t-ahall be connected to a public aewer or to an ·adequate and approved ay•t-of aewage diapoaal. Where a public sewer is not available, a system ahall be provided to receive and diapoae of aewage without health hazard of nuiaanCM. Bach fixture directly connected to the aewage drainage system shall be equipped with a water aeal trap. '!he drainage ayatem and its attendant vent piping ahall be aaintained ao as to provide adequate circulation of air in all pipe• in order that aiphonage, aspiration, or preaaure will not cause a loss of trap aeal under ordinary conditions or uae. Rothing herein shall authorize a private ayat-of aewage diapoaal where the aame is prohibited under the provision• of any other applicable ordinance or statute. lllA.11-9 Private S!waqe Diapoaal Systmna. Private sewage disposal systems shall be constructed, installed and .. intained in accordance with the regulation• of, and shall be approved ~s a sanJ.tary aethod of sewage disposal by, the health department having juris- diction over th• area wherein the private sewage disposal system is located. Bo peraon ahall conatruct, keep, use or maintain any sewage vault, closet, privy, ceaapool or aeptic tank at any place within the City except in accordance with the proviaiona of other applicable ordinance• and atatutes. lllA.11-10 Cleanouta Adequate cleanouta ahall be provided and maintained so that the pipes .. Y be readily cleaned. lllA.11-11 Vent Tenli.nala Bach vent terainal to the outer air ahall be installed and maintained ao a• to ainillise the poaaibilitiea of clogging, frost closure, the return of foul air to the building, and the creation of a nuiaance to adjacent premises. lllA.11-12 Drain• Drain• provided for fixturea, devicea, appliances, or apparatus containing food, water, aterile good• or aimilar materials, shall be equipped with air breaks, adequate to prevent contaaination of such contents fran any poaaible backup of sewage through direct or indirect drainage piping. . 113A.12 llillIIUI BBA'l'IllG RBQUIRBllBlft'S lllA.12-1 General Requir ... nta Bvery dwelling shall have heating facilities which are installed in an approved aanner and are aaintained in safe and good working condition, and are capable of aafely and adequately heating all habitable rooms, bathrooms, water cloaet caapartllenta and laundry rocma located therein to a temperature of at leaat .. venty (70) degr .. a Fahrenheit when the outside temperature is ainua five (-5) degrH• Pahrenheit. 113A.12-2 S.oke Control Puel-burning, heat-producing equipment shall be installed and main- tained ao that the -i•aion or diacharg• into the atmoaphere of smoke, dust, particles, odors or other products of COllbuation will not create a nuisance or be detrillental to the health, comfort, aafety or property of any person. lllA.12-3 Prohibited Beating Device• unvented or open fl ... heatera, except fireplaces, shall be prohibited. lllA.12-4 Qa• Piping lvat ... Oaa piping ayat .. a ahall be installed and maintained so as to remain gaatight, aafe and operative under conditions of uae. Rubber tube or armoured I I . . . -· . •• I I rubber tube connection• •hall be prohibited on any gaa heating fixtures. All gas piping ayat... aball have at leaat one acceaaible .. an• for •hutting off all gas aupply and auch .. ana aball be llaintained in good operating condition. An easily .:ceaaible abutoff valve or cock aball be provided in the piping in close proximity to, and ahead of, every outlet for 9aa appliance•. lllA.12-5 Liqgid Puel tpd Solid Fuel Beatigg pevice• Bquii-ent for burning 80lid or liquid fuel ahall be connected to auitabl• cbteneya or flu•• and ahall not be connected to gaa vents. lllA.12-6 Puel-burni99 Space Beater• Puel-burning apace heater• •hall be pft>hibited in aleeping rooms and in rca1• normally kept cloaed, except apace heater• which have aealed ccmbuation chmn- bera, which take air frcm outaide the buildin9 and which are vented to the outaide. lllA.12-7 Gaa-fired lq!li1!9!nt Gaa-fired equipment ahall be properly connected to a •~itable chimney, flue or ga• vent. lllA.12-8 Safety Device• (a) Bquip19nt ca~l• of developing haaardoua preaaure• or temperature• ahall be provided with ••an• to relieve aafely auch preaaurea and t1nperaturea. (b) Control• for the aafe opera~ion of autcaatically operated heat produciDCJ equip19nt ahall be provided to function aa follow•1 When failure or interruption of fl .. e or ignition occur•, the fuel aupply •hall be cut off autc:aatic•lly. When a prede- tenained t parature or preaaure ia exceeded, the input of additional heat •hall be prevented or reducecS to a aafe rate. When the water level in a ate .. boiler ~rop• below a pre- detenained level, the fuel aupply ahall be cut .off automatically. When failure or interruption of pilot light or aain burner of liquefied petrolewn ga• equipment occura, the fuel aupply to each pilot light and aain burner ahall be cut off automatically. lllA.12-9 G!fttra1 l!q!!ir ... nta for"c::hillneya, Flut• apd Ga• Vent• (a) Chianeya, flue• and gaa vent• •hall be conatructed, installed and aaintained in a aafe, durable, m10ke-ti9ht and noncanbuatible •anner. Puel-burning equipaent and fireplace• located in different tenancit• ahall not be connected to the •-flue. (b) Chianeya, flu•• and 9a• vent• and their aupporta •hall be capable of withatandin9 the action of flue gaa without aoftening, cracking, corEOding, . or •palling. , . (c) llaaonry chillneya, except approved prefabricated chianeys, shall have noncc:mbuatible foundation•. . . (d) Opening• for amoke pipe 9r gaa vent connec~iona •hall be provided with .. an• for •••Y connection without reatriction of ~lue. (•) Ro flue ahall have mDOke pipe or gaa vent connections in more than one atory of a building, unleaa proviaion is aade for effective incaabuatible cloaing device• to ahut off unuaed connections. (f) lla80nry chianeya that are unlined •hall have acceaaible cleanouta, which cleanout• •hall not ~· located rn crawl spaces or leas than 12 inch•• below the loweat flue vent opening. lllA.12-10 Spark Arr••t•r• A chianey or flue connected t9 an incinerator and a chimney or flue which -Y emit •parka, •hall be provided with a •park arreater of nonccmb1i1stible conatruction. Spark arreatera •hall have aufficient total clear area to permit unreatricted paaaage of flue gaaaea. Opening• in apark arreaters shall be of auch aiae a• to prevent paaaage of ember• and to ainimize clogqing by soot. lllA.12-11 Incinerator• Incinerator• •hall be of adequate capacity for the intended use: shall be conatructed, inatalled and aaintained in a aafe, durable and noncanbuatible aanner1 and •hall be uaed in confozaance with all applicable local and State air pollution control atatutea, ordinance• and regulation•. lllA.12-12 Inata1lation and Clearance Bvery gaa appliance aball be located with reapect to building construc- tion and other equipaent ao •• to peaait ace••• to the appliance. Sufficient clearance aball be -intained to peaait cleaning of heating aurfacea: the replace- aent of filter•, blower•, aotora, burner•, control• and vent connections: the '" '• 14: lubrication of 110ving part• where requiZ9d and the adjuataent and cleaning of burner• and pilotar provided, however, that where any heat producing equipment ia inatalled on, or adjacent to, COllbuatible aateriala, the location, inaula- tion, clearance and the control of the equi199nt ahall be auch that the temper- ature on the aurface of the cOllbuatible material• will not exceed a safe t .. perature. ll3A.13 * lll STAllDUDS POR BASIC BQUIPMBllT AID> PACILI'l'IBS 113A.13-l Kitchen Sink Bvery dwelling unit ahall contain a kitchen aink therein, in good working condition and properly connected to an approved water and sewer system. Said kitchen aink ahall be located and designed excluaively for the washing of utenaila and for the preparation of food, and ahall be located in an area or roma uaed for cookery. Stone and concrete laundry tuba, lavatory basins or bathtub• •hall not be acceptable aubatitutea for kitchen ainka. The required kitchen •ink ahall be of ••11111••• conatruction with rounded internal angles and corner•, and •hall be of lllOOth conatruction, unbroken and free from cracks, eaaily cleanable and iapervioua to water and greaae. 113A.13-2 Cooking Pacilitiea Bvery dwelling unit ahall contain, in a roan uaed for cookery, cooking equipment ao conatructed, inatalled and aaintained that it will function safely and effec:tivelyr gaa burning cooking equipment ahall be permanently fastened and connected in place. Ga• aupply connection to auch equipaent ahall be made of approved rigid or ... i-rigid pipe or tubing, the connection ahall not pass throagh a partition and ahall not be dented or kinked. Solid fuel-burning equip- -nt ahall be appropriately vented. Portable cooking equipaent employing flame ia prohibited. lllA.13-3 Refrigeration Bq!liJP!nt Bvery dwelling unit, when occupied, ahall contain appropriate refrigera- tion equiiaent in proper working condition, capable of maintaining a temperature of fifty (50) degree• Pahrenheit or le•• under normal operating conditions. lllA.13-4 Maintenance of Cooking and Refrigeration Bquipaent Ga• cooking rangea, plate• and refrigerators shall be installed free fraa leak•, or other defect• that would render them a hazard to occupants, and all orifice•, burner• and control• •hall be kept in aound condition and good repair, and in no caae constructed, installed or maintained in a manner that would perait carbon 11e>noxide production during operation. lllA.13-5 L!•atorx Blain• Bvery dwelling unit, except as otherwiae permitted under 113A.13-8, aball contain within it• wall• a lavatory baain in good working condition and properly connected to an approved water and aewer ay•t-and located in the .... roaa •• the required fluah water cloaet or aa near to that room as practi- cable. Said lavatory baain ahall be deaigned, intended and located exclusively for peraonal cleanaing. Stone and concrete laundry tuba and sinks used as kitchen ainka ahall not be .cceptable aubatitutea for lavatory baaina. Lavatory basin nrf.cea ahall be of aooth conatruction, unbroken, eaaily cleanable and imper- vioua to water and qreaae. lllA.13-6 Pluab Water Cloaeta Bvery dwelling unit, except •• othervi•• peraitttld in ll3A.13-8, shall contain a roaa which afford• privacy to a peraon within aaid roan, and which is equipped with a fluah water clo .. t in good working condition and properly connected to an approved water and aewer ayatea. Such fluah water cloaet shall have an integral water ... 1 trap and be provided with an integral fluahing rim constructed ao aa to fluah th• entire interior of the bowl. Pan, valve, plunger, offset, waabout, latrine, froat-proof hopper and other water cloaeta having an invisible .. ai or an unvmted •i-c•, or having interior wall• which are not thoroughly waabed ate.ch diacharge .•r• prohibited. Direct fluah valve• connected to water cloaeta ahall be equipped with vacuum brakera. Water cloaet• shall have smooth, iapervioua, eaaily cleanable aurface• free frClll cracks, breaks, leaks and makeshift repaira. Water cloaeta ahall be ·~ with •••t• and covers of smooth material, illperviou• to water. lllA.13-11 Storage and -..oval of Rubbi•h and Garbage Bvery dwelling unit •hall have adequate, safe and sanitary facilities for the atorage or di•po•al of all rubbiah, aahea, garbage, and other waste. All aach atorage or diapoaal f.ciliti•• ahall be of an approved type and have an approved location. (a) All caabuatible and non-cCllbuatible waate material, household and yard debris and aahea •hall be stored in auch a manner as to be inoffenaive to aight and ... 11 and in a manner and condition which is not conducive to the propagation and har- borage of rodent• and inaect• or to the creation of fire or any other hazard. I ii I I I I •( (b) A•h•• •hall be atored only in .. tallic or earthen containers provided by the owner. (c) Rubbiah ahall be atored in 80und, aturdy, rodentproof containers conatructed of aetal or equivalent nonabaorbent material and ahall have tight-fitting lida. Rubbiah containers shall be provided in aufficient aize and number ao that rilbbish does not accumulate in other than approved receptacle•. (d) Garbage •hall not be placed in aah pita or rubbish containers. (•) Loo.. garbage or rubbiah •hall not be atrewn about on the floor of any ba .... nt or cellar or any other part of any dwelling, or on the ground aurrounding any dwelling. (f) GU:bage container• •hall be fly-tight, waterproof and rodent- proof with tight-fitting lid•. llo lye, aahea, poison, broken diahea, bottle•, glaaa, cana, or other rubbiah shall be depoaited within gad>age container•. Garbage containers ahall be aupplied in auf f icient aize and number ao that garbage doe• not acCUlllulate in other than approved containers. (9) Ga•-fired incinerator• inatalled in conforaity with the Chapter 13 of the Municipal COd• aay aerve a• approved food waate diapoaal equii-ent. Pood waate grinder unit• aay .. rve aa approved auppl...ntary food waate diapoaal devices. lllA.13-12 Supelied Paciliti••· BquiJ?P!l!t and Utilitie• Bvery aupplled facility, piece of equipaent, or utility shall be so conatructed and inatalled that it will function aafely and effectively, and ahall be maintained in a aafe and aanitary manner. lllA.13-13 praiDll! All rain water ahall be 80 drained and conveyed fran every roof and away frm every foundation 80 aa not to cauae dmpne•• in baaementa or in walls, ceiling• or floor• of any dwellin9, or eroaion of exterior wall surfaces. lllA.13-14 Q!neral Sanitary Condition of Pr.U.••• All interior and exterior portion• of dwelling•, and structures or buildin9a appurtenant thereto, and the prani••• on which •aid dwellings and appurtenant atructurea are aituate, ahall be aaintained in a aafe and sanitary •anner. lllA.13-15 Op!n Ar••• (a) Surface and aubaurface water ahall be appropriately drained to protect building• and atructure• and to prevent development of atagnant pond•. Gutter•, culvert•, catch baain•, drain inleta; atora water aewera, approved combined atom and aanitary aewera or other aatiafactory drainage syatem• shall be utilized where neceaaary. (b) Pence• and other ainor construction• ahall be aaintained in aafe and aubatantial condition. (c) Step•, walk•, driveway•, parking apace• and similar paved area• ahall be aaintained 80 a• to afford safe passage under noraal u•• and weather conditiona •• (d) Yard• and court• •hall be kept clean and free of physical huard• and fire hazard•. (•) Heavy undergrowth• and accumulation• of plant growth which are noxioua or detriaental to health •hall be eliminated. (f) Scrap motor vehicle• and other accumulations of refuse or rubbi•h •hall be eliminated. lllA.13-16 laf••tatioa Ground•, building• and atructurea •hall be maintained free of vermin and rodent harborage and infeatation. Method• uaed for exterminating vermin and rodent• ahall confora with generally-accepted practice. 113A.13-17 Dclleatic Animal• and Peta Dalle•tic animal• and pet• •hall be kept in a sanitary and appropriate manner: the pr-1••• ahall be kept free of aniaal excrement. ll3A.13-18 ScrHnina of poora. Windows and Other Openings During th• portion of each year when the Department finds it necessary to protect againat 110aquitoea, flies and other inaecta, which are of such kind and 16 occur in auch nUllber• aa to cauae a hazard to health, every door opening directly fftJll a dwelling to outdoor apace, and every window or other device with openings to outdoor apace, uaed or intended to be uaed for ventilation, shall be provided with a device to effectively prevent the entrance of such vermin. If screens are uaed, they ahall be free frcma rip•, tear• and holes. lllA.14 8ftUC'fUkAL COBDUICllS lllA.14-1 c;enera1 eopdition• (a) All dwelling• and building• and atructurea appurtenant thereto •hall be maintained ao a• to be capable of auataining safely their own weight and the load• to which they may be subject. (b) Building• •hall be aaintained ao that load• are transmitted to the aoil without undue differential aettlement, unsafe deforma- tion or 110v ... nt of the building or any structural part. (c) Building• •hall be aaintained ao that protection is provided for all atructural a911bera which aay become atructurally unsound if left unprotected. Cauaea of auch deterioration include, among other•, action of freezing and thawing, dampneaa, corrosion, wetting and drying, and teraitea and other deatructive insects. (d) Building• built in aoil which i• water bearing at any season of the year •hall be aaintained ao that ground and surf ace water will not penetrate into habitable apaces, basements and cellar•. lllA.14-2 Bxterior Protection Bvery foundation, exterior wall and roof •hall be aubstantially weathertight, watertight, and rodentproof, and ahall be kept in sound condition and good repair. All exterior wood aurface• •hall be adequately protected fran water -~ and againat decay. (a) Poundation wall•, exterior wall• and roof• and all appurtenances thereto ahall be free fraa bulgea, ahifting of .. terial• and looae material. Piere, coluana, poata and other below grade foundation members shall be aecurely placed and free frcma decay and break•. (b) Poundation wall• •hall be aaintained ao a• to prevent entrance of moisture, terait•• and venain, and rodent•, and the lo•• of heat. Such protection ahall conaiat where poaaible, of neceaaary ahoring, aubaoil drain•, drains at footing•, grouting of .. aonry crack•, waterproofing of walls and joists and other auitable mean•. (c) Bxterior wall• and wall caaponent• ahall be maintained ao a• to prevent deterioration due to the el ... nt• and deatructive inaecta, rodents and veaain. Such maintenance ahall conaiat of painting, inatallation or repair of wall•, coping• and flaahinga, waterproofing of joint•, water- proof coating•, inatallation or repair of teraite ahielda, poiaon treat- aent of aoil or other auitable meana. (d) Roofing ahall be aaintained in watertight condition ao a• to prevent leakage into the building. Such maintenance ahall conaiat of repairs of roofing, flaahinga, waterproof coating• or other auitable meana. lllA.14-3 Interior Protection Bvery floor, interior wall and ceiling •hall be kept in aound condition and good repair. Ploora, interior wall• and ceiling• and all appurtenance• thereto auch a• baae board•, aoldinga, door fr•••, etc. •hall be aecure and free frc:a hole•r crack•1 breaka1 d•pn•••r looae or peeling paint: plaater or wallpaperi eager bulg••r and uneven•••r or any other defect which voald permit harborage of inaecta and rodent• or cauae injury by tripping or by falling loo•• building aaterial. lllA.14-4 Crpl Space Crawl apace• ahall be maintained free of moiature and the flow of air fraa auch apace• into wall• above •hall be effectively barred so as to prevent deterioration of atructural aellbera. Such proviaiona •hall consist of maintenance of opmiinga in foundation wall• to provide adequate circulation of air in the crawl apace. lllA.14-5 Str!!ctura1 l.,'her• All atructural asrbnra •hall be aaintained ao a• to be structurally aound. Such protection ahall conaiat of ahoring, reinforcement, or repair where neceaaary, frequent deatruction of tenaite tube• or other appropriate ••an•. lllA.14-6 Maintenance of Chillner• and Plue• Chillneya and flue• ahall be aaintained ao a• to be structurally aoand md to prevent leakage of gaaea into the atructure. Such maintenance I l 1_ I II I I ahall conaiat of clearing flue atoppagea, •••ling open joints, repairing masonry where neceaaary and other auitable ••an•. lllA.14-7 Illperviou•n••• of Ploora and Wall• 'fhe wall• of every bathroom and water cloaet compartment shall, to a height of thirty-aix (36) inchea, conaiat of a 811DOth, eaaily cleanable and non- abaorbent .. terial. ftle floor• of every water cloaet compartment, bathroom, ahower roe. and kitchen •hall be constructed and aaintained ao as to be reasonably iapervioua to water, and auch floor• shall be kept in a clean and sanitary con- dition. All hole• cut in floor covering for the paaaage of plumbing fixtures or pipe• ahall be aealed to prevent the paaaage of water, rodents and vermin. lllA.14-8 Stairvaxa, Porche• and Appurtenance• Inaide and outaide atairvaya, porch•• and appurtenances thereto shall be ao conatructed a• to be aafe to uae and capable of aupporting the load that normal uae .. y cauae to be placed thereon1 and they •hall be maintained in aound condition and repair. Bvery inaide atairvay and every outside stairway att.:hed to a dwelling ahall be provided with handrail• securely fastened to the wall or to a aturdy baluatrade. Stairway• exceeding thirty-six (36) inches in width ahall have handrail• on both aidea1 provided, however, that every atairvay exceeding eighty-eight (88) inch•• in width •hall have intermediate handrail• aupported by a aturdy baluatrade. Band rail• shall be placed not le•• than thirty (30) inchea nor more than thirty-four (34) inches above the tread level. Band rail• need not be inatalled on atairwaya providing access to unused cellar or attic apace. ~read• and baluater• •hall be intact and of aturdy construction. Tread covering, if aupplied, •hall be firmly attached. lllA.14-9 In•ta1lation and Maintenance of Window• Windows •hall be aoundly and adequately glazed, free from loose or broken gla•• and crack• that could cauae phyaical injury to peraons or allow the el ... nta to enter the atructure or allow exceaaive heat loas from within. lllA.14-10 In•ta1lation and Maintenance of Bxterior Door• Bxterior door• •hall fit doorway openings in a manner which prevent• exceaaive heat lo•• and which prevent• the entrance of the elements and verain. ifhey ahall be maintained free frcm crack• or breaks. lllA.14-11 Inatallation and Maintenance of Baa ... nt Hatchways All ba .... nt hatchway• •hall be ao constructed as to prevent the entrance of the el....nt• and vermin and •hall be aaintained in a state to llinilli.u the danger of phyaical in~ury to occupant• of the premises. They •hall be ao conatructed that water •hall drain away from the hatchway. 113A.15 llDDml ftAllDARDS POR BGDSS lllA.15-1 lxit fr911 Dwelli1!51 Unit• Bvery dwelling unit ahall be provided with a means of egress leading to a nfe and open apace at ground level. Bgre•• •hall be unobstructed. Every inaide and outaide atairway, every porch and every appurtenance thereto ·shall be maintained and kept in aound condition and good repair. lllA.15-2 Pwelling• of Three or More Storie• All dwelling• of three or more atoriea with a dwelling unit occupying the third or higher atory ahall be provided with two aeparate, useable, unob- atructed .. an• of egre•• for each dwelling unit located above the second story. 'fb• exit faciliti•• frma auch dwelling unit• •hall lead to a public thorough- fare, either directly or through a court or yard which leads directly to a public thoroughfare. One of the above-required ••an• of egress may lead through another dwelling unit only if proper aeaaurea are taken to ensure that said -an• of egreaa will r-in unobatructed at all tilDea. lllA.15-3 19r••• frma Rooming Bou•e• Bvery rOClling houae •hall be provided with an unobstructed way for evr••• to a ••f• and open apace at ground level, and every inside and outside atairvay, every porch and every appurtenance thereto •hall be maintained and kept in sound condition and good repair. Door•, windows, corridors, stairways, fire e8Capea, r1111P• and paaaagewaya, ••rving a• ordinary or emergency exit rout•• •hall be fr .. of atored, diacarded or extraneoua material, and in no ca .. ahall auch route• be obatructed or locked to peraona within the building. T-.o or 110re separate route• of evr••• •hall be available at all tilDes to occupmtt• of each occupied floor in building• in which there is more than one roaming unit, provided that one of •aid route• .,Y be for emergency use only. Both of aaid route• •hall be equipped in auch a aanner a• to obviate the neceaaitt of jmaping or dropping to the ground in the event of fire. 18 lllA.15-4 19r••• fraa aa .... nt or Cellar Dwelling unit• or rooming unit• located in basements or cellars ahall be provided with a aafe egreaa route. ll3A.16 RDmlDIG AllD LODGDG BOUSBS '13A.16-l CJ!D•ral Proviaiona Bo peraon ahall operate a roming houae, or ahall occupy or let to another for occupancy any roming unit, except in compliance with all the applicable proviaiona of thia Chapter and the following provisions: lllA.16-2 Sanitary Pacilitiea 'there •hall be supplied at leaat one fluah water closet, lavatory baain and bathtub or ahower, properly connected to a water and sewer system in an approved unner ·:and aaintained in good working condition, for each 10 peraona, or fraction thereof, including the operator's family whenever they •hare the uae of aaid facilitiea. However, in a rooming house where rocma are let only to aalea, fluah urinal• aay be aubatituted for not more than one-half (1/2) of the required nWlber of fluah water closets. All such faciliti•• ahall be ao located within the dwelling aa to be reasonably acceaaibl• frc:m a cm o• hall or paaaageway to all peraona sharing such facilitiea. Reaaonably acceaaible •hall be de..ad aa being located on the .... or adjacent floor aa the roo111ing unit aerved and being accessible to all peraona aharing auch facilitiea without paaaing through any room of any other dwelling or rooming unit. Bvery lavatory baain and bathtub or shower ahall be supplied with hot water at all timea. lllA.16-3 Bed Linen and 'l'owel• 'ftie operator of every rocaing houae ahall supply a canplete change of freah bed linen and towel• therein at leaat once each week, and prior to th• letting of any roca to any occupant. 'fhe operator ahall be responsible for the llaintenance of all aupplied bedding and towels in a clean and sanitary aanner. lllA.16-4 Separation of aoa-tng unit• Rocming unit• ahall be aeparated fran each other and fran other apace• outaide the lodging unita. lllA.16-5 CCllllUllal Kitchen• and Dining Rooms COllllUnal kitchen or dining roca in a roaning house shall be acceaaible to th• occupant• •haring such kitchen or dining roan without going through a dwelling unit or lodging unit of another occupant. lllA.16-6 Bgr••• frcm Rooming unit Bvery rocaing unit ahall have approved, safe and unobstructed means of egreaa in accordance with the requirement• of 113A.15-3. aa&.16-7 IOGll• Occupied for Sleeping Purpoaea Bvery roan occupied for aleeping purpoaea by one person shall contain a ainillwl of Hventy (70) aquare feet of floor apace, and every roan occupied by 110re than one peraon ahall contain at leaat fifty (SO) aquare feet f~oor space for each occupant thereof. lllA.16-8 Reaponaibilitx of Operator 'lb• operator of every roaming houH ahall be responsible for the aanitary ll&intenanc• of all walla, floora, and ceiling•, and for maintenance of a aanitary condition in every other part of the rooming house and premises thereof. Clean and aanitary condition ahall be de .. ed as maintained free fran filth, debria, gad:»age, litter, decayed organic matter, duat, garden soil, greaae, and anything offenaive to aight or ... 11, or anything that may serve aa an attractant, food or harborage for verllin. lllA.16-9 Reaponaibility of OWner 11henever refiniahing of wall• or ceiling• ia required, the owner of any roc:ming houae ahall be reaponaible for the r..oval of, and ahall remove, all old wallpaper and cracked paint and ahall be further reaponaible to thoroughly clean all such wall• and ceiling• before re-decoration. lllA.16-10 Proviaiona Apelicable to Hotel• Bvery proviaion of thia Chapter which appliea to rooming houaes ahall alao apply to hotela, and in addition, every hotel where both aexea are accc odated ahall be provided with aeparate interior rooaa with fluah water cloaeta which romaa ahall be conapicuoualy aarked for each aex. I I I I :I I lllA.17 Should any part or portion of thi• Chapter be held or declared to be invalid by a court of ccapetent juriadiction, such holding or declaration shall not invalidate, or otherwiae affect, the remaining parts or portions thereof, it being the expreaaed leqialative intent of City Council that each and every vord, phraae, clauae and proviaion ia independent of, and severable from, each and every other word, phraae, clauae and provision contained herein." Pa•aed on Pir•t Reading by the City council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, thia 2nd day of Auguat, 1966, and ordered published in full in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae. Paaaed on Pinal Reading by the City Council of the City council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, thi• 15th day of Auquat, 1966, and ordered published in full in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae. _. -· Jlayof'" -c;;>' • Aft'BST1 I, Stephen A. Lyon, City Clerk-Treaaurer, City of Englewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foreqoing ordinance wa• introduced, read, paaaed and ordered published as a bill in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae at a regular meeting of the City council held on the 2nd day of Auguat, A.D. 1966, and that at least 7 days after above publication a• a bill the above ordinance waa approved, adopted and ordered published in aaid legal newpaper by the City Council at a regular meeting held on the 15th day of Auquat, A.D. 1966, of •aid City. city-cl.erk